Thursday, July 22, 2021

Why Do Many In The U.S. Support Communist Dictatorships?

Executive Office of the Mayor/Khalid Naji-Allah via AP  

PJ Media: D.C. Mayor Painted 'Black Lives Matter' on the Streets, But She Erased 'Cuba Libre' 

Last year, Mayor Muriel Bowser (D-Washington, D.C.) directed her taxpayer-funded staff to paint “Black Lives Matter” in all caps along 16th Street N.W. near the White House. Yet when activists painted “CUBA LIBRE” on the same street in front of the Cuban Embassy last Friday, Bowser’s staff erased the message. 

While the “CUBA LIBRE” lettering appeared to be in the same style as the state-sanctioned Black Lives Matter graffiti, D.C. Department of Public Works crews arrived outside the embassy on Friday afternoon to remove “the unauthorized painting,” spokeswoman Erica Cunningham told The Washington Post. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I have been asking this same question since the 1980s. Living in the Soviet Union in the 1980s I knew President Reagan's policies and language towards the Warsaw Bloc and the Soviet Union were the right ones to help in the push for change and reforms. That is why I could never understand why there was so much opposition to it in the U.S. from Democrats and the media. Or at least that is the version that I got from the Soviet press. 

Years later. Immigrating to the West and starting a life in Canada. I did my research and learned that the Soviet press was right. There was a great deal of opposition at the time to President Reagan's approach towards the Soviet Union. 

So why was that the case then? And why is it now? 

My father answered that question a few years ago. 

Born in the Soviet Union and being someone who experienced first hand all the strife and history of the time, and then coming to Canada to live the remainder of his life. My father made the following observation before he passed and one that has always stuck in my mind. 

He told me .... "there are far far far more Communists and Socialists in the U.S. and Canada than there ever was in the former Soviet Union".


Anonymous said...

Boss, your dad's comment is something I will take to my grave.

Anonymous said...

There are American communists that concern me and there are those that do not. The Hutterites are communist they do not concern me at all. The communists, who concern me are the ones, who have a fantasy football idea of communism or know exactly what it is and want it anyway with themselves being on top of course.

Jac said...

I think Winston Churchill had the answer: Socialism is the gospel of envy.
Communism promise "equality" (even that's never been existing) and jealousy is bringing people to stick with this chimera.

PS: I'm not a rich person.

Anonymous said...

Youse scared of dem colored people. better not come to my home, cuz you fur sure be scared and wet yourself. Der be colored peeps here.

About you scared of gays. I suggest watch the doc on a 1901 English farm. It'll go by fast so youse have to pays attention. On second thought don't watch the doc. You have limited intelligence. You wouldn't understand and you would be better off playing hide the salami.

Anonymous said...

80,000,000 votes, but Joe Biden can't fill an auditorium


Anonymous said...

Give us the number of commies that so upset you

America, one is FREE to believe in a political party or system of one's choice. Get used to it. We are a free nation and do not outlaw to suit our tastes

Anonymous said...

The best thing we can say about Winston Churchill is that he's dead.

The guy was besotted clod.

How did Gallipoli work out Winston? Let's storm the Dardanelles, that'll work out great.

Anonymous said...

I thought you Canucks had better speaking abilities. I bet you're "no ways tarred", hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Gosh I wonder who uses all caps and impenetrable logic?

RussInSoCal said...

If you dig down into the statistics, you'll find that the percentage of American Marxists will align pretty close to those with diagnosed mental illnesses.

And you'll see anecdotally and in any media, that American Marxists are a coddled and pampered demographic. Above average wealth and generally college educated. They consider themselves elite and simply better than the proles and rubes who populate the lesser social strata.

And @6:47 PM
"Give us the number of commies that so upset you

America, one is FREE to believe in a political party or system of one's choice. Get used to it. We are a free nation and do not outlaw to suit our tastes"

I'm just guessing that the irony that remark completely escapes you.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, great plan, worked out super.

God forbid anyone criticizes the stooge who came up with it.

Anonymous said...

Two simple answers to your question, "So why was that the case then? And why is it now?"

First is a lock-step partisan mentality: my party, right or wrong. Second is because that's the way the globalists have planned it. Read None Dare Call It Treason, by John Stormer. Written in 1964, it remains the BEST explanation for why the post-war West, and especially America, have become, politically, what they are today. It is absolutely essential reading, seriously!

Anonymous said...

Lol. Stormer was a Bircher-born again Christan crackpot!

Those guys are the best guys to take advice from!

Anonymous said...

communism cannot exist with the bill of rights. the day will come when these brain washed loops will get their communism but will then realized they had to give up their pampered entitled lives. in communism you are either a cog in a ruthless machine or a slave. They will turn away but it will be too late. it will take bloodshed by then.


Anonymous said...

Ask the "Chinese shill" Lapides.

Anonymous said...

Wellingorn's most interesting battle was Assaye not Waterloo. Just because he won does it mean that he was guaranteed tu win or that Daulatrao Scindia had a bad plan?

Anonymous said...

8:09 I think you're right, Wellington thought so too.

Anonymous said...

Wellington called it touch and go, if I recall correctly. With Waterloo Wellington had reconnoitered the battlefield about 4 years before the battle. He knew the lay of the land. The French Army had new conscripts and the Old Guard was worn out. For the 1st time they routed during Waterloo. Wellington did not knew he would win, but he had a pretty good idea.

Besides the previous reconnoitering what stands out in my mind is that Wellington sheltered large grouping of his men on a reverse slope.

I only brought up Wellington because many consider him a genius, but he himself pointed out that Assaye was touch and go. The point being, if a plan fails, it does not mean the losing general is stupid.

Anonymous said...

The cemeteries are full of generals smart, stupid, and everything in between. Sometimes the plan works, sometimes luck is the key, you just never know. There are few endeavors as iffy as war!

Si-vis-pasen- said...

America has given free freedom for far too long , time to lose it .