Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The Push To Teach Critical Race Theory In The U.S. Military Intensifies

US Air Force Academy. Wikimedia 

 Daily Mail: US Air Force Academy Prof. backs Critical Race Theory for ALL troops saying the Constitution created 'inequality', George Washington was racist and US 'domestic and foreign policy is shaped by racism' 

* Political scientist Lynne Chandler García said the Constitution brought about 'inequality' and that George Washington was a racist. She argued that the history of the U.S. proved that 'racism has shaped both foreign and domestic policy' 

* Garcia, who teaches the Marxist theory at the USAF Academy in Colorado Springs, said she agreed with the Joints Chiefs Staff General Mark Milley who recently announced critical race theory (CRT) 'is not unpatriotic' 

* CRT teaches that racism is a social construct, an idea invented to exploit and control minorities. It says racism is embedded in U.S. institutions and laws 

A United States Air Force Academy professor has argued Critical Race Theory should be taught to all cadets so that they can understand how the United States was 'shaped by racism.' 

Political scientist Lynne Chandler García said the Constitution brought about 'inequality' and that George Washington was a racist. She argued that the history of the U.S. proved that 'racism has shaped both foreign and domestic policy.' 

Garcia, who teaches Marxist theory at the USAF Academy in Colorado Springs, said she agreed with the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley who recently told Congress that Critical Race Theory 'is not unpatriotic.'  

Read more ....  

Update: Air Force Academy professor pushes for military academies to teach critical race theory (FOX News)  

WNU Editor: This US Air Force academy professor is not teaching. She is indoctrinating.


Unknown said...

Looks likely that in the next war US servicemen will be fighting shoulder to shoulder with their Chinese comrades heh heh heh. Keep ducking comrades 🙉

Anonymous said...

America is a fascist country and fascism is a liberal invention.

ESPN Removes Rachel Nichols from NBA Finals Coverage After Explosive Video

ESPN reporter Rachel Nichols was on a phone call with Adam Mendelsohn, a close adviser to Lakers star LeBron James.

If Nichols and Mendelsohn did not record the phone call, who did?

Why did the shit eaters at the New York Times publish it?

Depending on the state why are not the recorders prosecuted?

"New York's wiretapping law is a "one-party consent" law. New York makes it a crime to record to record or eavesdrop on an in-person or telephone conversation unless one party to the conversation consents. N.Y. Penal Law §§ 250.00, 250.05. (link is to the entire code,"

Nichols was talking about Me Too and BLM. BLM is central to CRT.

The Military brass is becoming part of the system of oppression at the behest of liberals.

Anonymous said...

I had hoped that the election of DJT would at least interupt the multifaceted leftist effort to destroy this country, but as it turns out it was only a small speed bump. The kids entering the military have already been indoctrinated with liberalism, but critical race theory will turn that into outright hatred for everything that America is and, with the help of social media, for everyone who refuses to spout the party line. It took 50 years to sow the various seeds of destruction, but the harvest is now proceeding at light speed. Glad I probably won't live to see the ultimate outcome. It will be nasty, brutish, and very, very dark.

Anonymous said...

Lynne is a jerk.

Students see right thru her.

Out of curiosity I looked for the guttersnipe. Found nothing.

fred said...

Love this!
Those with little or no education badmouthing those better educated
Ps tump lost lost lost

Anonymous said...

Who is tump?

Getting a PhD in some subjects is often worse than getting no education at all. You are a prime example. You have a degree and you are functionally illiterate.

Anonymous said...

Putin is smiling ear to ear...

fred said...

Your sister likes me a loa very lot

Anonymous said...

The Air Force Academy teaching CRT is just more of the same . The US is fast becoming a fascist nation.

WTH? FBI Seizes Fully Assembled US Capitol Lego Set From Home of January 6 Protester

A Lego model would just show the roof and facade. So how would it be used for planning?

It is fair to +ask what it the ratio of stupid to smart people at the FBI, Great than 1?

Anonymous said...

So you're better educated Fred. What else are you better at?

Anonymous said...

Do better on your insults, after all your better educated!

fred said...

Anonymous said...

Former retired has been retired too long to have a rating on, but mylife popped up and it was interesting.

Anonymous said...

"Know your debate opponent and you will win 1,000 debates." - Sun Tzu

Question did Sun Tzu ever meet a person who literally knew nothing?

fred said...

Poor stalker now having read my bio etc tries checking out my teaching evaluations
Ha ha get your own life loser

Anonymous said...

Can't hide your past Lapides? Wiggle wiggle wiggle!

Anonymous said...

It is not worth spending $25 to the website to find out what the public record is. There are 3 categories. One reason It is unknown of you are, who you say you are.