Thursday, July 22, 2021

China Has Built Enough Prisons Where They Can Lock Up A Million Muslims In Xinjiang At Once

Xinjiang, China's most far-west state, is said to have 347 compounds that resemble detention camps that were built by the Communist government  

Daily Mail: China has built enough detention camp space to detain one million Uighur Muslims at once, shocking probe reveals 

* China has continued expanding network of detention camps for Uighur Muslims 

* Investigation found camps and prisons could hold more than one million people 

* Secretive centres in far-west Xinjiang province used for forced labour, torture and systematic forced birth control 

China's secret network of prisons for Muslims in a mountainous province can hold more than one million people, reports say. 

The Communist government is said to have built 347 compounds that resemble detention camps in Xinjiang in the far west of the country - with space for 1,014,883 prisoners. 

The staggering figure counts for one in 25 people in the region but may be a conservative estimate due to the possibility of overcrowding.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: You do not build these many prisons with the idea that you will not use them. I am willing to bet that these prisons are packed with inmates. 

The BuzzFeed report that broke this story is here .... China Can Lock Up A Million Muslims In Xinjiang At Once (Buzzfeed).


Anonymous said...

Fun Fact: About 300 years ago the Chinese government was having trouble with people in the northern part of the province. They depopulated the province and repopulated it with immigrants.

Happened once. Can happen again.

Look at the benefits. Your Nikes, iPhone or NBA apparel are made with real slave labor, which will really thrill a party fearing liberal.

Anonymous said...

"After perpetrating wholesale massacres on the native Dzungar population in the Dzungar genocide, in 1759, the Qing finally consolidated their authority by settling Chinese emigrants, together with a Manchu Qing garrison."

Happened once; can happen again.

Anonymous said...

The demonic left is showing its evilness... the CCP is left, the Kremlin is left, the Demoncrats are left

Anonymous said...

As of May 2021, the United States had the highest prisoner rate, with 639 prisoners per 100,000 of the national population. El Salvador, Turkmenistan, Thailand, and Palau rounded out the top five countries with the highest rate of incarceration.

God bless America, land that I love.....

Anonymous said...

The US is also a rich country with porous border, where many illegal aliens are in prison.

Also Germany had 1,000 sexual assaults in Cologne in one night. That is 1,000 separate crimes. How many perps were incarcerated?

You have to compare crime rate, incarceration rate, capitol punish rates al together. But your argument with its illogic and one factor analysis reminds me of the Parrot. You are not, but it reminds me of that dim bulb.

Anonymous said...

Not defending the prison system in the US.. it's another corporate private industry out of control..
I hope people realise just how much shit we are in if we don't come together and hold those that push unsafe vaccines, medical tyranny, passports, cameras everywhere, ie a prison planet where we are enslaved by corporations who deplatform us and take our rights, and we are only at the beginning of the collapse of nation states...

You know they try to bring the lockdowns back?

You know they want to force vaccines onto us next year?

You know they do it for population control?

They're in a cult

It's a death cult

They pray in occult sessions towards Owl gods and make symbolic human sacrifices in the form of child puppets?

We are led by a cult and my guess is there's two reasons why they want to depopulate the planet

1) we asked too many questions about their crimes, from financial crimes in the trillions- see occupy wallstreet- to child sex scandals (see Epstein and his connections to bill gates, bill Clinton, royalty in the UK, oligarchs in the UL, US and Canada-- pretty much all the places where lockdown is the hardest, censorship is rampant and they tell you "not to speak to your neighbour now that the lockdown is lifted " (verbatim!)

2) AI.. they won't need us anymore.. you can run the World with a few million people. They want to keep it to 500 million, see Georgia stones

Either way
The PCR tests are used to whip people into panic and your money is being stolen

If they do the lockdown again on this shady PCR tests, we must resist, investigate and wherever it leads us hang those tyrannical monsters. Even if it is heads of organisations or states. No one is above the law, or we don't have laws but slavery and that's where we are heading because THEIR GAME IS UP

The internet revolutionized information and they tried to ban people who got uncomfortable.. others like Joe Rogan got bought out..

My guess is their next step is to increase cyber "attacks" to make websites they don't like disappear

Same with information they don't like. They call it misinformation and tell the website to take it off for them. The government isn't allowed to do this, of course, that's a violation of your free speech.

So they team up with corporate fascist gangsters like Facebook and they make a big show out of it, you know good cop bad cop kind of thing... they tell Facebook to take misinformation of because it kills people(ignoring that their misinformation actually DID and to this day kills thousands every day) and Facebook makes a scene and pretends to object and all that

The reality is this:

It's fascism
Facebook engages in fascism
The Democrats are fascists
The election was stolen
Trump wanted the US to remain an intact nation state
The decision was made to go for global government
The Democrats agreed to this and oversee the transformation of the US into this new world government member
Nation states are over
Corporate gangsters have taken over
It's a global coordinated attack pushed for by China but also others like Germany and the UK
They agreed that they will be the new ruling class, untouchable of any crime

And to get everyone on board they'll give you a nice start, like in a casino where you get a few free spins if you're new to the casino

They'll ease you in and they'll lie to you

Just like they lied about the lockdown

And they'll pit you against me and me against you to conquer us all

You can model and test run this you know

And they did

Operation lock step
Operation dark winter

They ran this for 20 years every year since 9/11

Wake up forget all the distractions
Do not take the vaccine and if you must, do not accept the passport and do not force others or demand of others to take it

It's a control grid they'r establishing
Just like the electric cars and IoT of things

Good luck

Anonymous said...

Regarding Germany and the many sexual assaults.. can confirm this happened and that it was immigrants/ refugees who gang raped and hunted down dozens of German women

It was blacked out by media and local police received instruction by the government to not file reports

It's a huge scandal in Germany, but Merkel OKed the 1 million immigration just weeks earlier and the direct result was gang rapes.. but never criticize female leaders, you know? Even if females suffer... it's for the greater good these fanatics tell you

Anonymous said...

How much stuff do you own that was made in China, thus helping the economy of a nation you detest?
You are supporting them

Anonymous said...

Ever try to buy American?

Hans Persson said...

Actually, probably the only thing they can do with muslims to deprogram them. If anyone remembers, there were a lot of "terrorists" running around killing people in china few years ago, until it suddenly stopped.

Just saying.

Anonymous said...

You think the Kunming Train Station Massacre was a bit much? I do.

Hans Persson said...
