A Marine stands guard in front of the US embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan.
Zero Hedge: America's $800 Million Kabul Embassy To Be Abandoned - No Troops Will Guard It
The initial Biden plan for the complete US troop draw down from Afghanistan was to authorize a security force of some 600 Marines to guard the massive US embassy compound in Kabul.
This was announced last Spring - of course long before the chaotic botched evacuation events of this month, which has seen all diplomats and military retreat to the confines of Hamid Karzai international airport.
Plans have drastically changed as on Wednesday during a Pentagon press briefing a military spokesman confirmed that the embassy will be completely abandoned.
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WNU Editor: Here is a prediction. When the last US soldier leaves the US embassy in Kabul, the scavengers will strip it clean within a few hours.
So level it before they do.
Last one out brings it down.
We're not destroying it. It's a gift to out taliban brothers.
Level it before they do. This was my thought as well. The area where I live near Houston TX is growing rapidly. Often times old buildings are torn down to make way for new ones. Those old buildings are very well built, obviously they will be much more sturdy than a new embassy built by government contractors. Once its time for the crews to raze the old building there is no evidence it was ever there within a week. I would have thought something similar could have been done here. Perhaps there wasn't enough time. Obviously bombing it from the air is messy and risks collateral damage so this was probably isn't a viable option.
At this point, it is likely an empty building with nothing in it. All computers, desks, chairs, and other furniture will have long since been removed by the embassy staff on the way out. There won't be anything to scavenge.
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