Friday, July 23, 2021

Third Covid Wave Now Sweeping Across Mexico


Bloomberg: Covid Explodes in Cancun and Los Cabos as Third Wave Hits Mexico 

 (Bloomberg) -- A third coronavirus wave fueled by the highly contagious delta variant is battering two of Mexico’s most popular tourist destinations on opposite coasts, Los Cabos in the Pacific and Cancun on the Caribbean. 

In Cancun, cases have soared to a point where the Hard Rock hotel has set aside two floors for guests with symptoms. 

Some hotels say they offer discounts for those in quarantine until they’re no longer contagious. 

In Baja California Sur, where Los Cabos is located, authorities are again rushing to add beds to strained hospitals, which reached 75% capacity last week before improving to 62% on Thursday. 

Beaches in the town of La Paz were ordered closed, though local media show many ignoring the order.  

Read more .... 

 Update: Mexico posts 16244 more COVID-19 cases; highest daily rise since January (Reuters)  

WNU Editor: My friends in Mexico tell me the death toll numbers are two times higher than the official number of 238,000, if not higher. They also tell me that only a quarter of the population is vaccinated.


Anonymous said...

So will they have the Gen II version of the vaccine ready by this fall?

RussInSoCal said...

And the incoherent, incompetent Biden regime has dictated that the Southern border with Mexico will remain wide open. Hundreds of thousands of people, spiking the covid rates all along the Rio Grande. Oh, and end Title 42 so we can have a free flow of infected illegals.

And at the same time mull vaccine mandates, travel restrictions and mask obedience for US Citizens.

Anonymous said...

" Biden regime has dictated that the Southern border with Mexico will remain wide open"

Then Comrade Xerox turns around a gleefully turns around and Trumpets the covid rate of red states.

Comrade Xerox with the determination of a troll or Chinese shill commits the fallacy of the single cause over and over and over ...

"Fallacy of the single cause (causal oversimplification[58]) – it is assumed that there is one, simple cause of an outcome when in reality it may have been caused by a number of only jointly sufficient causes."

Meanwhile Biden packs illegals onto busses with destination unknown.

Anonymous said...

Obviously he's not in charge, someone else runs the US government

My guess is that China runs your country now.. I've never seen Chinese celebrate so much when Biden got "elected "... and I've seen first hand how bad it got in China late summer 2019 when the US won the trade war... I heard some Chinese talking about removing Xi, it was that bad.. stock crisis, falling gdp growth, corruption, the trade tariffs..

Then suddenly that virus

Might be coincidence, might be a false flag

For all we know, China's oligarchs and America's oligarchs work together to enslave us all together

And it only makes sense, think about it

As long as there's free Americans with a constitution that talks about equality under God and inalienable rights, then the CCP can't be safe

And if the CCP can't be safe, then the US oligarchs that sold you out for decades by bribing US politicians to outsource all your industries to China, then THEY wouldn't be safe

So to protect themselves from all this me too movement and occupy wallstreet stuff and questions about Epstein and the trillions missing at the Pentagon and the trillions China stole and who made money and who had the idea to outsource everything (hint:mcKinsey, they invented the term published in a white paper in the late 80s.. they're also the ones who consulted your and my government into bankruptcy while their private clients who did the outsourcing became billionaires)

And they don't want you to ask these questions.. they'll put a flag pin on, and they'll throw games like world championships and Olympics and you will think we still have nation states and rights and that everything is good

But it's not
Something sinister is going on