Monday, July 26, 2021

China Tells U.S. Diplomat That Its Rise Can’t Be Stopped

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman meets Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Tianjin, China in this handout picture released July 26, 2021. U.S. Department of State/Reuters  

DNYZ: In Stinging Rebuke, China Tells U.S. Diplomat That Its Rise Can’t Be Stopped 

A senior Chinese diplomat on Monday bluntly warned the visiting American deputy secretary of state, Wendy R. Sherman, that the Biden administration’s strategy of pursuing both confrontation and cooperation with Beijing was sure to fail. 

China’s vice foreign minister, Xie Feng, told Ms. Sherman that the United States’ “competitive, collaborative and adversarial rhetoric” was a “thinly veiled attempt to contain and suppress China,” according to a summary of Mr. Xie’s comments that the Chinese foreign ministry sent to reporters. 

Ms. Sherman’s meetings offered the latest gauge of the Biden administration’s strategy of stepping up pressure against the Chinese government on several fronts, including human rights and internet hacking, while seeking to work together on global problems like climate change and international health threats. 

Mr. Xie’s remarks underscored the anger that has been building in China toward the United States, undermining the chances that the approach will work.  

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WNU Editor: I am old enough to remember Soviet leaders saying the same thing. That it was inevitable that the world will embrace Marxism/communism/socialism and that it cannot be stopped. Bottom line. China is on the rise, but the world is a big place, and China's rise can (and probably will) level off.


Anonymous said...

Yeah and I'd like the west to be paid a few dozen trillion in damages for the Wuhan virus and the previous theft of IP etc in the trillions over the last 3 decades

Pay up or we will, as you told Japan, nuke you and nuke you continuously until you've paid up, bend the knee and apologized by giving us the top1%of your women, and you must start praying to a Christian God.

That's for starting the negotiations if you know how to deal with Chinese

Anonymous said...

I expect a more or less monotonically increasing rise that is exponential after a short start period that knees over and keep reaching for, but never attain a limit. Barring war or a crash ...

Anonymous said...

They are probably right, ever since they unleashed Covid on the world, to win the trade war...

Anonymous said...

we are going to hell in a handbasket and that basket is made in China! I blame the MSM for China's rise. and also yeast

Anonymous said...

China: Our rise can not be stopped!

This sounds so much like Nazi Germany!

Better the world take on China now, before they can finish their grandiose schemes.

Anonymous said...

3:58 PM, you forgot to blame the person most responsible: William Jefferson Clinton, the scum of the earth, who sold his nation to the Chinese for 100 million dollars.

Jac said...

The most disturbing thing is their confidence. With dictatorship it never finish well.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget who invented the term : outsourcing" and "consulted" (colluded with) governments in the west to conduct outsourcing to the east.
What do we have? Trillions in damages through IP theft, a dependency on a nation that is likely going to annex Taiwan and threatened Japan with multiple nuke strikes if they come to Taiwan's help,and a nation that likely purposefully infected lab technicians in Wuhan to "leak" a virus... but our governments helped them financially (see NIH funding of gain of function research..I have a genetics background and worked with viruses and vector delivery system and know about the PCR false positive test scam)

They (our corrupt governments) agreed to a global system of tyranny, called the great reset, do a) keep us under control and in the dark, a lot of censorship and fascist corporations like Facebook working with the state party to silence dissidents and opposing voices -- in a democracy-- they lie about the "misinformation" it's a power grab

They used predictably producing false positives through the PCR test to whip a population into panic, remove Donald Trump who opposed the globalists, silence anyone who speaks out, and you go along with this?

It's a global anti democratic, tyrannical phenomenon

My guess with the rise of China we will ask questions about where our money went and remember occupy wallstreet and remember that they did the outsourcing and the same companies who conducted and lobbied for it, McKinsey, Google, Facebook, they also invested into gain of function research that according to them, not the lockdowns they use, wreaks the world

Resist this evil
Fauci lied

Anonymous said...

Its all about focus isnt it, we havn't seen a western focus in war for over 70 years. What do we care about, womans rights, gays and the climate, its all rather trival distractions to promote power wealth and control in a bunch of miss nancies because if you think nuclear war is bad, had to be something in the 1980s to see such a massive drop off in learning.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Climate change, racism are the biggest lies and methods to divide us and steal from us while we're busy talking about pronouns.. China TODAY has slaves... China TODAY has concentration camps.. whatever is wrong with the left, it seems as if it always benefits China... so complicated to figure out what's going on lol

Maybe the Chinese want some of their own medicine?

We can have lab leaks too, you know... or accidents in nuke targets.. happened before lol