Thursday, July 8, 2021

NATO Alert Interupts Live News Conference Of The Lithuanian And Spanish Presidents


DW: Lithuania: Fighter jet alert halts Spanish PM news conference 

A Russian plane triggered an urgent alert disrupting a press conference of the Lithuanian and Spanish presidents. 

Pilots scrambled a Eurofighter jet at Siauliai air force base in Lithuania onThursday in response to an unidentified Russian plane. 

The alert interrupted a joint news conference the president, Gitanas Nauseda, was holding with Spanish President Pedro Sanchez. 

They were three minutes into the press conference in front of the plane's fuselage and in the middle of a "joint declaration" when a chaotic scene unfolded behind them during a live broadcast. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: That is something that you do not see everyday. 

More News On A NATO Alert Interrupting The Press Conference Of The Lithuanian And Spanish Presidents 

Fighter jets scramble, interrupt leaders in Lithuania -- AP  

Spanish prime minister forced to break off news conference in Lithuania to let jet take off for urgent mission -- RT  

Spanish PM's Speech at NATO Base in Lithuania Interrupted Over Russian Jet Alert - Video -- Sputnik  

Watch: NATO Press Conference Interrupted As Jets Scrambled Over Inbound Russian Fighter 'Alert' -- Zero Hedge


Anonymous said...

Games games games.

Anonymous said...

The oligarchs who run our militaries need a distraction so YOU don't ask questions about the great reset, their depopulation plans, and the largest transfer of wealth that's currently taking place, pretty much ushering in a new set of super wealthy corporate deep state rulers replacing nation states more and more.
Yes, of course you'll still live in the USA, and you will think everything over there is American, but it's not. It's owned by oligarchs, trillions worth and your rights are determined by them and your president is crowned by them and you will own nothing and you'll be happy, OR ELSE!

Got it?
Do not let them start a war or skirmish. The population is waking up to this decades old game the oligarchs play. And they want to get rid of us.

In the coming automation age they do not want 9 billion people around. The Davos group, the key drivers of the great reset are a bunch of nihilistic psychopaths who want to depopulate earth to 500 million people, so that humans love in harmony with their gaia/ living planet idea and so that everyone of those 500mn can have the live extension tech.. that's what the great reset is really driven by, the holy grail has been found (a mix of telomere protecting and anti oxidation and radiation techniques, plus organ replacement and gene therapy+stem cells) let's you live to 400yrs soon and they expect to make further extensions while you live those extra 300 years and basically don't die anymore

But, they've also stated you must give up religion, must adhere to one truth and one ruling party. Them.

It's basically the devil's deal. You can join them or not.

Anonymous said...

Pre planned to cause a ruckus by Vladimir!