Monday, July 5, 2021

The New Covid Narrative Is That Unvaccinated People Are 'Variant Factories'

CNN: Unvaccinated people are 'variant factories,' infectious diseases expert says 

(CNN) Unvaccinated people do more than merely risk their own health. They're also a risk to everyone if they become infected with coronavirus, infectious disease specialists say. 

That's because the only source of new coronavirus variants is the body of an infected person. 

"Unvaccinated people are potential variant factories," Dr. William Schaffner, a professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told CNN Friday.

"The more unvaccinated people there are, the more opportunities for the virus to multiply," Schaffner said.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Here is an easy prediction. There will be a new Covid narrative as soon as this one has served its purpose of "demonizing" those who have chosen to not take the vaccine. 

More News On Infectious Disease Experts Saying Unvaccinated People Are 'Variant Factories' 

Unvaccinated people don't only risk their own health: Their bodies become 'variant factories' -- Business Insider

'Variant factories': Unvaccinated people are ‘opportunities for virus' -- Yahoo News  

Unvaccinated people 'are potential variant factories' anxious scientists warn -- Mirror 

Unvaccinated people are ‘Covid variant factories’ as fears loom mutations could prolong pandemic, scientists warn -- The SUN


anon said...

In Australia the MSM will not shut up about getting vaccinated. 24/7. It's been going on for months. Anyone that questions the narrative is shut down immediately. Despite this we only have around 3 or 4% of the population vaccinated.
It seems we are very wary of what the authorities insist is good for us. I expect that Australian msm will latch onto this story will glee.

Anonymous said...

In the USA it almost seems as if the left wants to use the vaccine hesitancy on the right to further take their rights. It'll not end well. The people on the right are very well informed about the mRNA experimental vaccines, the nurnberg trials and that it means death by hanging to conduct such experiments, especially by force or intimidation on an unwilling public. And they will not be tricked by using the corporate fascist way either.
Do not push Republicans further or they will fight back. It's been going on for years, on top they very much believe the election was stolen. It's a recipe for disaster especially if the demonic CNN is pushing the narrative. Take a good last look at CNN, they might not be around for much longer if they keep dividing the nation, and twice as likely if it's based on the China virus.

Anonymous said...

This is our opportunity to get rid of the corporate media who tries to push untested drugs on an uniformed public in clear violation of the Nurnberg codes.
All 10 nurnberg codes have been violated. The corporate media is on very thin ice. If these vaccines backfire in a couple years and more disease spreads, they will be legally executed following the same trial as at Nurnberg, and I for one cannot wait to see these monsters part the earth, for they have pushed drugs, talked us into wars, divided entire nations along ethnic and gender lines for political gain of their masters. Death is too good for those who do it for power. More mercy for the others and idiots among them of course.. and once the media falls, the ghouls like Pelosi are next

fred said...


fred said...

Simple fact is many more die who are not vaccinated and few die who are vaccinated and now show evidence I am wring

Stephen Davenport said...

They can demonize me until rapture, I am not taking the so called "Vaccine" until I absolutely need too.

Caecus said...

we're also told that the vaccines don't prevent infection - they only prevent the worst symptoms - so by that same logic, the vaccine spreading through vaccinated populations will also inevitably lead to variants arising by genetic mutation

Anonymous said...

So there is this guy. The first words out of his mouth are usually name calling. In this case stupido.

This guy has no idea how many kilobases corona has or what or how many proteins or enzymes it codes for. He has no idea of the various pathways a viruses once inside a cell.

He looked at hundreds of stories and story title. He also looked out hundreds of pictures. Any comprehension there?

He just go his ass handed to him by several commenters on the 4th over the Biden and Vanessa William stories. He slinked off, came here and his first comment was to call someone else stupid.

Par for the course for the benighted.

fred said...

Yes or no
Did u get the vaccine for corona?
If yes then y
If no then y
Now post your evasive smirk
I really do not care if u don’t get the vaccine

Anonymous said...


How many more boys and young men 30 and under are you willing to kill than would die from corona.

Are you willing to kill 10 young men by forcing them to take corona to prevent the death of one male 30 or under.

20 to 1?
50 to 1?
100 to1?

What is your risk benefit ratio?

If your average person has on average 15 vaccinations and they do not want to get #16, because they have done the risk reward calculus for themselves and it does not provide enough benefit, then who are you to scream at them?

Evidence grows stronger for Covid vaccine link to heart issue, CDC says

You do care. You will feel better protected. You will feel all is right with the world or at least better if I get vaccinated. And you want everyone to think like you.

What is wrong with your posting. Are you having another blond moment?

fred said...

I really do not care what you do
Your choice

Anonymous said...

Blond Fred having another blond moment