Monday, July 12, 2021

Tweets Of The Day


Anonymous said...

"U.S. repeats warning to China against attack on Philippine forces"

And you see Blinky's face.

My honest Gut reaction?

Aaaaah SHIT!

The warning might work with a sane adversary, you back it up with a credible force, and a credible person.

I thing Xi is a little bit of a putzy doughoy. Xi might not be a street fighter like Putin, but maybe open fighting is the wrong thing to do in a place like China. You have to be tougher in a different way. You have to hold your ground under serious continuing strain. It is unknown to me.

I do know that Xi lived through the Cultural Revolution and that was a shit show. It toughened up the generations that lived through it. Good, Bad or Ugly Xi is tougher than Blinky and Blinky does not realize it.

Xi might be overconfident and might miscalculate. You can consider that overconfidence as insanity. We are all a little insane. Xi might be 5% or 10% insane. I would say that Blinky is 5% or 10% insane to with the edge of greater insanity going to Blinky.

Blinky thinks no matter what the Democrats pulling the levers of power in Washington do, whether they screw the pooch or not, when it is go time , we are "all in" That is the favorite the Democrats favorite phrase in PSAs and everything else. If you do not follow their lead, you are a stick in the mud, who is holding up progress and a bad, bad person.

The phrase "All in" is a logical argument in itself that Democrats believe should end all argument.

When I read FBI emails with titles of:


does Blinken understand that he stand near the pinnacle of a corrupt teetering edifice?

The most charitable way to read at least some of the FBI emails is that having worked with contract killers such as Whitey Bulger, Mueller knows how they operate. SO he would know here to look if he was investigating the Seth Rich murder. That is the most charitable way to read it and you still have to be half blind.

But why mention Mueller. ore than few FBI agents have surveilled , interviewed or prosecuted contract killers. So why single Mueller out?

And that snake Mueller was the titular head of the Russia probe.

Does Blinky knw that he stand on top of a rotten edifice?

Anonymous said...

RSMSC means:

1) Retail Supply and Maintenance Systems Course ...
2) Rancho Santa Margarita Soccer Club (California)
3) an FBI office

Maybe the trail to find Seth Rich's murderer lead to California?

Anonymous said...

"I think Mueller is a zealot, ... I don't think he cares whether he hurts Democrats or Republicans, but he's a partisan and zealot.

"He's the guy who kept four innocent people in prison for many years in order to protect the cover of Whitey Bulger as an FBI informer. Those of us in Boston don't have such a high regard for Mueller because we remember this story. The government had to pay out tens of millions of dollars because Whitey Bulger, a notorious mass murderer, became a government informer against the mafia . . ."

- Dershowitz