Thursday, August 26, 2021

CENTCOM Chief: 11 US Marines And 1 Navy Medic Killed In Two Suicide Bomb And Gun Attacks On Kabul Airport. 15 U.S. Servicemen Injured


RT: 12 US service members killed in two suicide bomb attacks on Kabul airport – CENTCOM chief 

A dozen US military personnel were killed when two suicide bombers mounted attacks on Kabul airport on Thursday, head of the US Central Command General Kenneth McKenzie has confirmed. 

Earlier, the Pentagon issued a statement saying that multiple US service members had been killed, but without specifying further details. 

The casualties resulted from a “complex attack” that also killed a number of Afghan civilians, according to the Pentagon. The explosions – believed to have resulted from one suicide bombing at the Abbey Gate and one vehicle bomb near the Baron Hotel – left a total of 13 people dead, a Taliban spokesperson has confirmed.  

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WNU Editor: I will not be surprised if President Biden in the next few hours will declare U.S. evacuation efforts at Kabul airport for non-U.S. citizens have come to an end. Only U.S. citizens will be permitted.


Anonymous said...

Joe got us out of the debacle in Afghanistan. He has the cojones to stand up to the generals and the IC.

This brave act ensured your re-election. The four-fifths of America that wanted this dreadful war to end thank you.

B.Poster said...

The evacuations will continue until everyone who helped us in a material way is put provided they've made reasonable efforts to get out. If this can be done "in the next few hours," then an announcement will be made. No stoppage will happen until then. I suspect allot of Afghans are getting out who shouldn't qualify for evacuation.

Anonymous said...

Don't get distracted guys.. they're taking your rights and wealth while you look away

Anonymous said...

"Anyone with a lick of sense doesn't end a war in a month".

When you lose a war, you don't get to dictate how it ends and how it looks on TV.
It seems like a lot of people either can't or refuse to comprehend this.

Anonymous said...

There is a big difference between a retreat and a retrograde. I wanted out of this mess but I would have expected some military discipline and strategy in leaving. The model for a retrograde (Tactical retreat) is the frozen reservoir with the 1st Marines in Korea. That is how it is done. You kill your way out.

I do not hold Biden responsible. I hold his handlers responsible. They pull him out of press conferences, cut his mike, hand pick democrat journalists to asks questions. That poor guy is a hand puppet and his handlers are destroying any legacy he might of had. soon they will toss him aside and do the same thing to Harris. I want those actually making the decisions, like maybe Susan Rice or the chief of staff Mcclain. Those guys. I want them outed.

That guy who always talks about hanging everybody in these comments. I want these folks outed so that guy can call for their hangings.

Anyways, Ron

Anonymous said...

Shame. Shame. Shame.

Anonymous said...

Kudos, pal.

Anonymous said...

I don't see how the Korean analogy applies in Afghanistan. We were (allegedly) there to support and help build an Afghan state and you want to carpet bomb entire towns and cities?

How do you kill your way out of a country by killing god knows how many civilians you were purportedly there to help?

B.Poster said...

We didn't lose in the sense that our forces were defeated on the battlefield. A decision to redeploy was made. In my considered opinion it was the correct one. Unfortunately numerous errors were made in the process. The Taliban will need to be allowed to claim "victory" for domestic consumption. I get this. A number of our "allies" appear to delight when any type of calamity comes to us. I get this to.

If the Taliban over reach or are unable to behave properly as in the scorpion analogy used by the editor a few days back, the US will obviously be back in full force. Furthermore the US leadership class believes it to be superpower even a hyper power. Many others believe this to. As such, barring direct interference by Russia, China, or some combination of them the US will continue operating with impunity in Afghanistan as our leadership class sees fit. I'm pretty sure world leadership has an excellent idea of who Biden's handlers are. These handlers are not going to want to be embarrassed. Essentially the Taliban is on a tight leash.

The war hasn't officially ended yet. Perhaps we fully redeploy on 8/31. If the leadership doesn't think they've accomplished what they wanted, they will extend the deadline officially or they will acknowledge the deadline in public but continue operating covertly and the Taliban can pound sand or whatever objects they wish to take out their frustrations on.

I would suggest before saying we don't end a war we should wait and see if they actually end it!! Allot can happen between now and 8/31.

fazman said...

No one is against the war ending , but the anger that he ended it was negligent. This fiasco has ensured he will be a 1 term president .
Talk about incompetence and chaos, if Trump was behind this there'd be a lynching.

fazman said...


fazman said...

Maybe you can't comprehend the difference between being routed and a orderly withdrawal.
It's as if he literally woke up one morning and said today we ate out of there.
Perhaps he thought it was Austria or Australia, similar spelling lol

B.Poster said...

Anon (4:24PM),

The idea of a retrograde is intriguing. Even if I don't fully see how Korea applies to Afghanistan, I to would have expected a much better strategy in extricating ourselves from this mess.

Anon (5:02PM),

In my considered opinion, herein lies much of the problem. This became a nation building operation and has been doomed to failure since at least late 2002. Former Obama official Michelle Flournoy had stated in an article that she hoped we had learned from this and essentially would be very circumspect about trying such a thing again. Essentially military operations should be focused on American interests. By doing what we did we essentially ended up hand holding a government that was in many ways as bad as the Taliban and perhaps worse in some ways. As one commentator who spent significant time in Afghanistan pointed out, the locals said to paraphrase "the Taliban slapped us on cheek. The government slaps us on the other." My contacts who served in the military or as military contractors have confirmed that this assessment is essentially accurate.

Now the Taliban currently have a country, one that is incredibly endowed with natural resources. They are going to want to keep it. If they don't or can't behave like a quasi normal country, the US will be back in full force and "carpet bombing" and wholesale destruction of cities may well ensue. The

Taliban are on a very tight leash. Privately I think they know this. Now as the scorpion does what it does, it is possible that this may apply to the Taliban. In which case their time in control of Afghanistan will be short lived. Of course they may end up being like bad poker players and overplay their hand!! In which case, the result is the same. Their time in power is short lived.

B.Poster said...

I think team Biden and his advisors expected better from the Afghan military that we had made such a huge investment in. Also, I don't think they fully comprehended the level of hatred that the average Afghan "on the street" had toward their government. Both of these errors would have been easily avoided had they actually taken the time to study the situation on the ground. As with ideologues and/or unserious people such circumspect analysis doesn't take place. I think every reasonable person by now pretty much understands the redeployment has been poorly executed especially at the beginning.

Anonymous said...

13 comments and at least 3 troll posts. That is a hvy troll load

Anonymous said...

Bagram, was the citadel. This administration gave it away.

Anyone with a lick of sense could have planned and carried out this evacuation with Bagram, operational.

Mercy should be given to all those about to be tortured, enslaved and killed slowly. Nuke from orbit. Its the only way to be sure.

Go full on Genghis Khan.