Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Haiti President Jovenel Moïse Assassinated At His Home


Daily Mail: President of Haiti Jovenel Moise, 53, is assassinated by 'gunmen claiming to be DEA agents speaking in English and Spanish' in night-time raid on his home that also left his wife seriously injured 

* A group of 'foreigners', some of whom spoke English and Spanish, broke into Mr Moise's home in the hills above Port-au-Prince at around 1am on Wednesday, according to a statement by country's prime minister 

* The 53-year-old was shot dead and the First Lady Martine, 47, remains in hospital after what PM Claude Joseph called a 'hateful, inhumane and barbaric act' 

* In footage purportedly recorded by a witness, someone with an American accent shouts into a megaphone: 'DEA operation. Everybody stand down. DEA operation. Everybody back up, stand down' 

* Gunfire then erupts in the video uploaded to Instagram by someone who says they were in the Pelerin 5 neighbourhood, where the president's house is located 

* Residents reported hearing high-powered rounds and saw men dressed in black sprinting through the neighbourhood. There were also claims of a grenade going off and drones being deployed 

* PM Joseph said he had taken charge of the country and the police and armed forces were taking 'all measures to guarantee the continuity of the State and protect the Nation' 

* Biden administration called it a 'tragic attack' and said the White House was still 'gathering information' and 'assessing right now.' Press Secretary Jen Psaki called it an 'horrific crime,' adding 'we stand ready and stand by them to provide any assistance that's needed' 

The President of Haiti Jovenel Moise has been assassinated by gunmen claiming to be DEA agents in a night-time raid on his home that also left his wife seriously injured, according to reports. 

A group of 'foreigners', some of whom spoke English and Spanish, broke into Mr Moise's home in the hills above Port-au-Prince at around 1am on Wednesday, according to a statement by country's prime minister. 

The 53-year-old was shot dead and the First Lady Martine, 47, remains in hospital after what PM Claude Joseph called a 'hateful, inhumane and barbaric act.'  

Read more .... 

More News On The Assassination Of Haiti President Jovenel Moïse 

Official: Haiti President Jovenel Moïse assassinated at home -- AP  

Haitian president assassinated at home, sparking fears of widespread turmoil -- Reuters  

Haitian President Jovenel Moise assassinated -- France 24 

Haiti President Jovenel Moïse killed in attack at home -- BBC  

Haiti president Jovenel Moïse assassinated -- The Guardian 

Haitian President Jovenel Moise assassinated in his home -- DW  

Haitian President Jovenel Moïse assassinated, first lady injured in attack, interim PM says -- NBC

Haiti President Jovenel Moise assassinated in attack on his residence -- CNN  

Haiti’s President Moise Assassinated in Night Attack on His Home -- Bloomberg  

Haitian president Jovenel Moise assassinated in night-time attack -- The Telegraph  

Haiti President Shot Dead, Prime Minister Says -- VOA


Anonymous said...

Where was his security? And why would they react to "stand down" by DEA? looks like the action of an organized drug / crime gang or the action of an Intel agency
Either way, to also go for his wife.. inhumane.. and to shoot him down like that.. hope these guys get caught and get a nice bullet themselves

Anonymous said...

When criminals imitate law enforcement, you haver to hunt them down and execute them or you lose authority.

If it was hybrid war by another nation, you have to kill at least a 100 of their agents to get them to stop. If they don't next strop is 1,000.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon @1028.. someone sho executes a president, must expect to be hunted down. If a good patriot got rid of that illegitimate demonic ghoul Biden, the world would rejoice, but the corporate media and thieving Democrats would push for capital punishment, and understandably so.
But what a glorious day if we could identify all traitors, have the evidence needed for the courts and do it legally with courts that are not corrupted. But in today's world, with the demonic left using everything from corporations to media to courts against the normal people, what we need is a batman type figure that sees our courts and media that are supposed to bring checks and balances are corrupted and even the CIA and FBI are politicized and have applied law unevenly for all to see, out in the open.. the Democrats intimated and denied poll watchers access and pulled out ballot boxes at night and suddenly the pedophile corrupt traitor who couldn't pull a crowd if there was free food is in the office.. yeah right.. it's a coup and people have the right and duty to fight back in my opinion, but mind you, I'm not American, so do follow your laws and importantly protect the constitution and your rights above all, especially takeovers using corporations as it happens now throug Facebook Google Amazon and Twitter, all censoring, all withholding the most crucial informations
Twitter and Facebook censored on the Hunter Biden and Joe Biden China corruption scandal, they banned the NY post article until the election was basically over.. this alone warrants hanging by the neck until death in my opinion as they knew the story was true and they interfered in the democratic process in a fascist manner, but I'm just pissed being ruled by oligarch fascists, so don't listen to my judgement as being fair ;-)) but what a day that would be, living free again, free of corporate and governmental tyranny, overreach, censorship and medical tyranny.