Thursday, July 22, 2021

Will Russian Troops Again Battle The Taliban?

Tajik Army units gather outside Dushanbe on July 22.  

EurAsian/Sputnik: Russia vs Taliban: Will Russian Troops Again Battle The Taliban As Afghanistan’s Northern Border Becomes ‘Hot Zone 

Afghanistan’s northern provinces are rapidly turning into a new hotspot as a result of the hasty withdrawal of the US troops, with the Taliban already controlling almost the entire border with Tajikistan, and international terrorist organizations gaining a foothold in the area, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko said in an interview with Sputnik. 

“The consequences of the US and some NATO countries’ troop’s hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan are becoming obvious: once relatively calm northern provinces are rapidly turning into another hotspot. The Taliban almost completely control the border with Tajikistan. 

Numerous international terrorist organizations, such as the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda branches are gaining a foothold,” Rudenko said. In addition, foreign militants from combat zones in the Middle East and North Africa are being pulled into Afghanistan, the Russian diplomat added.  

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WNU Editor: The expectation in Moscow is that Russian forces will be needed to help their allies bordering Afghanistan, and everyone is preparing for the worse .... Tajikistan Holds Massive Combat-Readiness Check Amid Rising Instability In Neighboring Afghanistan (RFE).


Jac said...

My gut nothing is coming in few years. Taliban has to consolidate its power and structure. But in the middle term, yes, Taliban will expand its ideology.

Anonymous said...

Jac is correct, I think. Pre 911 the Taliban were just about to wipe out the ethnic Tajik resistance. They had assassinated Massoud and were driving east. The Tajik Afghans could stand and be wiped out or retreat into Tajikistan.

At some point they will feel secure enough to proselytize and send imans across the border in to the stans surreptitiously.

The drug trade might also get them involved. Enough money is involved nd they might need that money that they might make a show of burning poppy fields, but they continue to allow the industry. They will move t protect their transshipment routs through Pakistan and the stans.

They might just get into entanglements because they think they are all that and a bag of chips. They will reason that they beat 2 superpowers, God is on their side and they cannot be beat. They won't recognize the stupid ROE, the significant outside help they received and other factors.

Jihadis just don't care they will due what they want to do/.

Over the Edge: The True Story of the Kidnap and Escape of Four Climbers in Central Asia

Before dawn on August 12, 2000, four of America's best young rock climbers—Tommy Caldwell, Beth Rodden, Jason "Singer" Smith, and John Dickey—were asleep in their portaledges high on the Yellow Wall in the Pamir-Alai mountain range of Kyrgyzstan. At daybreak, they would be kidnapped at gunpoint by fanatical militants of ...

Fast forward five years to August 2000 and that idyll would change in one brutal instant when fanatical militants of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), would creep over mountain passes toward the Ak Su and Kara Su valleys to ambush and murder Kyrgyz soldiers, terrorize local shepherds, and kidnap ten climbers from expeditions from