Thursday, July 22, 2021

There Were Many Incoherent Moments In Yesterday's CNN 'Town Hall With President Biden

WNU Editor: OMG! 

But what was even more striking about yesterday's "town hall" is that half of the auditorium was empty (see below).


Anonymous said...

Biden’s steady approval rating outdid even that of former President Donald Trump, whose numbers were notoriously steady. Trump’s approval numbers had about a 10-point spread, from 38.0 percent to 47.8 percent in his first six months in office. Other recent presidents, such as Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, all saw considerably more volatility in their ratings during the same period in office.

Biden’s fairly static numbers are at least in part a reflection of the lack of major scandals in his administration as well as its avoidance, for now, of deeply unpopular policies — developments that have tripped up some of his predecessors. For instance, Trump’s approval rating dipped in March and April 2017 as the GOP began its push to pass health care legislation that was very unpopular in the polls. And Clinton’s approval fell all the way into the upper 30s in June 1993 as his economic agenda struggled to get going and his proposal to allow gay people to serve in the military got pushback.

By comparison, Biden has polled very well for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, arguably the biggest challenge facing the country in the past year and a half. He’s won over even some Republicans on that front,

Anonymous said...

CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Wednesday night played new audio of Donald Trump in which the former president rambled about the Jan. 6 insurrection and repeated false claims about the 2020 election.

In the audio, which was taken from an interview with The Washington Post’s Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker for their book “I Alone Can Fix It,” Trump insisted the mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol was “a loving crowd.”

“They were ushered in by the police. I mean, in all fairness, the Capitol Police were ushering people in,” Trump said. “The Capitol Police were very friendly, you know they were hugging and kissing. You don’t see that, but there’s plenty of tape on that too.”

The footage showed Capitol Police being overwhelmed and attacked by a violent mob, which then broke into the building and ransacked Congress. At least 138 officers suffered injuries, including burns, concussions and fractures.

Trump then made more wild and debunked claims, including the false notion that it was statistically impossible for him to have lost to Joe Biden, and attacked the judges who ruled against him.

“This is like listening to Nixon drunk rambling, except he’s not drunk,” Cooper said. “He’s just rambling and that he still is holding onto all these lies.”

Cooper called it sickening that Trump would believe these are “loving” people who attacked the U.S. Capitol.

Anonymous said...

There is video or police ushering in protesters. One of the reason the government has not released all video is because they want to hide the facts.

At least someone was not looking up porn at 10:05 or 10:10. Thank God for small favors.

Anonymous said...

The left are tyrants and corrupt illegitimate traitors. No way you'll convince anyone here otherwise. We have eyes and ears, you know?
And Biden couldn't pull a crowd despite they gave out free food and memoribilias and picked them up at home, driving them to the event. Biden events were staff only and some corporate media ghouls and you think that they and those that enabled this coup will not hang for all to see? Soon..

Anonymous said...

Biden's numbers still trump trump's
dump shit but nothing changes the simple fact that
Biden is and remains more popular than Trump ever was. Ever. get over it.

Anonymous said...

Biden is not popular

Anonymous said...

He’s no sell-out: Biden speaks to half-empty room at CNN town hall

Not even at CNN they manage to fill half a room for Biden

Ffs it's a coup
They did it
No way he won



CAPITAL PUNISHMENT for these lists divides thieves and treasonous corrupt swines


make citizen arrests
Come by the hundreds or tens of thousands until they get it

And immediately arrest all the Democrats in Arizona who to this day refuse to hand over the evidence and eased logs

This is beyond anything I've ever witnessed and each day there's more evidence coming out they did it

And that's why they boarded up the windows and denied access to poll watchers and hide behind barbed wires in Washington



Anonymous said...

Note to asshole. Democrats tole 675,000 votes and still did not win Texas.

Pro Tip to shithead. Democrats are letting illegals across the border, but not Mexican Americans. This means the Democrats will lose the border counties. Between losing the border counties and not being able to win with 675,999 stolen votes, the Democrats are not going to win Texas in 2024. That trend of not winning Mexican American votes in Texas is going to spread to the rest of the country.

Reason? NYT, WaPo and Deep State. Basically, because asshole and others like him are selfish and do not get out much.

Anonymous said...

You're losing!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No you're a liar that likes his male students. Enjoying this, I am.

Anonymous said...

When are going to keep your promises?