Wednesday, July 7, 2021

White House Press Secretary Psaki Says The US Will Be Keeping The Kabul Embassy Open Despite Fears For Staffer Safety

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the United States will keep its embassy in Kabul open despite a surge of Taliban victories in north Afghanistan

Daily Mail: Psaki says US will be keeping the Kabul embassy open despite fears for staffer safety and as Taliban surges into parts of city 

* White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the United States will keep its embassy in Kabul open despite a surge of Taliban victories in north Afghanistan 

* 'We are working to address any threats that we face, that will continue and we intend to have a presence on the ground in our embassy there in Kabul,' she said 

* Her comments came after a series of Taliban wins caused some countries to close their consulates 

* The US embassy is currently down to 1,400 U.S. citizens and about 4,000 staff working inside the compound 

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said on Tuesday the United States will keep its embassy in Kabul open despite a surge of Taliban victories in north Afghanistan as American troops leave the war-torn nation. 

Her comments came after a series of Taliban wins caused some countries to close their consulates in the region, while across the border in Tajikistan, reservists are being called up to reinforce the southern border, according to officials and reports. 

'We have every intention of continuing an ongoing presence in Kabul, which is continuing even after we bring our military, those who are serving at home, by the end of August, but we will also continue to be partners to the Afghan government,' Psaki said at the daily White House press briefing.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The U.S. may decide to keep its embassy open, but other countries are closing their diplomatic offices .... Taliban wins close consulates; Tajikistan reinforces border (AP). Even the Russians are bugging out .... Russia Closes Consulate in Northern Afghanistan as Taliban Takes Over Multiple Districts (Newsweek).


RussInSoCal said...

/Any volunteers for Kabul Embassy duty here?

Jac said...

What all of these people in this administration are smoking?

Anonymous said...

Whatever will these staffers do? Dispense tens of billions in bitcoin reconstruction funding?
No doubt no troops will be allowed for security as that monopoly will be assumed by the taliban and or the highest bidder. How reassuring.

What is it about some dimocrats? Starting with the beginning of the obamma era I have come to regard them as unfathomable. Unfathomable as in out of touch with the world about them.

Anonymous said...

NOW: We're looking into it. We are working to address threats. We won't abandon our allies in Afghanistan. We are studying the situation. We are keeping a close eye on events. Everything is under control, though we remain concerned. Both sides need to calm down. We are in favor of a quick and peaceful resolution. It was an orderly withdrawl, not a retreat.

2 YEARS FROM NOW: No comment. Afghan who? We've already addressed that question. I'm not at liberty to speak about that. I'd refer you to the State Department. We never made that claim. We plan to bring up the entire matter before the United Nations.

Andrew Jackson said...


fred said...

Grump lost lost lost
Get over it

Anonymous said...

Nope Lapides, it's the bed YOU made enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Ask patch cord ranger, hahahahaha!