Friday, July 9, 2021

Picture Of The Day

Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers patrol the area near a checkpoint recaptured from the Taliban, in the Alishing district of Laghman province, Afghanistan July 8, 2021. REUTERS/Parwiz  

WNU Editor: The above picture is from this photo-gallery .... Afghan forces battle Taliban amid fears of civil war (Reuters).


Anonymous said...

WNU, ignore afghanistan.. it's all a distraction

the entire World is being enslaved and talked into taking unsafe drugs... this could be deadlier than anything we lived through

For about a year now, scientists try to speak out about the spike protein being targeted @ Covid19 virus. It's the same spike protein found in the female placenta and they are trying to warn us about infertility in women exposed to the vaccine. They are being silenced. By the corporate media.

The same corporate media that talked you into wars.
The same corporate media that tells you to take unsafe drugs.
The same corporate media that tells you the election wasn't stolen.
The same corporate media that lied for 3 years about Russia attacking you while China (and their corporate partners) stole trillions from you.

You are under attack and for some reason you cannot make the cognitive leap that CNN, MSNBC are no longer American networks.
They are owned by e.g. Warner Media, Disney, AT&T .. look it up, I'm not telling you lies.

And these mega corporations have YEARS AGO declared that their market of now and in the future especially is CHINA. The CEOs are spending more time in China than in the US. Please, for the love of God, do not think of them as American.

You must be familiar with the Chinese 1,000 talents program. What do you think it is and how it works? It's a mixture of peaceful and forceful conversion. They use everything from bribes to death threats and child sex to compromise our leaders, but importantly they also do it by just giving them money and access to the Chinese market.

You are being betrayed left and right. Telling you that the election was stolen probably doesn't help if you are on the left because you don't want to hear it and think your team won. No one won. Democracy lost. The election was stolen. Why do you think Marxism is suddenly spreading? Why the terror in the streets? Why the rampant lies by the media? Why no investigation into the 8-10 trillion dollar bill that the middle class again has to absorb after bailing out the oligarchy during the 2 trillion dollar housing crisis before? THEY found out that crisis pay. War. Pandemics. Housing bubbles. And who pays? YOU! and who do you pay? The oligarchs. And who owns the corporate media? The oligarchs.

Please, just think for once, or your children, my children and their children will live as slaves. This is beyond left and right. It's the end of a democratic nation and you will be ruled under the banner of the "Democrat" party, and you will think you are free.. but you are not.. your money is almost gone and what's next is a war to distract you from what happened so you forget about the election, how the poll watchers were pushed out in those Democrat strongholds, all the statistical abnormalities and impossibilities, the sworn statements.. because the corporate media TOLD you it's all a lie. It's not. They are paid to tell you this. WAKE UP!!!!

Alex said...

Hey WNU I just wanted to say that I look forward to reading your comments on the articles you post and would like to encourage you to continue to or even do it more often (time permitting of course).

Anonymous said...

we are doomed! let me have your credit cards