Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Moscow Warns Next Foreign Power To Violate Black Sea Borders ‘Will Get A Punch In The Nose’

The British Royal Navy warship HMS Defender approaches the Black Sea port of Batumi, Georgia, June 26, 2021. © Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia/Handout via REUTERS  

RT: Following British warship incident, Moscow warns next foreign power to violate Black Sea borders ‘will get a punch in the nose’  

Provocateurs who play games in the Black Sea risk “getting punched in the nose.” That’s according to Russia’s deputy foreign minister, who has called on foreign ships to respect the country’s borders or face severe consequences. 

Speaking to the Moscow's International Affairs news outlet on Tuesday, Sergey Ryabkov was referring to last month’s incident involving the British destroyer HMS Defender, which violated Russia’s maritime borders near Crimea. 

The senior official stressed that the Black Sea was not a place where “games are allowed,” noting that such incursions across the Russian border could increase the risk of conflict in the region.  

Read more ....  

Update: Kremlin vows appropriate measures in case of border violations in Black Sea (TASS)  

WNU Editor: US and its allies have responded .... U.S., Allies Vow to Continue Black lack Sea Military Drills, Russia Sends Warplanes to Defend Borders (Newsweek). 

And then there is this nonsense .... British warship in Crimean waters upset Russia & prompted stern warnings but there’s more to come, says ‘confident’ UK government (RT).


Caecus said...

NATO: we've just won the war in Afghanistan after 20 years, time to take on Russia!

Anonymous said...

Caecus.. perfect. I think you won the internet today hehe
Plus, it smells of distraction. First fcking address the 8-10 trillion dollar gorilla called Wuhan virus which the middle class again bears the brunt of it and the oligarchy made the money.. the same with the wars..our blood and treasure and they start the wars (on purpose!) For distraction and to make more money and for more power and political games. Enough of this psychotic oligarchy. I say hang them all before they put more tyranny and control grids over us to solidify their illegitimate power they accrued through crime, corruption and thievery.

B.Poster said...

Pretty much what Caecus said has nailed it!! Crimea is Russian. The sooner "western" leaders recognize this the better off we are all going to be in my considered opinion. This does look, taste, smell, and sound like yet another distraction as well as yet another needless provocation of Russia. The editor is correct in my considered opinion to call it nonsense. The problem is this nonsense threatens to get allot of people killed and it is likely to be Americans who will bear the brunt of it.

Kamil said...

Ceacus nailed it. Agree. All troops have withdrawn from Afghanistan and defense batteries has been withdrawn from Saudi Arabia as well so all resources can be used against Russia. But I firmly believe, NATO will loose against the Russian and Chinese

fred said...

August and trump will be named real pres

Anonymous said...

August? I do not put much stock in it.

It has potential given if certain things snowball. 2020 presidential election is still being fought and Dims are still have their most expensive lawyers in the trenches shelling the American people.

Is it possible. Yes, if the corporatists can put a senile old man suffering for dementia in the presidency, then certainly Trump could be president in August.

fred said...

All things are possible in this the best of all possible worlds

Anonymous said...

You're losing.

Anonymous said...

The trial in November will -play well. So ill release of the audit. It is summer and hot and there should be riots. Murders are certainly up across the country by double digits. An unarmed black man is shot by police about once a month. Odd no riots. It proves that the riots are planned and paid for. So I don't think we will have riots. Ransomware attacks is where the establishment is vulnerable.

I think the establishment is juggling too many balls. They cannot handle it it. August could happen.

There will be a Labor Day ransomware attack and all the establishment can do is not out joe in front of the cameras by way of damage control.

Anonymous said...

Look, who do you think is behind the hacking of 1 million companies? You think that's some small outfit, say the equivalent of up and coming "entrepreneurs" or middle class?

No way. That's industrial scale, with the absolute guarantee of military safe haven because at that point they just take you out. So just so you understand, they're billionaire cartels, comparable to and sometimes the same as our oligarchy billionaires. So that's not some person attacking the establishment. At that level of crime they're likely also lobbying in Washington for low punishment for white collar crimes lol I kid you not.. they'r also often the same who manipulate stock markets.. often it's also deep state actors/ agencies like the CIA...

The cia used to and likely still is(see Afghanistan) running drugs to then buy weapons and finance black ops, all documented and recorded history

Now many of those tools used were likely from the solar winds hack that was reported looked like an inside job, so you're telling me the CIA hasn't figured out it's easier to hack and use ransomware they invented by the way instead of running physical drugs like they do with cocaine and opium?
Come on, man.. you'll likely also tell me the Democrats actually won the election and the US is a democracy lol even Citi bank in a memo classified the US as oligopoly now

What do you think the great reset is about? Coming at a time when nation states are bankrupt and certain corporations are breaking trillions now?

We're witnessing the end of nation states and corporations and criminal syndicates are taking over and the Democrats don't want to fight them but agreed the takeover if they can remain in power. China and Democrats worked together. That's just my guess.. because they no longer think nation states. For 20 years they've been getting briefings that corporations will take over. That's what pretty much everyone projected and it's happening. When Facebook takes your speech, what do you think that is? Think we have a free and fair market? Tell me what happened to Parler? And what happened to Gab before? How the media and big tech colluded to attack them in a coordinated fashion.


Tyranny is among us.

Andrew Jackson said...
