Sunday, July 18, 2021

UK Security Services Issue Terror Warnings If Afghanistan Collapses

Arab News: UK security services issue warning over terror threat from Afghan collapse 

* Security experts said it is likely that Afghanistan will see Taliban government “of some sort” within six months 

 * Fears raised that rise of Taliban could inspire radicals in West 

LONDON: The fall of the Western-backed Afghan government could inspire radicalized youth in countries such as Britain to conduct terror attacks, sources in the security services have said. 

Security experts said it is likely that Afghanistan will see a Taliban government “of some sort” within the next six months, which would provide a rallying cry for extremists based in the West as they look for new inspiration following the fall of Daesh.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: UK at risk of terror attacks launched from Afghanistan after troop withdrawal, warns MI5 (The Independent)  

Update #2: MI5 chief warns of new terror threats as allies withdraw from Afghanistan (ITV News)  

WNU Editor: The UK security services are saying what everyone else is seeing .... As the Taliban surges across Afghanistan, al-Qaeda is poised for a swift return (The Conversation).


Anonymous said...

Let's replay the hits.

Anonymous said...

ya think? Biden doesn't.

Anonymous said...

Why even waste time in Syria, if not for the whispers of some elites in your ear?

Anonymous said...

Yeah let me think..

Perhaps not have unjustified wars in the first place.

This war scked.

Only the military industrial complex liked it and want back. They made a cool trillion. Hard to understand, right?

To you and me (UK) this means that we pay for this war until 2035 with about 3,000-4,000USD per household per year, depending on where exactly you live.

Did you enjoy buying the oligarchs yet another yacht?
Do you enjoy that they're now targeting YOU because you had the audacity to speak out against the corrupt cabal that openly upended democracy and are ushering in the great reset, communism and millions of death?
It's already happening. The UN projects the first round of lockdowns will kill 100mn people.. don't worry.. likely not in your country, and that's what it's all about, to those virtue signalers and lockdown enthusiasts.

The next round of lockdowns will hit home and make you so dependent you'll spy on your neighbour and rat out family members.

Then the executions start.

They're already threatening courts.. where do you think we will be in just 2 years time, ready for the next US election.... they might have tanks in the streets by then... and not for you. Coming for you.

Or the military and police and everyone else grows balls and ends this now

Anonymous said...

4 comments and at least 2 are from deranged Leftist individuals or other governments.

Can Pakistan Control its Terrorists Enough to Save its Chinese Alliance?

Note on July 14th the curs that Pakistan raised from cubs murdered 13 Chinese in Pakistan. It could become a 3 way liberal firing squad.

IDC what MI6 other the other so called 'lites say. Until Pakistan is taken care of nothing will be solved. If you do not care to confront Pakistan, because they have nukes well fuck you, become a slave.

Maybe Al Qaeda's comeback is what is needed before the 'lites fly right instead of lying and grifting to people every God Damn minute.

Afghanistan is 250 miles or so behind enemy lines. The idiots in Washington have no plan other than the status quo in Afghanistan, using military spending as bargain chip to get more Democrat power, bankrupting the nation, and placing several thousand soldiers behind enemy lines.

Can Pakistan be an ally of China and the USA at the same time? What do international security majors and politicians tell us?

Anonymous said...

F**k yeah, now it's time (again) for the Ruskies and other regional powers to deal with them. Good luck, mates.

Anonymous said...

tired of winning?

Anonymous said...

"PLEASE won't somebody reinvade afghanistan????" - the corporate media

Anonymous said...

Apparently, Mr. All Cap and Gown and no Novel is not tired of losing soldiers. After all it is not his body.

Mr. Cap and Gown and no Novel has not told us how he would extract soldiers, who are 250 to 700 miles behind enemy lines.