Sunday, July 18, 2021

What Is The Purpose For Russia's New Stealth Fighter?

Image: Russian Social Media 

Forbes: Russia’s Got A New Stealth Fighter—What’s It For? 

Russian plane-maker Sukhoi has developed a new single-engine stealth fighter. The jet, which Sukhoi apparently refers to as “Checkmate,” reportedly will make its debut at the MAKS air show in Moscow next week. 

Rostec, Sukhoi’s parent company, teased Checkmate in a video the firm released July 13. A few days later, photos circulated online depicting what appears to be a tarp-draped Checkmate demonstrator at Ramenskoye airfield, site of the MAKS show. 

The teases have inspired frantic speculation about Checkmate’s design and capabilities. Samuel Bendett, an expert on the Russian military with the Center for a New American Security in Washington, D.C., said Checkmate is an export fighter—a relatively inexpensive, low-observable warplane that Sukhoi can sell to countries that the U.S. State Department won’t allow to buy the F-35.  

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WNU Editor: Much of the details about this new fighter jet is still unknown. But I suspect cost is the primary reason why this fighter jet was developed and produced.


Jac said...

Sure the plane is good. Russia always be able to do thing well done, but always be late.

Anonymous said...

Jac, a rule for life
Absolutes, except in jokes or math, are never true

In short, absolutes don't exist in the physical world.

For example.

There's no absolutely empty space. Just fewer atoms. We call it vacuum, but there's still atoms in there, albeit few.

To say the Russians will always be late is ignorant of history and presence.

The Russians are ahead in hyper velocity and have a proud and accomplished space history, including being the first to launch a satellite and a human into orbit. The satellite was called Sputnik and if we Westerners wouldn't be so ignorant, I could perhaps think of the Russian gentleman's name lol

Anyways, my point stands.
Absolutes only in humor or math.

Also, not all Democrats are demons. Just most of them. ;)

Anonymous said...

I think Yuri Gagarin.

jimbrown said...

Chicks for Putin.