Sunday, July 18, 2021

Former U.S. Homeland Security Official Says GOP Now A Bigger National Security Threat Than "ISIS, al Qaeda And Russia”


Salon: Former Trump official: GOP now a bigger national security threat than "ISIS, al Qaeda and Russia” 

The Republican Party "is the No. 1 security national security threat to the United States of America” 

On Thursday, a Trump administration official called the Republican Party the nation's "No. 1 national security threat," suggesting that the party surpasses that of ISIS, al Qaeda and Russia. 

"I've spent my whole career not as a political operative. 

I've never worked on a campaign in my life other than campaigning against Trump. 

I'm a national security guy," said former DHS official Miles Taylor in a Thursday interview on MSNBC. 

"I've worked in national security against ISIS, al Qaeda and Russia." He added: "And the No. 1 national security threat I've ever seen in my life to this country's democracy is the party that I'm in: the Republican Party. It is the No. 1 national security threat to the United States of America."  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This guy is crazy. And what is even more crazier is that someone thought him worthy enough to hire him to work at Homeland Security to defend the U.S.. 

More News On A Former Homeland Security Official Saying The GOP Now A Bigger National Security Threat Than "ISIS, al Qaeda And Russia”  

Ex-Trump official: 'No. 1 national security threat I've ever seen' is GOP -- The Hill 

Former Trump official calls GOP the 'No. 1 national security threat' to the U.S., bigger than ISIS or Russia -- Business Insider  

Now They Are Saying That The Republican Party Is The #1 “National Security Threat To The United States Of America” -- The Economic Collapse


Anonymous said...

Miles Taylor is a little boy bitch. He is part of the secret Trump resistance.

Question: What is the chance little Miles will go back home to Indiana and feel comfortable?

Decreasing by the second. People will give him the cold shoulder.

This guy is going to remain in DC or on the coasts and it is expensive there, so he needs a little money/social credit. Sop what does he do? He runs his mouth hoping that liberals take him in and he can join their party/dinner circuit and make the right connections for jobs.

What he is doing is no different than the stout, lump of fat General Milley (When was Milley last tape measured for BMI?).

Milley's Desperate Efforts to Save His Job Won't Work

"Milley knows it and is hoping to save his job. And, barring that, to go out with a good enough image to score the retirement package, board seats, consulting gigs, lobbying opportunities, and whatever else his heart desires, maybe the presidency of some smaller college."

Miles is doing the same thing. He is looking for his next job.

I am reminded ranking people during eval time. There was this person, who was technically competent. Damn good. The kicker was this as one person summarized. This technically competent guy would give 100%. But as soon as he that there was no light at the end of the tunnel he would 180. They did not want him in a leadership position. So it got him demoted from the 1st quartile to the 3rd quartile.

Miles wetted his finger and stuck it up in the air to see which way the wind was blowing. Miles is a very fine specimen of a monkey.

Anonymous said...

you can't face the truth

Unknown said...

He's not crazy. He's sinister & very dangerous. If members of the government & senior officers in the security forces openly state in the news media that politicians in the opposition political party are the nations number 1 security threat, then mass arrests of members of the opposition party are very possible, perhaps likely. If I were a Republican I'd be making sure I had enough guns n ammo to defend the Alamo. What will Joe Public do if the Democratic police state start lifting Republicans with the support of the DNC establishment news media? Praise the Lord & pass the ammunition 🙈

Anonymous said...

He is a nut, so are many in the federal bureaucracy. They have civil service protection and are free in their boredom to let their minds wander into la la land. They can't be fired, won't even be attempted. They are well paid too.

What is needed is a cull of the bureaucracy. End civil service because it has failed to stop politicization of the bureaucracy. It's very left.

Anonymous said...

No Fred R. Lapides, you cannot face the truth.

“Iran Will Be And Should Be A Regional Power.” - Barack Insane Obama

Yes, Obama actually said that. The video is below.

Sad thing is that Obama is just as Jewish as Fred.


Anonymous said...

I don't think he is wrong, but he's not honest about what's happening

From my point of view the USA is no longer a democracy, likely wasn't for years, perhaps decades, and we only suspected it but now the curtain is lifted so to say

And they know that Republicans consumed alternative media that showed the windows in Democrat hell holes being boarded up and white and Hispanic poll watchers being harassed by black Americans. On top the midnight action and Biden only votes in those ballot boxes they pulled out in the middle of the night from underneath a table after they told the other poll watchers to go home. Servers hacked. Logs wiped. Democrats in Arizona stone walking and not handing over routers. It's criminal. It's treasonous. They got caught and they know that we know.

That's why from their point of view, being the illegitimate and tyrannical government they are THEY perceive Patriots and actual Democrats who believe in true democracy as danger. Terrorists.

And they will use the lockdowns and vaccines to push these people more and more.

It's for all to see. I'm watching this from the UK and I know what's going on.

Their actions are unAmerican
To me they are traitors and it's not even my country.. they betrayed democracy and weakened it for decades to come and they want us to shut up about it so they can get away with it and the MSM watching masses keep believing in this charade and perversion of democracy.

We will not shut up.
You are the criminals.
You are the traitors.
You are the corrupt.
Toy are the unsafe drug pushers.
You are the stasi like spies
You've done nothing when China attacked us.
You lied about the virus.
You indoctrinate children.
You instigated race riots and then bailed out the terrorists who threatened the courts not to touch the election theft

They are like demons

Anonymous said...

who is "you"? Election theft? prove Biden did not win. Evidence?
You are the lying person!

Miles Taylor is an American former government official in the George W. Bush and Trump administrations, best known for his previously anonymous criticisms of Donald Trump. He was a Trump administration appointee who served in the United States Department of Homeland Security from 2017 to 2019, including as Chief of Staff to former Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Acting Secretary Kevin McAleenan.

In 2018, while deputy chief of staff to Nielsen, he wrote The New York Times op-ed "I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration" under the pen-name "Anonymous", which drew widespread attention for its criticism of Trump. In 2019, he published the book A Warning.[3] He did not reveal himself to be "Anonymous" until October 2020


Anonymous said...

Unknown, you are quite right

They are openly targeting political opponents and have so for years.

People ignored it when they targeted Julian Assange or Roger Stone or Alex Jones, or when they colluded to target gab and parler..

They are absolute control freaks and totalitarians and it will end in a nightmare if the military doesn't grow a backbone and put an end to this and hold free and fair elections. With voter ID as in every other democracy. It's ridiculous these lies about racism. But.. they get away with it, WHILE THEY actually act in racist, treasonous, divisive, corrupt manner.

And they will use the lockdowns to make the population dependent on them.

And then they'll push all those who resisted into covid camps and kill them.

It will either end this way, with a holocaust against Republicans and whites or the military ends this coup now and arrests the 100+ who were caught on cameras during the election theft and those who looked away and those who gave the instructions

How hard is this goddammit

They even used the pandemic and the fake PCR tests to go for mail in ballots in the millions. Against the constitution.

And then, when the leftist terrorists threatened the courts they cheered it on and laughed "oh look no courts are touching the election you must be imagining things" lol

They used terrorism in your streets for political outcome and THEN these Democrats and the Democrat AGs bailed these murderers and terrorists out.

It boils my blood to see what the US has turned into.

5 years ago I thought of starting my business there and did.. now I'll pull it out because of this dictatorship and tyranny and we all know what will happen..

The US will implode and with it the West, means we are facing waves of internal unrest and likely a proxy war or worse with China.

And these Democrats for years gave cover to China.. swalwell was literally in bed with a Chinese and still is on the Intel committee

This injustice
This blatant in your face injustice of these tyrants must end and the military must intervene and grow some balls FFS you traitors. You swore an oath to the country and the constitution to defend the nation from enemies abroad AND WITHIN

They are spreading Marxism
The next step will be targeting of political opponents


Anonymous said...

go away then land stop foaming at the mouth

Anonymous said...

Before 2020 Trump could not pick the prick Miles out in a line up. Trump relied on guidance from some idiot like General McMaster, who is not very Jewish friendly.

Maybe Miles was recommend by a Trump associate who usually has good judgment, but Miles kept his true colors hidden or thought Republicans are losing and decided to switch sides.

I could see 3:48 loving what McMaster and his ilk stand for even as McMaster would send him to a camp.

Snails are capable of more associative thinking than 3:48.

PS: 3:48 deserves to be on weekend family outing with Miles; family and his own.

Anonymous said...

4:03 All cap and gown and no novel. LMAO

Anonymous said...

No need for the sensationalism.

Anonymous said...

@403 I am. That's my point.
I might consider Florida as they still care about rights and didn't shut down the economy.. but in all likelihood Florida will fall soon too if the military doesn't intervene.
You have a literal coup going on and those in the Democrat party who still believe in democracy and aren't Democrats in name only (also known as demons) should stand up against this tyranny or the west will implode and we will live under corporate state fascism and in an oligopoly that makes brave new world look a bit too soft.. we're almost 1984 level now. The Democrats censor everyone they please and their fascist corporate ghouls execute their demands. The current sideshow with Facebook and the covid misinformation kills battle is just Distraction. Facebook did everything the government wanted and more. Zuckerberg famously emailed that demon Fauci and told him only what he and the WHO say goes.
It's a charade. We're living under corporate fascist tyranny and throug the end of nation states because the same corporations and investment funds that for nearly 3 decades consulted nation states, ie goldman Sachs, mcKinsey etc are now overseeing the largest transfer of wealth in human history. They consulted the governments into corruption, into lockdowns and are now overseeing the largest wealth transfer in the trillions from west to east but also within each nation from anyone who is not a multi multi millionaire to the absolute elite.

And while our rights are taken, while they prepare another lockdown, while they talk you into vaccines to pit us against each other to do the killing later, while all this goes on the media keeps lying. Not informing you about the PCR tests, the false positives that are used to whip you into the lockdown. The inventor of the PCRZ test warned the world in record videos about Fauci and the misuse of his test to detect Corona viruses. And that's EXACTLY what these corrupt governments around the world do in aiding and finalizing the theft of trillions by corporate entities from us and they're talking about the great reset because that's what it is..

It's the end of the monopoly game.

They have all the money, you have none.

And they know, as everyone knows who ever played monopoly to the end: the game is such that when all properties are bought up you will never ever get out of it.

And that's what's happening. Black rock an organisation is buying up property from underneath you ahead of the coming mega inflation and next lockdowns.

They're doing it.
They are making you dependent.

They're replacing the police with loyals to the corrupt regime. It started in Democrat mega cities,.. Chicago, Detroit, LA,NYC.. but it's spreading

And they're doing the same in the UK. Replacing cops with people who are open to communism.

You either ignore it or stop it, because if you don't stop the monopoly game from ending, it'll cause millions of deaths and permanent slavery which they want to usher in using automation and AI.. and some of them have subscribed to a cult of nihilism and eugenics, a club of gaia lovers who want to rid the planet of us, the common man, who asks pesky questions about why we had to bail out bankers in the trillions during the financial crisis, only to then be pitted against each other using their culture war techniques they purposefully injected after occupy wall street. And they don't like it that we ask questions about Epstein, Clinton, Gates and Biden. They and others more powerful than them want the monopoly game to end in this great reset and make you modern slaves with no free speech, no property, no privacy, no dignity and at the flick of a switch in the age of IoT they can make your life so hard once smart homes and electric cars and all the other control grid like the medical passports are in place.

Those who attack the constitution and the rights within, your rights and your dignity, are the enemies of all of us.

Watch for them on all sides.

Anonymous said...

PS for context and so you understand

1 McKinsey is also the number over consulting group that talked the West, into outsourcing and especially outsourcing to China. McKinsey is actually THE consulting group that coined the term outsourcing nearly 3 decades ago. The wealth transfer since then was always the same:
From West to East, and
From anyone to the absolute top 0.01%

2) the inventor of the monopoly game created the game to discourage people away from capitalism. Monopoly is fun, don't get me wrong.. but the point is this: at about half into the game, or even less depending the circumstances(eg if players work together), and if you are falling behind by enough, the chances that you ever will catch up are getting lower and lower and they soon get towards 0.. it's impossible to win unless you have something to create ever more money to compete with the buy ups by the leading bank/ monopoly player

3) that's exactly what's happening now.. for decades the middle class bailed out the super rich and OKed subsidies in the hundreds of billions and paid for wars in the trillions and now pays for covid with nearly 10 trillion, pushing the monopoly game to its end and

4) ushering in oligopoly.

5) that's why the oligarchs take your rights, spy on you, deplatform you at will

6) and they will not stop at deplatforming. Facebook and Amazon and Google are moving into the smart homes and cars markets. You will not drive. You will not have electricity or water at home if they say so.


And I'm not saying Mark Zuckerberg is in control. He's like a front man. He looks like a hostage victim, same with Dorsey...

My guess is the entity we are fighting is a deep state, unelected group of oligarchs who were around way before Zuckerberg... I'm thinking the Bilderberg group.. they start entire wars, have financed entire wars, have crowned and crushed kings and states men.. but I don't know.. they're certainly capable of manipulating elections, democracies and killing scores of people with no hesitancy. Maybe it's aliens. Either way, the outcome is the same. They want absolute power and they want to dumb down humanity, they'r destroying intellectual discourse, they'r destroying schools and targeting speech, language and science. Ok not aliens.. these are classical corporate fascist methods that you also see in Marxism and Maoism...

So my guess is, as the wealth transfer went on before for decades and today from west to east and everyone else to oligarchs, is that a corporate fascist criminal cartel is taking over the world and my bet is it's China and that's why the US top leaders don't fight.. they have given up already and join the club that's already bought out.. like that scum traitors we see on TV all day. And if you wait another month or two they'll use the lockdowns to finalize their power grab. And you will be locked in literally, spiritually, and likely forever because they will use AI and automated killing machines soon that will obey only them.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cuba jams 40 meter amateur bands in the US; Biden / FCC silent.

A picture of a protester with a baofeng in DC, and federal round up begin. FCC pens a diatribe with threats of imprisonment to Hams counrywide.

We all know who the problem is.


Biden is an election thief, and a coward, and truth be told mentally he's not even there.

Nicolas Darkwater said...

Taylor says that if Trump runs in 2024, he'll challenge him in the Republican primary.

This clown is really full of himself.