Thursday, July 8, 2021

Biden Administration Wanst China To Assist In Talks With North Korea's Nuclear Weapons

North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un speaks with Chinese President Xi Jinping during a luncheon event also including Kim's wife, Ri Sol Ju, and Xi's wife, Peng Liyuan, in Pyongyang on June 22, 2019. © Korean Central News Agency 

 Newsweek: Biden Seeks Xi's Help with North Korea's Nuclear Weapons, China Asks U.S. to Hear Kim Out 

China has advised the United States to listen to North Korea and its grievances at a time when the leaders of the two allied Asian neighbors are emphasizing the growing ties between their nations. 

As President Joe Biden configures his approach to the nuclear-armed nation, his administration is seeking China's help in resolving the ongoing issue on the Korean Peninsula. 

The Chinese Foreign Ministry published a readout Tuesday of a July 6 telephone conversation between the Chinese government's special representative on Korean Peninsula Affairs, Liu Xiaoming, and U.S. special representative for North Korea Sung Kim.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The U.S. foreign establishment believes China can help the U.S. when it comes to North Korea .... China’s Strategic Competition Addiction Influences Negotiations With North Korea (National Interest). 

I do not share the Biden administration's confidence that China can help the U.S. when it comes to North Korea. 

Especially after I read this .... North Korea Refusing Entrance to Chinese Diplomats, Building Guard Posts Along Border (Newsweek).


Jac said...

This Biden administration naivety borders on stupidity.

Anonymous said...

tell us then,Jac, what you would suggest
fact: China assisted North Korea in the 1950 Korean War. Fact: China borders N. Korea and does not want unification with the south or Am forces would be on China Border. Fact: China supplies food etc to N. Korea. Fact: if you are to deal with the one you need also deal with the other too, ie China and North Korea

Anonymous said...

The stupidity is for the kool kids to believe that China would help at all.

Everything that China supplies to North Korea could be supplied by someone else, especially food.

But you know virtually everyone of those god damn Biden people did not take STEM or business.

They loaded up on public administration, international relations or worse.

China does not want US troops on its border cuz why? There are Russian troops on their border.

If China nor North Korea were belligerent, we could send those troops back home and save tens of billions.

Anonymous said...

454 ur comment is too stupid.

If North Korea gets a lot of food from China they worry that if China gets mad at them the food stops coming how do allay that fear? You sit down with the North Koreans and show your logistical plan to switch their food supply chain and how it will work. You show hard numbers. You PA & IR grads (?) are not going to do that.

Between a trade wars, Uighurs, Taiwan Taiwan straights, South China sea clashes with China and somehow the kool kids thought LULZ China will help us derrrr!

Expla9n 454 how the kool kids ever had a legitimate chance at China helping them? Go back to your porn.

Anonymous said...

fuck you anon and still lady-like sniping at me and my site because you have no friends and no self-esteem?
If we want to talk with North Korea, and China a big ally of N. K., then why not talk to both:? stop being such an asshole, lassie, and deal with the post and not me

Anonymous said...

5:51 of the manly man-like sniping, where is your proof that China will help us?

You do not have proof in the last 12 years. you do not have proof now and you will not have proof in the next 4 years.

I dealt with eh post and dealt with you.

at 454 you did not deal with the post. You just waved your hands a little and said the post was stupid. You provided no back up, no proof

Love those handwaving rebuttals by you. they show hi pt. of ur intellect

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't he just meet with Kim? Oh, never mind ... or, rather, no mind.

Anonymous said...

I never said, putz, that China "would help us."
I said we would do well to involve the Chinese since they are rational players and help N.K., and Kim is often off the wall and a calming ally might be useful
Now have your cookies and milk and go fuck yourself

Anonymous said...

I said we would do well to involve the Chinese since they are rational players and help

I said we would do well to talk about and then to try something I know damn well will never happen.


But by saying something really cool that I know will never happen sounds really, really groovy to CNN audience, MSNBC audience, Dan Rather, and college kids.

The Chinese are rational? You sure. I bet you say the same thing of the Russians from 1960 until now. The Russian have been at time barely rational. They were going to nuke the country of China until we told them to knock it off.

I don't think China is more rational than the Russians.

I do not think the US is rational. We have the emperor parading naked for crying out loud.

But at least President Dementia is smart enough to fly his son to Mexico on Air Force 2 to talk with Carlos Sim to get 1st dibs in the PEMEX privatization.

It is all copacetic. If Joe had flown Hunter to Mexico on Air Force 1 that would be illegal, but it is okay, because he used Air Force 2. See the difference?

Anonymous said...

great way to cover up those billions in payments to the hunter account.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


fred said...

If this if that
Bs and no proof
Judt silly assertions

Anonymous said...

Just behave like you did for four years, it's fun Lapides.

Anonymous said...

If the if that la de da ... couldn't use a calculator to save my life

Imagine you are on a high school debate team and the opposing high school debate team comes to debate and they are all grade schoolers.

That is what it is like when a certain someone replies to you.

Okay not really, the grade schoolers would have better reasoning and math skills than that someone.

fred said...

Some old tiresome crap from bookkeeper

Anonymous said...

Call your ex-student Fred, he's waiting!