Thursday, July 8, 2021

Pentagon Warns Of An “Increased Potential” For Nuclear Conflict

Open launch tubes on the US Navy's ballistic missile submarine USS Ohio. USN 

Warzone/The Drive: Pentagon Warns Of An “Increased Potential” For Nuclear Conflict In Newly Disclosed Manual 

The risk of regional conflicts between nuclear-armed nations is rising according to a document prepared by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. A U.S. military manual that only recently became public says that the world now faces a higher probability of conflicts involving nuclear weapons. The document points to multiple nuclear weapons systems and policies being pursued by adversaries and potential adversaries as signs that the world is moving away from de-escalation and is instead moving closer to the reality of a nuclear exchange. While the document avoids placing any weight on United States policy in helping to increase the likelihood of nuclear conflict, it does note that the "flexible" nuclear weapons the US has pursued could be used to defend America and its interests in the event of a regional conflict involving nuclear arms.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Pentagon is document .... Pentagon Sees “Increased Potential” for Nuclear Conflict (FAS).


Anonymous said...

Just fyi, the Davos group, one of the key drivers of the great reset have subscribed to an anti human agenda of depioulating the planet to their perceived optimum balance with nature. And their target number is shockingly low and their target date is by 2050. They want only 500 million people to be around in the fully automated world. They don't need us anymore, I guess. But they hadn't quite answered the depopulation question. Who does the depopulation and who will be targeted?

Either way, my earlier suggestion to hang these oligarchs before they kill us all is valid and pressing. I hope people wake up to what covid and the vaccines are. Think it's coincidence that the targeted spike protein is also found in the female placenta coating and that fears of infertility through the vaccine are being suppressed by the corporate media which is financed and controlled by the Davos group?

Or what do you think the flying objects are that dip in and out of the western Atlantic ocean near the north east of the continental US?

Breakaway civilisation is what prime rumour.. tech that extends life..

Surely not everyone can live to 400. There have to be losers and the Davos group said they'll pick the winners.

And they're elected, right? Elected by us, right?

Nope. :)
They are a criminal syndicate merging with what's often called the deep state. But that's a misnomer. There's no state but many and the deep state is global, not one state organisation.

Anonymous said...

I'm increasingly fed up at 75.

Unknown said...

Go 2 hell all involved

Unknown said...

Go tell is 2 👿

Anonymous said...

I am not concerned.