Saturday, July 3, 2021

US Companies Hit By 'Colossal' Ransomware Attack

The extent of the hacking incident was revealed by Huntress Labs, which responded to the incident  

Daily Mail: Russian-based hackers launch cyberattack on at least 200 IT management firms in the US and demand $5M in ransom despite Biden's threat to Putin of 'retaliation' 

* The REvil gang, a major Russian-speaking ransomware syndicate, appears to be behind the attack 

* The attack came despite President Joe Biden's threat of 'retaliation' to Russian President Vladimir Putin if they continued 

* The massive scale of the attack paralyzed the networks of at least 200 U.S. companies on Friday 

* John Hammond of the security firm Huntress Labs said the criminals targeted a software supplier called Kaseya 

* Kaseya earlier in the day had said in a press release that the 'potential attack' had been ' limited to a small number of on-premise customers only' 

Russian-based hackers have launched a cyberattack on at least 200 information technology management firms in the United States and demanded up to $5 million in ransom, it has been revealed. 

The REvil gang, a major Russian-speaking ransomware syndicate that was linked to the JBS meat processor hacking incident, appears to be behind the attack despite President Joe Biden's threat earlier this month of 'retaliation' to Russian President Vladimir Putin if the hacks continued. 

The massive scale of the attack, which paralyzed the networks of at least 200 U.S. companies on Friday, was revealed by a cybersecurity researcher whose company was responding to the incident.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I guess President Biden's warning to Russian President Putin to reign in these Russian-based hackers is going unheeded. 

More News On Over 200 US Companies Hit By 'Colossal' Ransomware Attack  

Ransomware hits hundreds of US companies, security firm says -- AP  

Ransomware attack on software manager hits 200 companies -- NBC  

Latest ransomware attack appears to hit hundreds of American businesses -- The Guardian 

New ransomware attack targets key IT vendor -- CNN  

200 businesses hit by ransomware after breach at Florida IT firm -- CNBC  

Russia-based hackers breach more than 200 businesses -- Axios  

US companies hit by 'colossal' cyber-attack -- BBC


Anonymous said...

Putin the judo black belt did not take Joe Biden the child hair groper seriously. Who didn't see that one coming like a freight train?

In other news President 'I finished myself off in the presidential bathroom' Clinton will have more details of his Lolita trips unveiled in the next fortnight.

RussInSoCal said...

I guess they weren't on Biden's list.

Anonymous said...

It is very reasonable for Biden to ask Putin to reign in the Russian attackers, just as the American FBI is excellent at stopping cyber attacks from originating in the USA. In can be done in Russia. Their summit was just recently and so maybe there was not enough time for Putin to implement any enforcement actions against the Russian hackers, but...that is looking to excuse Putin, just because I want so badly for Russian-American relations to improve. But how can we Americans view Russia as anything but enemies, when it appears they want to hurt the USA wherever they can? We all want world peace but how can we justify peace with Russian when such attacks are allowed? Mr. Putin please start making efforts to reign in the Russian hackers! We want peace with Russian but these hacker attacks appear to be the actions of a true enemy!

Anonymous said...

"It is very reasonable for Biden to ask Putin to reign in the Russian attackers," (TRUE)

"just as the American FBI is excellent at stopping cyber attacks from originating in the USA"

You do not hear about, but it mist be true. The FBI has a rogues gallery of criminals in it, it makes you wonder, if there are any good or competent people at all. There must be.)

"Their summit was just recently and so maybe there was not enough time for Putin to implement any enforcement actions against the Russian hackers"

Maybe. You do not have to get to them all in a two weeks or 2 months. You just have to bloodily assassinate a few. If they murder people running for office or investigative reporters, why so squeamish about killing hackers?

"just because I want so badly for Russian-American relations to improve" What I want and what I get are two different things. It would be nice Russia & US versus China, then maybe there is no war and an even playing field. I do not want Russia & China versus US.

It does not appear that Democrats, liberals and MSM understand it.

The 12:28 post reads like it could have been written by B Poster. It is written rather better. It is straight forward and not mealy mouthed misdirection.

Adam said...

Putin could stop this in a single day, it's time to retaliate with our own similar attack.

B.Poster said...

Anon (1:10),

You've accused me of "mealy mouthed misdirection." I have never engaged in misdirection here. I've made it very easy for you to contact me to verify my claims. As to the "mealy mouthed" claim, I like to think that I think very carefully through every thing I post here. If you are going to insult someone especially while going out of your way to do it, it's helpful to cite specific examples of "misdirection" and "mealy mouthed" actions. If you xite such examples, perhaps, as time permits, I can clarify my position.

I admit my grammar and spelling are sometimes poor. As I've explained, my eyesight is poor, I don't utilize a proof reader for this, and I'm often very busy. I am working to improve this.

To compare my posts to those of 12:28 actually seems like a compliment. At least you're starting to admit I actually am American and am acting in ways that I truly believe are on our country's best interest. While I'm in agreement with 12:28, I would suggest that he/she closely examine some of the actions of our government with a specific emphasis on how those actions might have contributed to these Russian actions.

Any retaliation While perhaps warranted will have to be carefully thought out and implemented. The editor has linked to articles explaining what Russia's "little green men" are capable of. If time permits which it probably won't today, I will elaborate further on this.

At this point I'm entirely in agreement with you what you seem to suggest. Putin probably hasn't had time to implement enforcement actions even if he wanted to. Also, people running for office and investigative journalists are most likely by nature easier to find than hackers are. Also, some of these hackers may be directly affiliated with the Russian government.

I think Putin can stop this and will if he actually wants to. I don't think he can do it in a "single day." I doubt he has that much power.

Clearly we need a better strategy to deal with this. Simply paying ransom money isn't the right stuff for any kind of mid to long range strategy.

Anonymous said...

Why similar? Why not asymmetric. Blow up several pipelines in Russia. Let Mutti not get her gas. It is a twofer. She whop promised to leave in the next 6m months, could explain why Mutti ion her way out, why being dependent on NATO's chief adversary was a brilliant idea.

Act of War? Yes and so what.

Ransomware attacks are acts of war.

Present the finding to the ICC. Give sources and methods thus burning them. Get them out and come up with new methods, but go for it. Right when the ICC kicks the can down the road because large bodies of people, like congresses and parliaments kicked the can down the road, hit Russia. And open the doors to the silos while you are on the phone with Putin. Will it work? Who knows.

What we have right now is not working. At least going to ICC and giving evidence gives us the moral high ground. It makes in subsequent attack legit.

People who play brinksmanship and usually win might have a queer feeling in their stomach when someone plays it back. It is not fun anymore.

Anonymous said...

Nah, B Poster I saw common words, phrases and writing style. So many tells. U murrican? no ways

fred said...

Poster is clever and consistent and never has bad word for trump or russia or putin
Dislikes any democrat and China and any enemy of russia

B.Poster said...

You American? Of course I am. Do I need to provide you with my contact information so you can verify this should you choose to do so?

B.Poster said...


Trump is a poor communicator. He comes across as a pompous loud mouth at times. He didn't seem to understand the perils of excessive government spending and debt. He also put to much trust in government institutions to get things done often to his detriment and to the detriment of the country.

As for Putin, I believe he could and should perhaps try different approaches to try and find accommodations with their neighbors and I especially don't like their close relationship with either Iran, China, Cuba, or Venezuela. Putin is no doubt a big part of this. Perhaps these issues never came up before.

B.Poster said...

I am going to provide my contact information for anyone who doubts that I am an American and wishes to do due diligence to find out for themselves.

My name is Robert Foshee. I am a Certified Public Accountant in Conroe, TX. Our company website is my email addresses are and I can also be contacted through Facebook. On Facebook my name is Rob Foshee. In order to help you out my profile picture is of me with a swimming pool in the photo. I'm wearing a suit in the picture. For fastest response I would suggest contacting me through either the Gmail account or Facebook Messenger.

There would be no upside potential in attempted deception on my part. Attempting to slander me perhaps does enable someone to get around having to honestly address the points I raise.
Part of the problem with an anonymous poster is I don't always know who I am responding to. In contrast, it's very easy to find me and to verify the authenticity of every claim I make about myself.

Anonymous said...

Disliking every Democrat is a sound policy. It is easier to count Democrat politicians you like than to count bad Democrats.

Democrats can say dumb things: Guam might flip over.

Democrats can say racists things for years or even decades: See Maxine Waters or Cynthia McKinney or any black female Democrat.

Democrats can talk in even tones seeming to be reasonable while twisting the knife: Schumer

The Squad is all of the above on steroids.

Agent лжец, GRU said...

Mr. Robert Foshee, thanks very much for providing your data. We will be contacting you shortly.

B.Poster said...

What's with the GRU nonsense!??! obviously you are a non serious person.

fred said...

Nonsense attack on dems
Who won and why

fred said...

If attacks by russians but not by Russian state what then?

fred said...

Outlaw Bitcoin and any payments easily traced

Anonymous said...

"Outlaw Bitcoin and any payments easily traced"

"Feds Seized the Colonial Pipeline Bitcoin Ransom in California"

Apparently, they can trace bitcoin payments. They did so at least once. One off?

I think the problem is they do not take Biden or his handlers seriously.


Anonymous said...

Who won and why

Ballot box stuffing