Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Haiti's President Killed By Group Claiming To Be DEA Agents. Videos Show A Lot Of Gunmen Present Outside His Home After He Was Shot


NYPost: Haiti President Jovenel Moïse killed by group claiming to be DEA agents  

Haitian President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated in his home Wednesday by a group of unidentified gunmen who also left his wife wounded, interim Prime Minister Claude Joseph announced — calling it a “hateful, inhumane and barbaric act” as he imposed a “state of siege” on the nation. 

“An unidentified group of individuals, some of whom were speaking in Spanish, attacked the private residence of the President of the Republic and mortally wounded him,” Joseph said in a statement, adding that the assailants were armed with “high-caliber weapons.” 

The primary languages in the impoverished Caribbean nation of more than 11 million people some 675 miles southeast of Miami are French and Haitian Creole.  

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WNU Editor: The person yelling in the loud speaker has an American accent. The second video shows a lot a gunmen and a lot of SUVs leaving the area. 

If the above videos are authentic. This was a well coordinated and overwhelming attack against the Haitian President.


Anonymous said...

People must know that we're living through the end stages of nation states.. the corporate takeover is global and is run by a mafia willing to kill millions to keep their plan on track.

Nation states are all broke, look at where the money is. Look who prints the money and loans it to the nations and who then talked those very same nations into wars to bankrupt themselves? Private banks. Private corporations. Trillion big investment funds run by unelected people. For hundreds of years THEY have selected our leaders and wars. Tell me it's not so. Look at each war. Look who made the money. Look who loaned it. Look who profited. The very same.

That's the reality.

And the largest transfer of wealth is currently taking place under the Covid cover. And the very same people who suppress information on it, from Google to Amazon to politicians and their masters are making bank. Trillions. On your back. For a disease they created. On top they talk you into taking drugs with no longterm safety profile. On top of that they withhold information on the severe adverse effects and belittle people who warn you of this pseudo science.

In short, we are being ruled by an oligarchy. Democracy in the US and Europe has fallen. The centralisation towards Washington and Brussel brought so much corruption we have no more say in our own countries and are terrorised and deplatformed and silenced by corporations that act in fascist manner for the state party.

You know it, I know it, they know it and that's why they must disarm you next and why they must indoctrinated your children. Because we must hang those traitors and they want to keep their power and illegitimate thrones.

Jac said...

DEA agent? and why not the hand of Trump?