Friday, July 23, 2021

CIA Director Says The Afghan Government Still Retains Significant Military Capabilities

WNU Editor: In an exclusive NPR interview, CIA Director William Burns addresses Taliban advances in Afghanistan. The link to this interview is here .... The Afghan Government Retains Significant Military Capabilities, CIA Chief Says (NPR). 

What's my take. 

If the Afghan government still retains significant military capabilities, why have the Taliban been successful in controlling 85% of the country. Something is not right here.


Anonymous said...

What is my take,

He is a highly credentialed poorly educated human whose basic qualification is to keep his job and power. He cannot be trusted because he is beholden to the Democratic machine. whatever he says is a scripted lie. NPR is a government news agency perpetuating the lie. I am not sophisticated enough to know for what purpose he is pushing this narrative but I do know that everything they say is to perpetuate their jobs, gain power or create irrational fear in those humans whose creed is slavery.

I was a marine Corp infantry sgt. and a 30 year cop. When things got tough I always found motivation in the fact I was serving a great country occupied by free thinking humans. When I read what I wrote, which I believe with my whole heart, I cannot believe how cynical the last five years has made me. President Trump outed the true intentions of the Democrats and media. I'm not saying anything good or bad about president Trump, other than to say he unleashed the hidden agendas of many we use to respect.

I'm gonna go now


Anonymous said...

"If the Afghan government still retains significant military capabilities, why have the Taliban been successful in controlling 85% of the country. Something is not right here."

Yes, but something is definitely Left here. Such as this tool. The Afghan government still retains significant military capabilities is like saying Venezuala still owns the world's largest oil reserves. A lot of bloody good it's done them.

RussInSoCal said...

This man would look at you with the same vacant stare as in the above pic and assert to you that the earth is flat.

Anonymous said...

What Ron says is true. Burns is trying to save his job and his team by carrying water. He might not care about the team except that it is his ticket to success.

What Team D doing is to keep up the poll numbers specifically for the standard bearer or in this case the standard dummy, President Biden (the titular party leader), and in general for the whole party. It does not matter, if any 'story' told by the Team is a lie. It just has to hold water until the next lie is told. Think of each lie as an offensive, As soon as one offensive peters out you launch another. You keep the other side pinned down and occupied. Occasionally, there is a an offensive that scores big. All the failed offensives still do a job. Again of keeping the other side pinned down.

Generally people can remember news events no more than two weeks ago. So it does not matter if the lie is found out. People will forget. Most of them anyway. All they need to do for the most part is keep the poll numbers up

If the polls numbers take a big hit and damage control is not done, a trend might develop and then the party would be in trouble.

Burns knows he is a liar. Maybe he rationalizes it as a white lie. Maybe he thinks Team D is better and it will right the country after time. Or maybe he does not care and just wants his money.


Haspel carried water and went against Trump and they still dumped on her. I guess Burns learned nothing.

Unknown said...

And so we can end the week with a great laugh! I guess Burns is the CIA equivalent of Wray, or Milley. I thought the Peter principle was a joke but I see it's true.

Anonymous said...

CIA motto: we lie, we cheat, we steal.

Anonymous said...

Watched a documentary on Serpico. Serpico or someone in the doc estimated that at the time around 10% of the cops were dirty.

In 2020 there were 35,783-members if the NYC police force. There are about 25,0000 people in the FBI.

I am no expert on law enforcement, but using the Delphi Method my estimate is that 10% of the FBI is corrupt. I am through with estimating and writing that there are a few bad apples at top and the the rank and file are solid. Estimate is 10% and I do not need a lot of math to justify it using the Delphi Method.

So there are 3,000 to 3,500 bad agents in a clique or cliques. hooked up with various groups in a political party, they can do a lot damage to their opponents and/or the Republic.

Anonymous said...

If the FBI is bad ands it worked hand in hand with the CIA via Comey and Brennan just how many bad apples are in the CIA?

A few bad apples will spoil a barrel. Brennan and others are bad apples. How long did they have to make other people bad?

CIA seems pretty inept at running spies, they got rolled up in China or protecting their agents from directed energy weapons eavesdropping devices. The CIA is very creative at spying on Americans using 3rd parties as a legal run around violating the spirit of the law, but not its letter.

Maybe 10% of agents are bad also. If a person was appointed or placed by a Democrat president into the CIA, IMO they are dirty and I am sure of it.

Again I am using the Delphi Method to info my judgement. I know less about the the players of the CIA than the FBI due to FBI agents making news but not CIA agents, so my forecast is sketchier.

Anonymous said...

CIA is almost exclusively bad apples. An organization no longer devoting more than 10% of itself to defending or advancing the interests of the average american.

Unknown said...

Ron, as a retired copper it's the same in Britain. I've watched London go down hill for 30 years while the streets turned into America. In 1988 the only villains who carried guns were professional armed robbers. There were a lot of robberies but the public were ignorant about the number of armed incidents because they were just not reported by the media. In 1987 the US DEA briefed the command ay Scotland Yard about Jamaican organised crime groups & what was coming. They did not like what they heard, so, fearing being called racist, they ignored it hoping that the problem would go away by itself. No one would use machine guns would they? This is England. Fast forward to 2021 & The Met has lost control of London. Young black men are being sliced & diced daily all over the city. The figures are small compared to Chicago but we're definitely heading there. We've had decades of career policemen & women speaking in the same forked tongue as Burns. Western civilisation is eating itself & is not long for this earth.

Anonymous said...

Crooked Tony Podesta Gets Gig with China Telecom Corporation Huawei

Anonymous said...

if all is so bad, leave the country
we had Trump. The American public voted against him after having him for one term.
election was stolen: prove that within facts, court cases.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lapides is a liar and Chinese shill.

Anonymous said...

and you are a gossip, stalker, mommy's boy, misfit, motherfucker
god hates you

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha, shill.

Anonymous said...

So happy. While I am gone work gets done. 6 ad hominem attacks in 2 lines. It is a front or person feels guilty.