Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Does President Biden Know How Ugly It Is Going To Get In Afghanistan?


L.A. Times: Column: Biden knows Afghanistan will get uglier. No wonder he'd rather not talk about it 

Last week, when reporters asked President Biden whether he worried that Afghanistan’s government might collapse in the face of Taliban military advances, he responded with ill-concealed annoyance. 

“I want to talk about happy things,” he said. 

The president went on to answer — he said the regime could survive, but only if its members stop squabbling — but then called a halt. 

“I’m not going to answer any more quick questions on Afghanistan,” he said. 

It’s no mystery why: Subjects like job-creation reports or the U.S. recovery from the pandemic let Biden talk about successes. Afghanistan offers only a choice of failures.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The political cost to President Biden for what is unfolding in Afghanistan has so far been negligible. What has helped is that the Western media coverage has been minimal and/or selective. But my gut tells me that this is about to change.


Jac said...

Wait a soon there will be some hostage, it will be strongly different. Think of Jimmy carter.

Anonymous said...

Hostages are a non-negligible possibility. Afghanistan is harder to get to the Iran. Any rescue mission would be harder. Taliban know this.

Question is does Klain know this?

Kamala knows what she is told.

Joe knows he like ice cream.

Obama knows he is the One he has been looking for.

Anonymous said...

Not sure about your last sentence anon but I would leave off "he has been looking for." had I written that sentence.
He seems to be keeping a low, if not invisible, profile it seems. Or is it just the press on to new things in this lightening quick new age media? He was always kinda uninspiring after awhile and the familiarity opened a growing amount of ho hum. Maybe it never stopped? Or did a rising sea from man made global warming wash away his mansion on the east coast and him with it?
Meanwhile...back in Kabul.

Anonymous said...

The Western media are so far providing cover fire. They will turn on Biden only if/when the mid-term election polls are not going their way. As always, wet fingers are in the air, AKA "unnamed sources."

Anonymous said...

I mentioned Obama because he is an alleged puppet master of President Biden.

Oprah called him "The One", but what does she know? She has a gazillion dollars and could not figure how to get married.

Obama also made the fatuous and bizarre statement that "We are the one we are looking for".

Obama is the one, who is wise and will set things straight. He is in his 3rd term. He has the wisdom and the power and things will get done right and ... nothing ....

Nothing for Afghanistan

fred said...

Get over it trump did nothing in Afghanistan and lost the election
America rejected him

Anonymous said...

"it is unlikely that Pakistan’s army will give up its reliance on terrorist groups to further its regional objectives in Afghanistan and India. Sixteen years after the U.S. threatened to “bomb [Pakistan] back to the stone age,” terror infrastructure continues to not only survive, but thrive in Pakistan under the patronage of the country’s army and its powerful intelligence service, the ISI." - The Diplomat

The establishment was never going to confront Pakistan's support of terror including the Taliban.

If that is a given for the problem, then an optimal solution is to leave Afghanistan.

Now seagull look up some pictures and give yourself some relief by spewing hatred on the net or whatever you do.

Amp1776 said...

Biden doesn't know what his name is.

Anonymous said...

"This process cannot progress as long as any citizen of Pakistan can be punished for helping the War on Terror."

So the establishment knows this and the establishment did squat.