Sunday, July 4, 2021

If Afghanistan Collapses And The Taliban Take Control Of The Country, Will President Biden Be Blamed For It?


Politico: Rep. McCaul: Biden is 'going to own' Afghanistan fallout 

He said there will be long-term consequences. 

The top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee hammered President Joe Biden on Sunday for his withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan. 

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) said that the Taliban is poised to threaten the stability of the Afghan government and Biden will be responsible for the looming violence and repression left in the Taliban’s wake. 

“We’re going dark in Afghanistan, and there’s going to be consequences long term for this,” McCaul said on “Fox News Sunday. “President Biden [is] going to own these images.”

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: In normal times a US President will be blamed for good and bad decisions .... both domestic and foreign. But these are not normal times in America.


Jac said...

Prediction: all the guilt is on Trump.

Anonymous said...

Psaki will blame Trump. Joe will read the cards they write for him.

Trump ran on ending the forever wars. He was elected. If Congress had declared war instead of using a Rubber band called an AUMF that is used for 30+ countries, he could never have left Afghanistan.

The AUMF is not Trump's fault. It was around for 15 years before he was elected.

The North Vietnamese received much wear material form China and Russia. They had safe areas in North Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

The Americans had a safe area in South Appalachians. It was used but once, but it was significant. The Overmountain Boys kicked ass a King's Mountain attacking straight uphill. The US had Spanish and French suppliers.

The Taliban has had Pakistani. Iranian and Gulf charity help. They have a safe area of FATA.

What happened? In all cases one major power left. They were not defeated, but they left. Britain lost the 13 colonies during the American Revolution, but it gained India.

I bring this up, because the US was never going to win. It might keep it stalemated but only at the cost of 50 billion to 180 billion a year plus 100 lives.

George Bush pushed the Pakistanis and that ended with the two battles of Swat. How much of that was theater? Obama'a surge was good, but he did not give the generals but 1/2 their request and when the Pakistanis upped the ante, he folded.

Did American citizens sign up for a stalemate?

I blame many in Congress including many Republicans and most Democrats.

Andrew Jackson said...


Anonymous said...

The Chinese will thank Biden for pulling out and as we know, China tells Disney, Google, Twitter, Facebook what’s kosher to say and do.
Americans who use their brains will wonder why beheadings and Islamic terror are a daily staple in their news feed.