Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Will U.S. And Other Foreign Soldiers Be Deployed To Haiti After The Assassination Of Its President?


The SUN: US ‘could send troops into Haiti’ to prevent civil war after bloody assassination of president Jovenel Moïse 

THE US could send troops into Haiti after the bloody assassination of President Jovenel Moïse who was gunned down in his home.

It is feared the Caribbean nation could be plunged into chaos after the killing which has shocked the world - and experts have already raised the prospect of a Western intervention. 

Professor Robert Fatton, who has written several books on Haiti's turbulent history, grimly said the situation is likely to "degenerate" and the country to be "plunged into chaos". 

And he said there could another military intervention as has previously been seen in the last few decades from France and the US with the backing of the United Nations.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: US lawmakers are already pushing for the deployment of US troops to Haiti .... U.S. lawmakers on Haiti: U.S. ready to help with security after Moïse’s assassination (Local 10). 

The UN Security Council will also be convened, and I will not be surprise if they will give the green-light for foreign soldiers to be deployed to Haiti if the security situation spirals out of control .... Haiti calls for UN Security Council meeting after president's assassination (The Hill).


Anonymous said...

Relative was rousted often in the military to stand on the tarmac waiting to file into a plane to go to Lebanon, Haiti or some place. It was often enough that they did not want to run the fire drill anymore. So finally, they wanted to go. The order never came.

Anonymous said...

NSA Unmasked Tucker Carlson While He Was Seeking Interview with Vladimir Putin: Report

"the NSA spied on Tucker by “incidentally collecting” his communications while ‘targeting’ someone else."

That is actually a good excuse.

Here is where someone or some group of people committed felonies.

"On Wednesday morning, Tucker told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo that he was contacted by a journalist over the weekend who informed him that the NSA leaked his emails to the media."

"The point of the leaks is to get Tucker Carlson’s highly popular Fox News show cancelled, according to the whistleblower."

The US does not have time for Haiti. We have our own house to clean up.

Anonymous said...

US troops might be sent, but there would be less than zero us public support for such a move.

Bobs a dopey commenter said...

For someone who is against name calling, you said that yourself Fred, you sure do a lot of it…I think it’s too late to get help for you Fred. I feel sorry for you

Anonymous said...

By definition Fred is a class act. As a liberal he is considered classy no matter how big of a potty mouth he has.

Anonymous said...

You're losing Freddy baby.

fred said...

Mommy let stalker baby out to play?

Bobs a dopey commenter said...

Just when you think Fred can’t get any more stupid…I’m now wondering how low this man can sink

Anonymous said...

We should definitely send as many pedophiles to haiti as we can afford to. It's been at least 24 months since we've done that.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Haiti one of those "shithole" countries Trump referred to? What better place to start the next nation-building experiment now that the globalists have given up on their nation building in Afghanistan. No doubt we'll need to spend trillions of dollars and hundreds of American lives to accomplish this bold vision.