Monday, August 9, 2021

9/11 Families Tell President Biden To Release Details Of Saudi Involvement Or Stay Away From Memorials

Common Dreams: Release Details of Saudi Involvement or Stay Away From Memorials, 9/11 Families Tell Biden  

"If President Biden reneges on his commitment and sides with the Saudi government, we would be compelled to publicly stand in objection to any participation by his administration in any memorial ceremony of 9/11." 

Nearly 1,800 family members, survivors, and first responders who were affected by the September 11 attacks are intensifying pressure on the federal government to declassify information that they believe points to Saudi leaders' involvement in or support for the attacks, with the group calling on President Joe Biden to stay away from next month's 20th anniversary memorial events unless he releases the documents first. 

The family members and survivors say PENTTBOM, the FBI's investigation that wrapped up in 2016, uncovered support provided by Saudi officials for the attackers. 

The Obama and Trump administrations both declined to declassify documents from the probe, citing national security concerns. 

Read more ....  

Update #1: 9/11 families ask Biden not to attend memorial events unless he declassifies documents on Saudis (CNBC)  

Update #2: 9/11 families tell Biden to stay away from memorial service if he doesn't authorize release of records related to attacks (CNN)  

WNU Editor: President Biden is not going to declassify these documents, and he is still going to show up .... Biden expected to visit NYC’s 9/11 memorial site for 20th anniversary of attacks (Politico).


Anonymous said...

9/11 was a foundational step towards the control grid and taking of our rights

Covid-19 (operation lock step) and climate change, plus operation hack attack are the tools to usher in the great reset according to their own documents @agenda21

Anonymous said...

And those who report on the grid, from Edward Snowden to Julian Assange to Alex Jones to David Icke, all banned and deplatformed, ridiculed and marginalised.

For those of you who care and want to resist:

Anonymous said...

Presidents of both parties have held back on full disclosure on any number of things. This is one of them.

Anonymous said...

Democrats more so than Rep0ublicans.

Anonymous said...

name instances for both parties!
merely tossing out a statement is hardly convincing

Anonymous said...

I just have to look at the dates and do a little arithmetic. You should learn some math sometime my dude.

Anonymous said...

what has math to do with the topic>? that is simply you--stalking asshole--still at it since you are a bookkeeper. You're saying you need to do this and that is simply trying to imply that you would find evidence for what you claim and yet you had no evidence when you made the statement

Anonymous said...

"what has math to do with the topic>?"

To count the years between dates, dip.

It is very common in the military to use Julian date calendars to calculate the passage of time. Maybe you are not a vet?

You could use the date function in an Excel spreadsheet, but there is that math problem again. Your best bet is to use an app in a smart phone. We are all crossing out fingers hoping you can successfully use such an app. However, we are full of doubt.

Anonymous said...

Guys, both parties..
We have to unite and realise that THEY are doing this to us.
THEY are the ones locking us down
THEY are the ones taking the role of God, deciding who is essential and who not
THEY are the ones turning police against regular citizens while they bail out their boots in the streets. They're using terrorism for political power, how much more do you need to know?

It cannot be clearer
They are forcing unsafe drugs onto us
They are the ones dividing us
They're traumatizing children for political power


We will trial them
All by law

And then hang them publicly.
But we must unite.
And the tree of liberty will be watered with traitors blood.

For freedom requires eternal vigilance.

Enemies foreign and within.

It's all there.

They are tyrants.
We outnumber them million fold.

fred said...

Present your so-called proof and close yap

Anonymous said...

Fred the Censor makes his appearance. Having fun Lapides?

Anonymous said...

The proof was given, but the wordsmith was unable to makes sense of a simple verbal description. So we did not get as far as the actual math.

Anonymous said...

Myself, if I had family and or friends perish in that muz-lum display of backwardness, and biden or ilk showed up I would drop all pretense of civility. It was, after all, a US government that was in part complicit in creating the stage for such a stunt and the wars that followed. How complicit is still being hidden from us.
There are few in congress today who participated in this fighting. They have earned their admission. Most of the current crop of seat occupiers in Washington, DC who will attend do so because it is what politicians do. It's both traditional and expected. As far as I am concerned, they and their hollow statements to the recorders of such events tarnish the sacrifice that has occurred. I, for one, do not welcome them.