Saturday, July 3, 2021

China Has A Long Way To Go Before It Can Track U.S. Attack Submarines

Virginia Class Attack Submarine SSN  

Forbes: How China Will Try To Unmask U.S. Submarines In The Western Pacific 

In mid-July, the latest in a series of classified seminars will be held at the Charles Stark Draper Lab adjacent to MIT’s campus to educate naval personnel and contractors about how to hide U.S. warships from the prying eyes of enemies. 

You can’t attend unless you have a secret clearance and a need to know, because methods for masking the telltale “signatures” of American warships are a very touchy subject. 

That’s especially true in the case of submarines, which would be of little use in wartime if they could be reliably tracked and targeted. 

Submarines are the stealthiest warfighting systems ever devised, and the U.S. Navy aims to keep it that way. Map of East Asia highlighting the first and second island chains.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The US Navy has decades of experience in submarine warfare. In contrast, the Chinese are very new to this type of warfare. Bottom-line. The Chinese have a long way to go.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget how very good the Chinese are at stealing technology.

Anonymous said...

I very much doubt that
The age of Chinese having to steal technology ended a couple years ago
The Chinese are now leading in most fields, including super computing, drones, AI, and hyper velocity

The Chinese also manage to launch the equivalent of a French navy every year. Every year!

Unless the West wakes up to the fact that there's 1.5bn people working in union to defeat a boggy man they created and believe in, we will soon be forced to speak Chinese, and I mean within 50 years

Either wake up and realise that the Democrats mislead you for years with a Russia hoax, while their Chinese partners in crime rob you blind, or work for the Chinese directly and cut out the Democrat party goons/ middleman

Anonymous said...

In all likelihood the Chinese will do what the USA did years ago: create a vast under water network of sensors all over the China sea,.. they'll hear the subs easily this way and it's based on 30 year old tech.. they have for sure figured this out ten years ago or longer and are likely nearly completed

Anonymous said...

7:52 & 7:54 may be the same person. One or two people, the comments are dead on the reasoning sound.

Chinese suborning US politicians goes back to at least 1996 and the Hsi Lai Buddhist temple in Hacienda Heights, California or maybe further back to when that braggart Feinstein went to China n the 70s or 80s to pick up her silver.

The Hsi Lai Buddhists are pieces or work. Every Buddhists temple I have visited in China had two to four plain clothes police per temple keeping watch on adherents.

Anonymous said...

Yup both from me and thank you hehe
I make sense sometimes

My worry is that people don't understand that corporations they believe are American , like Disney or Nike or coca cola or cnn, are in fact trans national, often with majority stakes in China.. and their parent companies, like AT&T, Warner media etc who feed you all these lies and hatred targeting Americans under the disguise of social justice, they in fact are working on behalf of the Chinese

Just look at those corporations and their yearly board statements. For years, in a United chorus, these people have told you and their investors around the world that the Chinese market is their main market now and certainly in the future. And the American politicians are compromised and bought and paid for by the Chinese

The Chinese also overwhelm our field agents and actual spies and covert agents who do the compromising and killing by 10-50:1.

Of course our systems are overwhelmed and corrupted because this war has been going on for years and years while you were told it's Russia's fault by the Democrats. The Republicans are corrupted too, don't get me wrong, it doesn't matter which side you're on.. Just know this: if you think some CIA agents will come to rescue you or your country, please keep dreaming. It's not going to happen. The power structure is so corrupted and so beyond a national thought that they justify their actions based on a new global paradigm in which nation states are a thing of the past and they believe that a new global system will usher in peace and abundance, but they'r being played by the people who have positioned themselves to be unelected rulers of the world and if you speak out against it you'll be banned of YouTube, Facebook etc and rendered non existent.

Your and my rights are a thing of the past. You're being conditioned on a daily basis to accept direct violations of the constitution including in your most sacred voting rights and the right to speak and bare arms. And it's done with the help of corporations like Facebook, Google and Pfizer. You'll carry that covid passport(a disease THEY created) and you'll pay the added costs through taxation and inflation while the mega corporations like Blackstone that YOU financed buy up property underneath your feet so you'll become a rent paying slave

Or as the Davos group put it; you'll own nothing and you love it... or else!

And the Democrat state party is branding everyone as extremist who points out the corporate takeover and stolen election

Or as trump put it: you'll never get your country back (because the sell off is happening right now and you're not in on it)
It's the end of America as we know it
Brought to you by Google.

Anonymous said...

"Blackstone that YOU financed buy up property underneath your feet so you'll become a rent paying slave"

They can make renting no more costly than owning a home. Once they have the monopoly they can always change the price.

Currently Blackstone is trying to destroy the Buckhead neighborhood of Atlanta.

Buckhead wants to incorporate and leave Atlanta because Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms did not do her job. Or maybe she did her job as a Democrat Arsonist. Crime went up in Buckhead and they want out.

Lanced Bottom is such a fuck up (or arsonist) that she is not running for a 2nd term, but she says she is popular. As a good soldier the capo Biden will find her a Fed job. So Peter principle or is she being paid 30 silver for a job well done?

Buckhead BTW is very ethnically diverse, but Democrats will throw the race card like shuriken.

Blackstone wants to change zoning in Buckhead for profit and fun.

American Thinker had a price on it. I am looking for it now.

Basically the Biden plan is the same as the Obama plan. Break up suburbs by breaking zoning.