Friday, July 23, 2021

Blowback On President Biden's Wednesday Night's CNN Town Hall Continues


Daily Mail: 'The experts say we know that this virus is, in fact, uh, um, uh, it's going to be, or excuse me': Biden loses his thoughts on vaccines, flubs answer on his foreign policy work and falsely tells town hall you WON'T get COVID if you have the shot 

* President Joe Biden stumbled through Wednesday night's CNN town hall when he issued a series of gaffes, lost thoughts and false statements 

* 'You're OK. You're not going to – you're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations,' Biden falsely assured 

* He also said no vaccinated individuals will be hospitalized, sent to the ICU or die 

* Biden repeatedly gave confusing, misleading and non-linear answers when discussing masks, national security issues and COVID-19 vaccine approval 

* There are breakthrough cases of coronavirus in vaccinated individuals, and some cases result in death – thought the rate much higher in the unvaccinated 

* Biden revealed unvaccinated children, including all those under 12, will have to wear masks in school when CDC releases new guidance 

* He is optimistic vaccines will soon be approved for children under the age of 12 

Joe Biden overinflated the efficiency of vaccines, especially against the Delta variant, during his gaffe-filled town hall on Wednesday where he claimed the jab will prevent Americans from contracting coronavirus. 

'We're not in the position where we think that any virus, including the Delta virus, which is much more transmissible and more deadly in terms of unvaccinated people, the – the various shots that people are getting now cover that,' Biden said during a CNN town hall in Cincinnati, Ohio on Wednesday. 

'You're OK,' he assured. 'You're not going to – you're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.'  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I just have to laugh. And what makes me laugh even more is that his supporters are oblivious to what is happening.  

Update: I am surprised that 1.4 million watched this train wreck .... CNN's half-empty town hall with Joe Biden brings in just 1.4million viewers - more than a million fewer than Fox News' regular programming (Daily Mail).


RussInSoCal said...

/Remember when the big bad orange man made a typo on twitter?

You can only imagine the 24/7/365 shrieking coverage of "Trump's Dementia" had he ever blurted an incoherent word salad like this.

Anonymous said...

I remember Trump losing by 7 million votes back in November and losing to Biden.

See when you lose in a contest, you are a loser.

If you voted for the loser, then by extension you, too, are a loser.

Anonymous said...

Except if that contest was rigged against you in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Trump lost; prove otherwise

Anonymous said...

"If you voted for the loser, then by extension you, too, are a loser."

Circumstantial ad hominem
Appeal to accomplishment
Association fallacy

5:46 you are just full of fallacies today as you are every day. Troll much?

Chinese shills have to get up early to try to set the table.

Anonymous said...

blah blah blah
Trump lost; Biden won; Biden remains popular in numbers Trump never had in 4 years. Simple. Fact. prove otherwise

Unknown said...

In one way its funny. Living in the 21st century is just like living in a Mel Brooks or Monty Python movie. On the other hand with Biden in charge, apparently, I have the feeling that we are closer to a nuclear war at any time since 1983. Americas enemies are watching... Keep ducking 🙈

Anonymous said...

It must have been a restless night and 828 already looked up his 1st batch of free porn. After much eyeballing his passion is up and he wants to fight.

Anonymous said...

Reason people watch a train wreck:

1.) Schadenfreude
2.) Some people love watching train wrecks.
3.) Pundits. They have to keep up on politics although some of the politicians are complete waste cases. In short it is their job.
4.) Party faithful, who have the stupidity and loyalty of a Heaven's Gate member.
5.) To bear witness. Someone has to watch so the legacy media cannot lie about it as much.

Anonymous said...

Biden should of course have said you are not going to die if you are fully vaccinated though you can still get the virus
For that gaffe, an entire post to make him look stupid and incompetent. Wrong.
More to the point: Biden is in office for 4 years. Judge him and his appointees by policy and actions and not by a misstep in speech from a man who is old and had a stutter for many years. To badmouth him for his stage appearance is to show yourself as a sore loser, vindictive, and--worse of all--very small-minded.
Hitler was a master communicator. And the result?

DinoB325 said...

Some sad comments here today I have to say. On election day, Biden, in his hometown of Scranton, could barley draw 15 people. I SAW it live on the local news (WNEP). I see his town hall was 1/2 full. Couple that with the outright lies of his administration and the MSM cover they give him, its easy to see why there are so many comments by people that clearly only rely on the MSM propaganda machine and never do research on their own....sheep

Anonymous said...

Not buying the stutter excuse.

1st was it that bad when he was younger.

2nd, It went away for along while. Now it is back. Why? Disease often come back when people are weaker as in elderly. If you had chicken pox as a youth, you can get shingles as an old person. If you beat polio, you can become crippled when you get old. In the last example the model is that people, who were crippled with polio and relearned how to walk have had nerve cells pull double duty for other nerve cells that died. Pulling double duty shortened their life span and so the person becomes crippled again.

So Biden overcame a stutter or so they tell us. Good for him. So why is it back. Is it because some of his brain cells have died or too many have become senescent?
There are many reasons for a stutter. Many. One is cognitive dissonance. If he has that much cognitive dissonance maybe he should not be president. Maybe he has cognitive dissonance because he is living a lie? Maybe he has a stutter due to low self esteem. That is he is a beta male. If he is that beta, should he be making decisions? Maybe he has a stutter due to physical degeneration. Maybe the White House staffers are liars.

Anonymous said...

Anon…5:46 = dumbest comment I’ve read in a long time. Congrats! I hope you can find peace in life somewhere, because anyone that responds that way to simple (actually accurate commentary by Russsocal, tho it obv offends you enough to spam respond), needs to re-evaluate how to be a productive member of society. (Sad, that I Feel compelled to even type this out :/ )

Between Twitter and this Editors Fantastic Blog, it’s come to the point, where I feel either bots/people have to be paid or given incentive with social media responses, to deflect from ANY Narrative that goes against (Democrats, Left, China). Republicans are JUST as bad, it’s too easy to see for any smart, thinking, common sense approach people. Its beyond sad, how the USA is run \ covered by media now… there’s very little hope that it can improve because the corruption/hypocrisy, is so blatantly obvious, the Govt knows nothing can be done, unless it gets to a crisis point.

I hope it’s not an international one, and that the people of the USA can somehow see beyond the snake pit /charmers that are in front of them.

God Bless the Editor of this blog, as he’s one of the ONLY news content savants left with a Soul it seems. He’s Canadian! And still a 100X better than American Media outlets. Journalism is supposed to inform the Public, not pump some coordinated narrative on every platform, and even attack blogs like this one, which provide great neutral coverage, regardless if you disagree with Editor commentary here and there.

Use your senses people, please try to be helpful and smart. If you like how things are going now, that’s fine, just grow a backbone, throw a fit if someone questions you’re logic, as the world is meant to be questioned.

Anonymous said...

"it’s come to the point, where I feel either bots/people have to be paid or given incentive with social media responses, to deflect from ANY Narrative that goes against (Democrats, Left, China). "

There is a "person", who consistently calls others loser and uses the loser argument. They were all in for the Russia Hoax. In the last week they appear to have become a Chinee shill.

"Republicans are JUST as bad,"

I don't see it that way. The Republican p[arty has been under great stress since at least 2010 to 2013. Many leaders routinely get criticized. Eric Cantor was establishment. He detonated rather loudly on an island off the coast of Georgia. It was either him or a nuke the Air Force loot in the 50s. Others who are in the same boat are

Jeff Flake
Paul Ryan
Mitt Romney
Olympia Snow
John McCain

Lindsey Graham, who is always riding the line.

Democrat Socialist and venal mainline Democrats like Pelosi have their spats and it is very ugly, but I contend that the Republican base is more genuine in their criticism of "Republican" leadership than the Democrat base is.

Anonymous said...

9:41 … thanks for the response. It’s quite obvious that the “person” you’re referring to, that references losers and loser argument, is HATED by both sides, and you expect him to sit there, take non stop insults, and be this diplomatic robot. Please… that’s not how the world works (especially in politics) if you’re front and center and trying to ACTUALLY lead and make a change (hopefully for better)...

The establishment on BOTH sides, want nothing more than for him to go away. “Since 2010-13 the Republican Party has been under great stress”??? Wtf does that even mean. The NaMES you listed are NOT Leaders. They are exactly why the general public got so disgusted in the first place, that the “person” who ended up winning THEIR party, much to dismay of all names listed… came into public political eye. Somehow both sides love to use denial or short sighted views in an attempt to get things back to how they used to be in the establishment.

I personally do not care if it’s trump, Democrat or republican…. As a citizen I want genuine leadership, smart transparent decisions, honesty (as close as you can get in politics), and news to be fair and accurate. That is too much to ask I know, but from a blue collar human perspective, it seems more than fair to me in building the best country the US can be. (Note * we don’t run the world, we are just supposed to be a great example for others, based on our values and history compared to other countries).

Anonymous said...

and now, having said all sorts of things about
Biden's performance, let us hear about policy policy policy

after all, it was Trump's policy in working with the virus that pundits tell us cost him the election.
Do you like or dislike what Biden has to say about infrastructure, the economy, the virus, voting laws, etc? If not, why not?

Anonymous said...

Trump set up the infrastructure for the delivery of the vaccine. If one were to extrapolate the trend, then by doing nothing and letting Trump's plan remain in place biden would reach and surpass biden's low bar vax goal.

The math is pretty easy even for Democrats. If you are vaccinating a million people a day, there are 364/365 days in a year and there are about 330 million people in the country, then everyone can easily be vaccinated in a year.

People like China joe decry vax hesitancy, which is really rich because prior to November 3rd Democrats were calling the vaccine dangerous. When Democrats put on their thinking caps (actually a dunce hat) and ponder why there is vaccine hesitancy maybe they could look themselves in the mirror.

Kamala Harris's anti-vaccine flirtation is dangerously irresponsible

September 09, 2020 12:00 AM

Actually did some soul searching and looked into a mirror. She cracked it. Never wanting for it to happen again, she got plastic surgery post haste!

"If not, why not?"

Fuck you asshole. Whenever a person goes into detail, you just bug out ands move on.

Anonymous said...

"On the day Biden was inaugurated, the U.S. administered nearly 1.5 million shots, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s COVID Data Tracker. On that day, the seven-day average for the previous week was about 966,000 shots a day.

In other words, the U.S. was already virtually at the pace Biden set as his goal before he took any action as president."


Yup, biden set himself a low bar

Anonymous said...

President Donald Trump has expressed anti-vaccine views since 2007, when he told a reporter that he believes vaccines can cause autism in young children.
It's not immediately clear, however, how Trump developed this position, which stems from a discredited study published in 1998 and retracted in 2010.
The lack of clarity has driven speculation that Trump based his belief on the experience of his 13-year-old son, Barron, who has been the subject of false speculation that he is autistic.
But the full record suggests Trump's position arose instead from his connections to the nonprofit Autism Speaks and its founder, the former NBC chairman Bob Wright.
Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

On the otherwise tumultuous day of Donald Trump's presidential victory, many members of the anti-vaccination movement let out a sigh of relief. One of their own, they seemed to believe, was headed to the White House.

Anti-vaccinationists say a lot of things that aren't true, but this particular claim happened to be based in reality. In public statements going back more than a decade, Trump has alleged a connection — for which no evidence exists — between childhood vaccines and the onset of autism.

"When I was growing up, autism wasn't really a factor," Trump told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel in 2007. "And now all of a sudden, it's an epidemic … My theory is the shots. We're giving these massive injections at one time, and I really think it does something to the children." He has repeated this theory on Twitter, television, and debate stages.

Trump's conspiratorial thinking almost worked its way into the policy pipeline. Before he was even inaugurated, he reportedly invited a prominent vaccine skeptic, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., to chair a new commission on vaccines. That commission ultimately never materialized, and Trump has largely — but not entirely — avoided the topic since becoming president. Still, his administration has presided over an alarming string of measles and mumps outbreaks spurred, experts say, by low vaccination rates in some communities.

Anonymous said...

Kaelan Deese
Sun, July 18, 2021, 2:42 PM·3 min read
In this article:

Explore the topics mentioned in this article

Former President Donald Trump claimed on Sunday that one of the reasons some people are unwilling to take the COVID-19 vaccine is because they "don't trust the Election results" from November 2020.

The former president's comments come after President Joe Biden's administration failed to meet its vaccination goal to ensure 70% of the nation's adults receive at least one shot by July 4. Still, 161 million people are fully vaccinated and 68% of adults have received at least one dose, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Trump has touted his administration did a "great job" in regard to handling the coronavirus pandemic through programs like Operation Warp Speed, which saw vaccine development and disbursement happen in record time. While he has encouraged people to get vaccinated, a large group of his supporters has erred on the side of caution surrounding the COVID-19 jabs.

"Joe Biden kept talking about how good of a job he's doing on the distribution of the Vaccine ... He's not doing well at all," Trump wrote in a tweemail, adding, "He's way behind schedule, and people are refusing to take the Vaccine because they don't trust his Administration, they don't trust the Election results and they certainly don't trust the Fake News, which is refusing to tell the Truth."

Anonymous said...

Do not forget Democrat governors and vaccine hesitancy. Vaccinations started in December. According to Governor of the 7 Deadly Sins, most people were not able to get vaccine until mid April.

At that point what is the point. The epidemic had been going on for 1 year and 2 months in the USA. Lapdog news media breathlessly reported the latest death in nursing homes. By that time the public had been living with the virus for over a year, had time to see who it affected, and had been micromanaged by various levels of incompetent government.

You want, you want, you want. Told you can't get it by penalty of law and then when they say "okay" like you are some dog, you don't want it anymore. Then the goobers act all hurt that you don't get the vaccine.

Where I am at, I couldn't get a vaccine until late April. Then in late June and early July the prostitutes, whores and rent boys of the press and government start decrying vaccine hesitancy.

A mere 2 months had gone by from when they told you you can't get it until the time the scold you for not getting it. Those naggers need to be institutionalized under heavy sedation.

Anonymous said...


Same person copying and pasting articles in toto. Person has many nicknames. One of them is the parrot. Parrot is a real nutbag.

Anonymous said...

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

Anonymous said...

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

pansy still foaming at the mouth
get a life, loser 11:25

Anonymous said...

nutbag (plural nutbags)

(informal) An odd, eccentric or insane person.

Anonymous said...

Can't tell time!?!?

Anonymous said...

That time thing is hard for you!?!?

Anonymous said...

Got some pretty good tremors going there!?!?

Anonymous said...


RussInSoCal said...


Another mentally ill leftist.

Anonymous said...

Train wrecks get the best ratings. Look at the direction reality TV went.

I'm not defending Biden's performance, but this was always the thing that made me laugh about "Trump is more popular: look at his ratings!". People tuned in to watch him say dumb shit. Now that it's getting out that Biden isn't just a tedious old man, but rather a potentially crazy old man, he's more worth watching.

Anonymous said...

Keep trolling 402. Keep on trolling.