Thursday, July 8, 2021

Four Dead After Police Gunfight With Suspected Killers Of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse

Haiti's Police Chief Léon Charles (above) said four suspected killers of President Jovenel Moise have been fatally shot by police and two others arrested after the gang of alleged assassins took three police officers hostage  

Daily Mail: Four assassins who murdered Haitian President Jovenel Moïse are shot dead by police and two more are arrested after taking cops hostage as gunfire erupts in Port-au-Prince amid growing unrest 

* Haitian police say that six assassination suspects were intercepted, with four killed and two arrested 

* Video from Port-Au-Prince shows smoke rising from multiple points as gunfire is heard through the city 

* President Jovenel Moise was killed in a brazen assassination raid on his home overnight 

* Haitian First Lady Martine Moise, 47, was airlifted to Miami with multiple gunshot wounds on Wednesday 

* Gang of 'mercenaries' posing as US DEA agents staged the raid speaking English and Spanish 

* Shocking eyewitness footage shows killers shout into a megaphone: 'DEA operation. Everybody stand down' 

* US State Department slams any suggestion that the killers were US government agents as 'absolutely false' 

* Haitian officials say they believe assassins were a gang composed of Haitians, Colombians and Venezuelans 

* Dominican military is mobilizing at the border as Haitian PM declares 'state of siege' with emergency powers 

* Haiti now thrown into chaos with no legal framework for succession and just 10 elected officials nationwide 

Haiti's police chief says four people suspected of assassinating President Jovenel Moise have been shot dead by police and two others arrested after the gang took three police officers hostage. 

Video purportedly looking out over Port-Au-Prince on Wednesday evening shows smoke rising from several points in the city, and the sound of heavy gunfire could be heard. 

Police claimed to be in an ongoing battle with the assassination suspects, but fears mounted that the fragile political situation could plunge the impoverished, violence-wracked nation deeper into chaos.  

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More News On Reports That Four Are Dead After A Police Gunfight With Suspected Killers Of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse  

Haiti: four dead after police gunfight with suspected killers of president Jovenel Moïse -- The Guardian 

Jovenel Moïse: Police kill four after Haiti's president assassinated -- BBC  

Haitian police battle suspected members of president’s hit squad as country pitched into uncertainty -- France 24  

Hours After Haiti’s President Is Assassinated, 4 Suspects Are Killed and 2 Arrested -- New York Times  

Haiti police hunt down Moise’s killers as fears of chaos grow -- Al Jazeera

Multiple gunmen killed & arrested in firefight with suspected assassins of Haitian President Jovenel Moise -- RT

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I commented:

"There are a lot of American accents. Anymore Democrats allow people to come and go as they please. Having an American accent does not mean they are American."

Now, we have:

"* Haitian officials say they believe assassins were a gang composed of Haitians, Colombians and Venezuelans"

The US border is so porous and the immigration system enacted by Congress is such a whore that some of these people could have spent time in the US. They could have been undocumented with liberals sniveling the whole time.

"* US State Department slams any suggestion that the killers were US government agents as 'absolutely false'"

I would have categorically not believed it 3 months ago.

"Bill Barr re-emerges, spotlights total corruption of the Department of Justice"

"Occasional leaks from the DOJ to the media indicate that the real key players, former president Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, and Andrew McCabe, are at no risk of being found culpable for any malfeasance."

I believe that [pep[le like Obama, John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, and Andrew McCabe could do something like that.

Psaki is such a liar she should be called madam Psaki.

There should be nothing about Haiti that a US politician should want except for good governance, but you would be wrong.

The Clintons Didn’t Screw Up Haiti Alone. You Helped.

Slate tries to imply that we are all culpable and not just the Clintons.

Ex-Haiti official sentenced in telecom bribery probe

Most people would not remember the Clinton were mixed up in the Telecom scandals (Yeah one of their big donors was sentenced in a purely American telecom scandal). Having had family member calling overseas for 50 years until Skype and other apps made it cheap I hate people, who make calls more expensive due to corruption. The Clintons did exactly that for poor Haitians.

If the Clintons stooped that low, maybe some Beltway type used those Haitians, Columbians and Venezuelans as cutouts.