Thursday, July 8, 2021

President Biden To Update The American People On The Situation In Afghanistan On Thursday


Reuters: Biden to speak Thursday about Afghanistan amid swift U.S. pullout 

WASHINGTON, July 8 (Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Thursday will offer his most extensive comments to date about the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, a pullout that is raising concerns about a civil war there and drawing Republican criticism. 

A White House official said Biden would update the American people on the situation and that no major policy pronouncements were expected. 

The Democratic president, scheduled to speak at 1:45 p.m. (1745 GMT), has been under pressure from critics to give a more expansive explanation for his decision to withdraw. 

The United States last weekend abandoned Bagram air base, the longtime staging ground for U.S. military operations in the country, effectively ending America's longest war. 

The Pentagon says the withdrawal of U.S. forces is 90% complete.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Here is an easy prediction. The questions from reporters will be screened (again), and the President will make no new changes in policy when it comes to Afghanistan. The Presdient is scheduled to speak at 1:45 EST, and it will be carried live by this blog.

More News On President Biden Delivering An Update On Afghanistan Later Today  

Biden to speak on Afghanistan amid US troop withdrawal and Taliban gains -- CNN  

Biden to address U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan as the Taliban makes gains -- Washington Post  

Biden to Speak about US Withdrawal from Afghanistan Amid Taliban Advances -- VOA  

With Taliban surging in Afghanistan as US withdraws, Biden to pitch 'diplomatic solution' -- FOX News


Amp1776 said...

"its been 20 years man! "

Anonymous said...

That was fast work. I didn't think they would get new note cards printed up that fast!

Anonymous said...

Your Russian friends and family clearly proved that Afghanistan is a sh*thole back in the 80's. Give China a chance!

Anonymous said...

Lapides alert, Lapides alert, there's water to be carried!

Anonymous said...

Let me set my alarm clock.
And while we're at it let's invite the great orator, b.h.obamma.

fred said...

No invest child that was not fred so get a life

fred said...


I am on the road
Seeing a trumpless america

Anonymous said...

If you are on the road, you should see De Blasio's New York. Visit Times Square why don't you.

Anonymous said...

At least 150 people fatally shot in more than 400 ...
[Search domain]
3 days agoAt least 150 people were killed by gun violence in more than 400 shootings across the country during the Fourth of July weekend as major cities nationwide confront a surge in violent crime ...

not NY but your America. now address this issue misfit

Anonymous said...

I agree Lapides we can't have guns walking around shooting people all by themselves, what is a democratic administration to do??

Anonymous said...

You always make perfect sense Lapides.

Anonymous said...

Incest!?!?!? Can see where your minds at. Call that male student Lapides, he knows what you want.

Anonymous said...

Lapid quotes CNN. Will Lapid ever, could Lapid ever do a multifactorial analysis of homicides or shootings.

If you took out gang related or drug related crime, US stats would be very similar to Britain's stats.

But Lapid comes from the school of pick a variable, focus a variable no matter what. It does not matter, if other variables effect things more. Lapid is a good Democrat.

fred said...

your tiresome remark about a male student is pure stupidity. Name a name. Cite some evidence. you know nothing about me other than what you cleaned from the history of NJ Veterans. for those interested in
Fred's bio, go to:

meanwhile, stalker, aka the incest child, will continue to dump on me and others because that is what those with low self esteem and broken homes, and poor education do.

Anonymous said...

"He is not going to ask another generation of kids to go and serve in Afghanistan in a war that he does not feel can be won militarily," Psaki said. "That is the core driver of his decision here."

and now you go or send your kids or relatives because you know better and a Democrat can not be right

Anonymous said...

Democrats cannot be right except by accident and then very rarely. Joe Bite Me spent an entire election year criticizing Trump's pullout and said it was wrong. Within 2 months of usurpation, President Dementia changed his mind.

It’s wrong to pull troops out of Afghanistan. But we can minimize the damage.

- Washington Compost April 16, 2021

Why staying in Afghanistan is the least bad choice for Biden

- Brookings Institute (i.e people, who despite having degrees, are stupid) March 12, 2021

"The comments from Biden, who once defended a continued, if reduced, U.S. troop presence in the country, explain why ..." -

Biden and all the other Dim-o-crats criticised Trump's pullout during summer and fall of 2020 and up through February and then pulled a 180.

War cannot be won, because Washington does not want to hold the Pakistanis to account.

Anonymous said...

He's waiting for your call Fred.

Anonymous said...

Democrats lie? Only when their mouths move.