Saturday, July 17, 2021

Editor's Note

 Doing some renovation work on my chalet today. Blogging will return later this evening.


Anonymous said...


"Several of the Texas House Democrats who loudly left Texas for Washington DC to avoid voting on an elections integrity bill have tested positive for Covid-19, following a much-maligned maskless photo on an airplane."


They all took the vaccines and joined the cult and still got covid lol

Let's see what excuse they'll come up with this time.. fleeing work and endangering others by not wearing masks and spreading covid my my

Lol don't take the left seriously anymore.. it's a disease and corporations and governments around the world should immediately ask leftists to resign. We cannot be ruled by mentally insane AND corrupt AND incompetent people at the same time. Pick two (corrupt and incompetent was the norm), but allowing mentally sick people (see pew research about likelihood of mental disease on the left vs right) who take experimental shots not once, not twice, some took them three times AND want your children to take shots that these corporations with horrendous track records of corruption and criminal damage are exempt of any liability.


Do not let leftists take more control, remove them from all places of power and let them play with pretend things not actually give them decisions over life and death.

They're corrupt
They're incompetent
They're mentally insane

And you can't have all 3 at the same time.

Anonymous said...

WOW: Three Texas Dems Who Fled to D.C. Test Positive for COVID-19, One Says It's Worth It

Hypocrite Democrats

* No masks
* No social distancing

How close did they get?

* Danger Close?
* Drunk Party close?
* Orgy Close?

Was it innocent? "Here watch this; hold my beer" and the holder stole a sip. No honor among Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Why not to trust the FBI


Federal Prosecutor Deliberately Delayed Hunter Biden Probe To Shield 2020 Election

Anonymous said...

Here is a reason not to trust the CIA.

Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say

"More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president's son.

Are the intel officials that bad or are they that in the tank?

Intel officials?
Are they coming up through the ranks or they political appointees, who get embedded by a Democrat and never left?

Anonymous said...

Triple vaccinated Boris Johnson got covid again(!)

It's just ridiculous.

And treasonous CNN which just days ago cheered on the 100th anniversary of the murderous CCP, tells you to take 4 shots now and use 4 mask layers


It's a cult

Every cult demands you to do something to go all in and submit yourself to the abuse

The vaccines and masks don't work.
Boris himself got it again.
Democrats all got it again.
People die of the vaccine.

They suppress the data

They're the cult leaders and they will be held accountable through the Nurnberg codes

You'll never get out of this cult if you don't recognize what it is and resist this evil

Anonymous said...

Anon @1028
They're obviously in on it

If I know about all Hunter did, from the pedo stuff to the drugs to the millions in corruption, THEY KNOW

But his daddy is also the one they allowed to be president despite the obvious corruption and pay to play scheme. There was evidence, eyewitnesses, sworn statements, everything... they not only ignored it but the FBI went on to destroy Hunter's laptop

And we all sit there and go along with it. The daily news on absurd corruption in the US government, and abuse of power, are so frequent now that I have now decided to move my company out. It's just a small company but I don't want to be subjected to this tyranny and out of control spy state, censorship and blatant racism and sexism against white straight guys, which I am.. I cannot imagine what it must be like to work in silicon valley these days... people are fleeing left and right

Capital is leaving too.. who would not move their money out of this new hell hole run by mentally sick leftists and generals who now openly push hatred, bigotry and Marxism. No thank you and fck off!!

Maybe Florida... but boy there are better alternatives around the world and the US will soon learn what brain drain and capital drain looks like if they keep this out of control Democrat tyranny in place