Sunday, July 18, 2021

Massive Protests In France Against French Government's Covid Restrictions And Heavy Penalties


Summit News: French Face 6 Months in Jail For Entering a Bar or Restaurant Without a COVID Pass 

Owners face a year in prison, €45,000 fine. 

People in France who enter a bar or restaurant without a COVID pass face 6 months in jail, while business owners who fail to check their status face a 1 year prison sentence and a €45,000 fine. 

Yes, really. The punishments are part of a draconian effort by the French government to force citizens to get the coronavirus jab amidst multiple unruly protests across numerous major cities. 

 President Emmanuel Macron announced earlier this week that those unable to prove they’re vaccinated or a negative COVID test (at their own cost) will be banned from using public transport, entering a cinema, shopping mall, bar, cafe, restaurant and other venues from August 1st. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: These fines are beyond authoritarian. If I was in France, I would be also joining the protests (see below). 

 France: Tens of thousands protest against COVID pass, vaccination -- Euronews/AFP 

France: Thousands protest against vaccination, COVID passes -- AP  

Covid rebels march in cities across France against Emmanuel Macron's plans to force health workers to get vaccines and a new rule demanding passports for restaurants and bars -- Daily Mail  

Over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND rally against ‘Covid-19 tyranny’ in France, protesting immunity passports & vaccination mandate (VIDEO) -- RT


Anonymous said...

The Finns may do a better job at setting fines. I think their way is more scientific, if only by a little bit.

The Macron way is that of a little boy, who was warped at an early age.

Anonymous said...

Governments around the World do a horrible, inexcusable job when it comes to dealing with the virus

It is so bad that it reeks of corruption and it appears that the government works together with big corporations in this largest wealth transfer in recorded human history from lower and middle class to the super wealthy, 0.001% of the World.

The wealth transfer in the trillions(!) happens from West to East, with China being the only economy to have grown in its GDP in 2020, among almost 200 nations.

But the wealth transfer also happens from the lower and even upper middle classes to the mega wealthy, oligarchs.

It also just happens that many of these super oligarchs, the Mark Zuckerberg's, the Jeff Bezos, but also the heads of their equivalents in China, like Tencent, Wuaweii, Alibaba and such also profit in the same way.

Finally, it should be observed that all these private organizations have the same consulting groups that the public sector uses. Conflict of interest?

For example, McKinsey and Goldman Sachs are the two major ones in Washington DC and NYC and Shanghai. They are the ones who consulted our governments into bankrupcy and their private customers into trillions worth of enrichment. Again: Conflict of interest?

I worked in consulting. Whenever you deal in such a scenario, working for two sectors that are competing for resources, there is not only a huge potential for corruption, but it happens all the time.

Finally, many of these oligarchs are corrupting our societies. They trample on our rights, they pit us against each other by spreading lies, witholding information and so on

Just recent examples: When Twitter banned the New York Post story on the Hunter Biden and Joe Biden China corruption and pedo scandal. No one would have voted for them. They banned the account of the New York Post using shady business practices.. then when the election was over unbanned them.. they are corrupt crooked criminals interfering with our elections

THey also supress crucial, life saving information on the pandemic.. Amazon banned books about the pandemic, Twitter and facebook ban every post that cast doubt on the numbers of death, the PCR testing scandal which produces too many false positives, the money racket game in hospitals to use false positives to get tens of thousands dollars more per patient

for goodness sakes, they are killing us, dividing us to conquer us and IT MUST STOP or soon this disease, these filthy lies from race division to gender division THEY SPREAD to make one side (white republicans, christians etc) look bad, it's inexcusable, it's inhumane it's against so many laws and i know so so many people who have had it with this oligarchy club

One more lockdown attempt (which they will try to complete the takeover and bankruption of the public sector while they get rich) and we must resist this tyranny and do whatever is necessary if our own police and military doesn't protect us and chooses to ignore their sworn oaths. SHAME ON THEM! SHAME!

Anonymous said...

And the Democrats ARE THE WORST offenders when it comes to this.. this corrupt cabal of treasnonous swines who manipulated the election and hurt democracy for decades to come.. these marxist and critical awareness pushers, these dividers, these unsafe drug pushers and warmongers. ENOUGH! RESIST THEM!

Anonymous said...

French love protesting. Rioting. You could implement a law declaring that all French shall receive a lump sum of free money and they would still protest.

6 months jail time is actually common. An American woman in Cayman islands got 4 months jail time for breaking covid restrictions.

A Florida couple got 8 months, with the mother getting 2 of the 8 months suspended on health grounds. And they got fined as well.

Yes, the restrictions do seem a tad strict in France compared to elsewhere, especially that 1 year and 45k fine, although owners of businesses and such tend to face harsher penalties.

As I said. The French love a good protest.

Anonymous said...

"As I said. The French love a good protest."

Nothing to see here, move along.

Can't tasker on the criticism head on, so 11:01 opted for some judo.

Anonymous said...

Big Brother is here.

Jac said...

France is not a Democracy anymore since a while, I can tell you well: I'm French born and leave there foe more than half a century.