Monday, July 5, 2021

Russia Threatens Any Future British Warship 'Provocation' With A 'Tougher Response'

A library photo of HMS Defender on operations. Photo: LPhot Rory Arnold/Royal Navy  

Reuters: Kremlin says 'provocations' like UK warship episode demand tough response 

MOSCOW (Reuters) - A British warship's entry into what Moscow considers Russian territorial waters near Crimea last month is the kind of provocation that demands a tough response, the Kremlin said on Sunday. 

President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that Russia, which fired warning shots and dropped bombs in the path of the warship to chase it out of Black Sea waters off the coast of Crimea, could have sunk the warship. 

Moscow challenged the right of HMS Defender to pass through waters near Crimea, something London said it had every right to do. Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 but most of the world still recognizes it as part of Ukraine.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Russia says any future British warship 'provocation' will elicit a 'tough response' (SKY News)   

Update #2: Russia threatens to bomb Royal Navy warships in the Black Sea in a step up of hostilities (Portsmouth News)  

WNU Editor: The Kremlin is using this incident and many others to justify a revision of their national security strategy .... Putin OKs Revised Russian National Security Strategy ( More here .... Russia: Putin approves strategy to counter Western influence (DW).


Anonymous said...

So is Washington and London.

Any Russian tougher Russian response will be deemed illegitimate, since the Russian taking of Crimea has been deemed illegitimate.

Crimea should be Russian due to history and ethnicity, if you apply Wilsonian principles. Wilsonian principles has always been applied in Europe in a self serving way. Add to it that the President Wilson name is mud in the US and it will fall on deaf ears.

Russia should have demanded a plebiscite, which Ukraine would have refused with support of the yapping chihuahuas of Europe. The Russians could have, should have (coulda should a woulda) gone to the ICC or UN. At the same time they could have started a information/propaganda campaign and shut off the gas to Ukraine for non-payment to force a plebiscite.

The US and UK feel they can legitimately sail anywhere in Crimean waters legally since the Russians took Crimea illegally. Any death or injury caused by the Russians as they get tougher will play to people in Washington and London, who want to get tougher.

Things might get derailed in Washington due to trial in November or other issues, but does it mean anything in a country that believe perception is reality. After all we have an emperor running around stark naked.

Anonymous said...

What trial in November are you referring to?

Anonymous said...

Russia is going too far if they will bomb another incursion by a NATO ship in their claimed territorial waters. To illustrate, how do you think the US would respond were the Chinese to fire rockets/bombs into the path of US Navy ships passing through the South China Sea or the Straight of Taiwan?

Anonymous said...

Who cares where the ship sailed? I don't nor do I know anyone who does 'cept Putin and equivalents. Better he'd get riled about the recent hacking.
Much ado about nothing.

Anonymous said...

Clinton Foundation

Anonymous said...

IT won't be "Much ado about nothing" if Russia actually sinks a NATO/British ship. That would be a big mistake on the part of Russia.

Dave Goldstein said...

Taking out a Nato ship by Russia would not go well. Putin would have a whole bunch of ships to deal with and probably several if not a lot of tank divisions in Ukraine

Unknown said...

I reckon the Rooskies could sink a ship without starting a war provided that it wasn't an American ship. No way the Democrats will mess with Putin. Russia isn't Iraq. Keep ducking 🙉

Anonymous said...

It goes to the question of legitimacy
Just because some corrupt politicians said so doesn't mean we will be ok with a war THAT'S PAID FOR BY US, THE MIDDLE CLASS, IN BLOOD AND TREASURE
They always do this
Don't get distracted
1) the largest transfer of wealth in human history has just taken place under the Wuhan virus lockdown cover
2) the virus was created through partnerships between the NIH, the Wuhan lab and apparently part financed by Google(read: the CIA/ deep state)
3) if you draw a venn diagram of the people pushing wars and pushing untested drugs on an unaware population and profiteering of our misery, you'll see a big overlap. The same guys who promote the lockdown that cost the middle class 8 trillion(!!@) are pushing for wars (Afghanistan, Iraq etc) that cost US, the middle class, 2 trillion prior. AND THEY MAKE THE MONEY!

Don't get talked into wars
First address Wuhan and who financed it and who profiteered and who pushed untested drugs. They're the same people!! Hang THEM!