Friday, July 23, 2021

The Olympic Games Are Not Cheap

Zero Hedge: The Massive Costs Behind The Olympic Games 

The 2020 Olympics are finally underway in Tokyo. Japan has been averaging 3,000 cases a day this week while only 22 percent of the public has been fully vaccinated. 

The event is now set to take place behind closed doors which is a bitter blow for both the public and organizers after a massive amount of work and investment. 

Cost overruns have become the norm for host cities and it is estimated that postponing the games by a year cost Japan $2.8 billion, two-thirds of which was paid with public funding. That has come on top of a project that is already severely overbudget. When the Japanese capital was awarded the Olympics in 2013, the bid committee projected a final bill of $7.3 billion and this was revised upwards to $12.6 billion in December 2019 before the postponement. Japan's National Audit Board later reported that the final cost would be far higher at $22 billion. Financial newspapers Nikkei and Asahi claim that the end cost of hosting the Olympics will actually amount to a whopping $28 billion.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: For the Tokyo Olympics what is already a bad situation may in fact get worse .... Typhoon threatens to hit Tokyo just days into the Olympics (NYPost).

1 comment:

RussInSoCal said...

I'll definitely now tune in to the Surf Competition. Waves will be great.