Monday, July 5, 2021

Israeli Study Says Pfizer Vaccine Is Only 70% Effective against The Delta Covid Variant


Times Of Israel: Pfizer vaccine 70% effective against Delta variant, claims study 

The Pfizer COVID vaccine is 70 percent effective against the new ultra-contagious Delta variant, claims a new study from the Hebrew University, according to Kan. 

This is compared to an approximately 95% rate of effectivity of the vaccine against earlier strains of COVID. 

According to the study, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is also less effective at preventing people infected with the Delta variant from developing serious symptoms. 

Earlier today, Haaretz reports on Health Ministry figures that indicated that the Delta variant is responsible for more than 90% of new COVID cases in Israel over the past two weeks; compared to just 60% of new cases in the country just two weeks ago.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Israel data 'preliminary signal' Delta variant can bypass vaccine: expert (MedicalXPress) Update #2: Israel data reportedly shows drop in efficacy of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine as delta variant spreads (Fortune)  

WNU Editor: The efficacy of the Pfizer has since been dropped to 64% .... A Study In Israel Records Steep Drop In Efficacy Rate Of BioNTech/Pfizer mRNA Vaccine, Revised Downwards To 64% (Swarajyamag)


Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the Nurnberg 2.0 trials. I think the price of rope will go up soon ;) wouldn't that be an event.. all the drug pushers are the same as the war mongers are the same as the racists hiding behind CRT, are the pedos.. they're all the same at CNN... we could get rid of them legally AND by law AND put an end to their demonic and treasonous behaviour.
But.. they'll plead mental insanity and they'll get of for sure, just look at the eyes of Anderson Cooper and tell me that guy doesn't have a handicap lol

Anonymous said...

Four months before the Obama administration suspended federal funding for gain-of-function research on US soil, the process by which virologists manipulate viruses to be more transmissible to humans, a subagency of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) - headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci - effectively shifted this research to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) via a grant to nonprofit group EcoHealth Alliance, headed by Peter Daszak.

Anonymous said...

Oh and just fyi: Fauci is a life long Democrat, and public bath room enthusiast (rampant homosexual with cover wife who also conveniently works at the head of FDA ethics commission on : human research!) just in case you needed more proof of his demonic nature and the demonic leftist deep state.. when pics of him with children appear, CNN will tell you they are not real and Twitter will ban the NY Post again for breaking the story.
Let's face it..our leaders and elite have been comprised. It matches the attack pattern of a hostile nation state with not just the expertise but the money and mindset and determination to do so. As the liars and traitors and pedos at CNN told us we are under attack by Russia, but all their money comes through their parent companies (Warner media and at&t) via China and we know of the pedo corruption of hunger Hunter Biden doing his drug and sex thing with 10yr old Chinese girls, my guess it's China. It also matches their articulated 1000 talents program and other times the Chinese got caught with lower hanging fruit, like mid level professors and researchers at leftist fanatic universities like Harvard and Stanford.

Epstein likely was one of those key people doing the compromising. And he was killed in prison and the same media ghouls who push unsafe drugs on you, who suppress your speech and divide your nation are the same ones who said Epstein killed himself.

Hang them and the other traitors for their countless crimes and the stench of corruption, debauchery, nihilism and fear v they spread, and the west can be saved. Ignore their evil and it'll get worse.

Enemies foreign and domestic.

And if you still haven't figured it out.. the same people who push pedophilia and unsafe drugs and wars and debauchery and fear ARE THE SAME who want to abolish the constitution ARE THE SAME who demonize Christians and other religions (except Islam of course lol)

Trial them.
Hang them.
Restore humanity.

I might be wrong, and I don't want to see innocent people hang.. but after all they've done... you kidding me? These are the actions of compromised traitors, demons or really sick people. If sick, and that's very likely, I of course don't want to see them hang. If I look at Anderson cooper or don Lemon, I see mentally and spiritually retarded people. But they get their morning briefings and marching orders from Zucker and he gets his from Warner media who on record have told all investors that their daddy is China.

It's not rocket science.

fred said...

Moronic comment
Grow a brain

Jac said...

64% is better than nothing and is the a better rate than the flu vaccine.