Monday, July 5, 2021

The Looting Of Bagram Air Base Was Far More Extensive Than What The Media Reported

An Afghan man is seen above on Monday resting in his shop as he sells secondhand items from the Bagram US air base after American troops left over the weekend  

Daily Mail: Afghan looters ransack Bagram Air Base and hawk basketballs, stereo speakers, laptops, and bicycle helmets after US troops bugged out in the dead of night 

* Afghan locals started hawking contraband after looters ransacked Bagram Air Base over the weekend 

* Bicycles, helmet, laptop computers, and pieces of scrap were sold after the looting over the weekend 

* Massive base includes 50-bed hospital and giant hangar size tents filled with supplies such as furniture 

* Americans also left a fleet of SUVs without the keys to start them as well as hundreds of armored vehicles 

* Since 2001, Bagram Air Base north of Kabul served as a linchpin for the US war in Afghanistan 

* At its peak in 2012, Bagram saw more than 100,000 U.S. and NATO troops pass through sprawling compound 

* Last week, US soldiers left the base as the 20-year-long war in Afghanistan comes to an end 

* The soldiers left without telling local officials, meaning its gates were left unsecured 

* On Friday morning, locals moved in under the cover of darkness and looted several buildings 

* US-backed Afghan forces gained control of the base, but it remains a shell of its former self 

* Photos taken on Friday show the base eerily quiet and almost abandoned 

* There are now fears it will be taken over by the Taliban who are gaining increasing control across Afghanistan 

Afghan locals started hawking basketballs, stereo speakers, laptop computers, bicycles and helmets, desk fans, guitars, and anything else they could get their hands on after looters ransacked a now-former American military base that was vacated by departing US soldiers in the dead of night Friday. 

The US left Afghanistan's Bagram Air Base after nearly 20 years by shutting off the electricity and slipping away without notifying the base's new Afghan commander, who discovered the Americans' departure more than two hours after they left, Afghan military officials said. 

Afghanistan's army showed off the sprawling air base Monday, providing a rare first glimpse of what had been the epicenter of America's war to unseat the Taliban and hunt down the al-Qaida perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks on America.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Check out the stuff that was left behind by the departing U.S. soldiers in the above Daily Mail post. This was not a normal military departure from a base. This was a rush to the exits ASAP.


Jac said...

Thanks Alzheimer Joe.

Anonymous said...

I hope the electronics were taken out of the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAPs) vehicles. If not, Milley and Austin should be cashiered. Some of those MRAPS are the wild weasels of wheeled vehicles.

The war is one of the reasons the Pentagon cannot account for all its material. From a base lime of say September or so, the Pentagon should be able to tell those in Congress where all the money has gone.

Related to another post is this. If the Taliban cozy up to the CCP they will be abandoning their brothers. Many Uighurs fled China to live in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Quo vadis?

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. More foreign aide. Well thought out departure. Why did we not prevail despite 2 decades of effort, sacrifice, lives?

Anonymous said...

Obama did not give 8 years of effort. He gave 1 or 2.

fred said...

Don’t forget bush and trump there too

Anonymous said...

Bird pooper is back having another blond moment. I gave credit to Obama for 1 or 2 years. He tried a surge and then gave the fuck up. The surge was part of the answer. Obama had the right answer or part of it and then threw it away.

Bush got Pakistan to go into the Taliban safe haven of Swat. I have bones to pick with GWB, but not as many as with Obama.

Trump campaigned on ending forever wars. The establishment had no plan for winning. So after 16 years why should Trump beat his head against the wall and ask the American voter to do the same?

How do you win in Afghanistan when Pakistan gave the Taliban sanctuary, where they can wait out the US bleeding it the whole time?

You have not answered it.

WNU and others have suggested how to get Pakistan to stop aiding the Taliban without resorting to the use of military force.

You the Democrats, the RINOs, and others have not proffered anything of help.

My usual refrain is that 90% to 100% of Democrat should be voted out and 67% of the Republicans, too. Yet you basely claim that I am all about being against the Democrats 100% of the time.

You are not honest.
You are a schmuck ...

and you are a dumb blonde.

fred said...

Puts remark

Anonymous said...

putz noun

\ ˈpəts \
Definition of putz (Entry 1 of 2)
1US, informal : a stupid, foolish, or ineffectual person : JERK

Trust the English professor to misspell the word putz. What is sadder is the word is of Yiddish origin. Poor boy threw away his whole heritage or was it he was too dumb to learn English or Yiddish growing up?

A third theory is that the blonde trades his Jewish, Yiddish, and American inheritance for a shiny new bauble called Marxism.