Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Iran Has Begun The Process Of Making Enriched Uranium Metal

The Iranian flag waves in front of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) headquarters, in Vienna  

Reuters: Iran begins process of making enriched uranium metal; U.S., E3 dismayed 

VIENNA/WASHINGTON (Reuters) -Iran has begun the process of producing enriched uranium metal, the U.N. atomic watchdog said on Tuesday, a move that could help it develop a nuclear weapon and that three European powers said threatened talks to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. 

Iran's steps, which were disclosed by the International Atomic Energy Agency and which Tehran said were aimed at developing fuel for a research reactor, also drew criticism from the United States, which called them an "unfortunate step backwards." 

U.S. and European officials made clear that Iran's decision would complicate, and potentially torpedo, indirect U.S.-Iranian talks seeking to bring both nations back into compliance with the 2015 deal, which was abandoned by former U.S. President Donald Trump.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Iran notifies nuclear watchdog of uranium enrichment plans -- The Hill  

Update #2: US urges Iran to avoid 'provocative' steps amid new uranium enrichment -- The Hill  

WNU Editor: In response to this provocative move, the Biden administration appears to be signalling that they are going to drop all sanctions .... Biden is considering ENDING sweeping sanctions against states like Iran that were strengthened under Trump and will instead rely on 'working with' foreign governments (Daily Mail). 

US Democrats talk about "soft-power". This is not "soft-power", this is surrender and capitulation.

Update #3: The Russians are stating the obvious .... Goal of reviving Iran nuclear deal by July 15 not achievable, Russian envoy says (TASS).


Anonymous said...

President Joe Bite ME actually went down on a knee in front of an Israeli official.

Anonymous said...

The man is just as silly as the empty suit. Loves his own rhetoric.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden broke diplomatic protocol and bowed down to a foreign official.

Anonymous said...

Slow Joe has two bed buddies, China and Iran. When he tires of one, he crawls into bed with the other.

fred said...

Schmuck remark above by retard

fred said...

Why then Biden way more popular in every poll than trump ever was

Anonymous said...

Biden is below every President since WW2 except Trump for popularity in his first 100 days.

Biden beats Trump? Well sure the legacy and social media has their finger on the scales, so it is expected. But there is only so much the media can do to prop up the naked emperor, whose strolls for ice cream are breathlessly reported by gushing reporters.

If the trend over the last 6 months continue Biden's unfavorability will be higher than his favorability in December 2021. The trend could see a Christmas time reversal with a a maximum number of sorties by the presstitutes over Xmas. Call it Blitz week, when the prostitutes will be dropping tons off bullshit on the populace. They actually worked this miracle for Obama, but Obama was young, good looking, and could actually speak without someone shoving their hand up his ass and using him like a puppet. It won't work as well for President Dementia.

There will be the trial of the Clinton Foundation barring a suicide. Biden could have shitty Labor Day weekend like his shitty 4th of July weekend due to Taliban and hackers. The hackers could make every holiday weekend a hack attack holiday weekend and thus take all wind out of the sails of the presstitutes and their ability to help the Democrats.

If it is the Russians and I think it is, there is nothing that Biden or his handlers will try that will get the attacks to stop. They will not arm Ukraine and they will give up on all sanction on Iran. They look weak, they are weak and so Russia, Iran and others will attack around the clock with hybrid or open warfare.

There is literally nothing you can do except to be honest and write letter to all your representatives and telling them to fly right.

1133 was exactly right. Dropping all sanctions against the belligerent Iran sis crawling into bed with them and Democrat are wearing their best lipstick.

When the Iranians rise from bed, Democrats want lipstick smudges all over the Iranians' glorious naked bodies, so the whole world can see that Democrats are worth the money they are paid.