Thursday, July 22, 2021

Covid Cases Are Continuing To Rise In The U.K.

Covid cases in the UK are continuing to rise, the latest data from ZOE shows. It was adjusted to take into account the small number of contributors who are not vaccinated against Covid. Nearly 90 per cent of Britons have got one dose  

Daily Mail: Britain's Covid crisis HASN'T peaked: Symptom-tracking app's data U-turns and estimates 60,000 people are now falling ill every day - up 27% in a week... as map reveals how outbreaks are growing in all but FIVE of England's 149 boroughs 

* King's College London scientists estimated 60,019 people were catching the virus daily, up from 47,189 

* Professor Tim Spector said the results showed hopes the third wave may be receding 'have faded' 

* The symptom study which relies on updates from a million Britons has updated how it calculates cases 

* Public Health England today found cases are rising in 144 of 149 areas in England — or nearly 97 per cent 

Britain's Covid third wave has not peaked and cases are still rising, according to a symptom-tracking study that sparked hopes the outbreak was starting to fizzle out. 

King's College London scientists estimated 60,000 people were catching the virus every day in the week to July 17, the latest day data is available for — up 27 per cent in a week. 

Separate Public Health England statistics also showed today that outbreaks grew in all but five of areas of the country last week.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: While Covid-19 cases are exploding in the U.K. are exploding. The UK death rate numbers from Covid-19 are still low. There were 73 deaths yesterday, and a 7-day rolling average of 52 per day. 

 Covid-19 Pandemic In the U.K. -- News Updates July 22, 2021 

Covid cases at record levels for 20 to 29-year-olds -- BBC  

England Has Lifted Most Of Its COVID-19 Restrictions, Even As U.K. Cases Are Up 41% -- NPR  

More than 600,000 people told to isolate by NHS Covid-19 app -- BBC  

Desperate supermarkets hire more staff to beat the pingdemic: Iceland targets 2,000 temps to keep stores open as shelves empty across UK with meat, bottled water and ice cream in short supply -- Daily Mail  

'Pingdemic' puts Britain's food supply under strain -- Reuters  

Covid 'pingdemic' and Brexit mean food and gas shortages in parts of UK -- CNN  

UK scientists back Covid boosters as study finds post-jab falls in antibodies -- The Guardian 

‘Covid has ripped the family apart’: the lives lost in the UK’s third wave -- The Guardian


Anonymous said...


PCR test scandal, false positives, money racketeering game by the hospitals which are empty as fck but still receive billions in covid money which they get by producing covid results using the false positives with the PCR test that its inventor Dr.Mullis - an actual scientist and Nobel prize winner explicitly said to not use his test that way as you'd find viral fragments everywhere, where there is no live virus and where there is no disease.

Everyone is being silenced on this, deplatformed.. you must have heard about it

Everyone knows it.

You must know it, so why do YOU, WNU participate in this lie?

I'm calling you out!

Anonymous said...

For those who seek the truth and want to know why they use the PCR test against the directly expressed will of its inventor

Resist this tyranny!