Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Russia Has Eliminated The US Currency From Its National Wealth Fund

RT: Russia’s sovereign wealth fund cuts US dollar reserves to ZERO  

Russia has eliminated US currency from its National Wealth Fund while boosting the share of the euro, the Chinese yuan and gold, the country’s Finance Ministry announced on Tuesday. 

The proportion of US dollars in the fund was reduced from 35% to zero, while the share of the British pound was lowered to 5%. 

The shares of the euro and the Chinese yuan were increased to 39.7% and to 30.4%, respectively. The share of the Japanese yen stands at 4.7% and the share of non-cash gold is 20.2%, the official statement by the Finance Ministry reads.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Russia promised to do this last month .... Russia says it will remove dollar assets from its wealth fund (CNBC).  

Update: This is where the fund is putting its money .... Russia's wealth fund abandons U.S. dollar, boosts gold, euro, and yuan - country's Finance Ministry (KITCO).


Anonymous said...

ahhh what relaxing times... currency war, trade war, cultural war, information war, biological war, and it's not nation against nation. No.
It's a corrupt, out of control oligarchy of corrupt syndicates around the World going to war with each other on the backs of the middle class. Covid-19 is created by private public partnership and the control grid is through private public partnership and the corruption and wealth transfer in the trillions(!!) this time, is through private public partnership.

We are living through rampant fascism and it feels like the end time of capitalism on top.

You know at the end of monopoly when you've amassed so many hotels and streets just by the dynamic of the game so that no matter what your opponent does no matter how much luck they have or how hard they work, with the rarest exceptions of course like the Bezos and the Musks and people say see there's the exception and so capitalism works, right? But then you look at their history and it becomes apparent that they grew up wealthy, were extremely ruthless and have extremely close ties to the CIA and other deep state agencies and you wonder if they were created. Either waaaaay the point stands that we're at the end of the monopoly game. Everyone owns everyone trillions and people likely want to get paid but realise that there's also currency instability, of course created by the different cartels attacking another (CCP Kremlin Washington etc).. I don't think any our votes in the last decades counted, I think trump was the first duly elected president in a generation that's why the corporate media's together with the criminals hiding among the Democrat party colluded with deep state and big tech to do anything they could get away with and they did.

So buckle up because they need to get rid of millions who want to see them hang for what they've done. They did push out poll watchers. They did pull out ballot boxes and counted them without oversight after sending home the poll watchers. They did barricade the windows. They did bail out terrorists in your streets while making jokes why the courts won't do anything while left terrorists threaten the courts judges and jury.
They have to hang and their job is to get away with it and that means full on indoctrination - hence the BLM flag and critical race theory so that white boy doesn't complain that some black ladies did the middle of the night ballot box action on video for all to see. That's why the over anti racism campaign that's targeting white people because they don't want to admit to the crime we all saw. Ballot boxes pulled out
Poll watchers harassed and intimidated and denied access. In America. Because they were white.

And if you point it out what happened the psychotic left will call YOU the hate criminal. That's the tyranny right there.

fred said...

Fret not Trump will be pres in Aug this summer and all be fine once again

Jac said...

Sorry Russia, this kind of game had been played many time before and never work. What is the weight of a fund in one time compare to the flux of everyday exchange? I understand that politically, but only on this level.