Saturday, July 10, 2021

Pentagon Press Secrertary Concedes 'Deteriorating Security Situation' In Afghanistan

The Hill: Pentagon spokesperson concedes 'deteriorating security situation' in Afghanistan 

The Pentagon’s top spokesperson on Friday acknowledged a “deteriorating security situation” in Afghanistan amid claims from the Taliban that the insurgent group now controls a large majority of the country. 

“What we have seen is a deteriorating security situation on the ground, no question about that, that the Taliban continues to take district centers,” Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said in an interview with CNN on Friday morning. 

“We are seeing them continue to advance on district centers around the country, and it is concerning.” Kirby’s comment came after the Taliban claimed to now control 85 percent of Afghanistan.  

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Update #1: Pentagon Spokesperson Acknowledges ‘Deteriorating Security Situation’ in Afghanistan (National Review) 

Update #2: Pentagon acknowledges ‘deteriorating security situation’ in Afghanistan (NYPost)  

WNU Editor: Unlike the US President, Pentagon press secretary John Kirby is acknowledging the obvious.


RussInSoCal said...

Yes. Trump wanted troops out of AFG. I want troops out of AFG. It there was a way to do it that wouldn’t entail a chaotic evacuation, leaving huge stores of arms and vehicles for the taliban to loot.

Theres also the fate of thousand of Afghan translators, pilots and other allies. What will Biden do for them? Is there a plan to get then out and to safety?

Probably not. And if we let these people twist in the wind and die, we will have created twice that number in new enemies.

Biden’s Afghan debacle won’t wear well on him.

Anonymous said...

probably not? Biden has already said they would be coming here
get your meds renewed

RussInSoCal said...

5:41 PM

Let's see what Bumbles actually does as opposed to what dribbles out of his cake hole. Which is meaningless.