Thursday, August 26, 2021

CENTCOM Commander Admits The U.S. Sharing Intelligence With The Taliban?

U.S. Marine Corps General Kenneth McKenzie Jr. briefs the media at the Pentagon in Arlington, Va., March 13, 2020. (Yuri Gripas/Reuters)  

National Review: CENTCOM Commander Reveals U.S. Intelligence-Sharing Operation with Taliban 

General Kenneth McKenzie, commander of the United States Central Command, revealed an intelligence-sharing operation between the U.S. and Taliban on Thursday at a Department of Defense briefing, just hours after attacks at Hamid Karzai International Airport killed at least twelve U.S. service members and 60 Afghan civilians.

According to McKenzie, the Taliban and U.S. share a “common purpose” of finishing the ongoing evacuation mission by August 31.

“As long as we’ve kept that common purpose aligned, they’ve been useful to work with,” said the general. 

McKenzie said he didn’t believe the Taliban intentionally allowed Thursday’s attacks to occur, but conceded he didn’t know for sure.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This is just more evidence to me that the U.S. has lost all power and leverage in Afghanistan, and are now dependent on the Taliban for their security.


Anonymous said...

This is nothing
Watch this instead, latest David knight o_O

Anonymous said...

I listen to conservative talk show host all the time and I could not give a shit about David Knight and all your show pimping.

Anonymous said...

Biden got us out. That's what Americans wanted and this is what it looks like for better or worse.

Anonymous said...

Correction: FDA has not(!) approved vaccine but instead extended its emergency use

It therefore technically didn't break it's rules of violating informed consent.. bit they are not completing the studies until 2024/2025 ,well after the next election

Do not take the vaccines
You might not feel a thing but the more often you take it the more dangerous AND you help new viral strains to be created AND you set a dangerous legal precedent away from individual liberty and bodily autonomy, key pillars of western society

Latest American journal

B.Poster said...

I suppose the editor could be right. I suppose the only way to "know" for certain is to be on the ground at the Kabul Airport and have access to information in real time.

With this said how I read this is the exact opposite of how the editor reads it. The Taliban are working with the Amerucans because they know if they don't "play njce" the Americans will remove them. Essentially the Americans hold the "cards" and the Taliban know they're on a tight leash and have no choice. Essentially the Taliban aren't going to be getting anything from us that they can use against us.

I could be misreading of course. Obviously this is developing.

Anonymous said...

Russian troll working overtime

B.Poster said...

I'm not Russian. If course you already knew this yet you choose to misrepresent me. This would make you the troll.

While my analysis is sound I've admired it could be in error. Time will tell and as more information becomes available we need to be ready to adjust our positions.

If my read on this is correct, this would actually be good for us as Americans. The Taliban is on a tight leash and if necessary short of direct Russian or Chinese interference on behalf of the Taliban which seems unlikely the US military will extricate them from power and very quickly.

Being freed of the nation building burden and extricating ourselves from an untrustworthy and abusive ally in the form of the previous Afghan government figure to be extremely helpful. Unfortunately the redeployment hasn't been executed as well as it could have been or should have been. I'm pretty sure every reasonable person recognizes this. Hopefully the appropriate decision makers will learn from this.

Adam said...

Not Russian, just a bad take on that one I think.

B.Poster said...


My take could well be a bad one. I freely admit this. For now I don't think so. I've had to change positions before and if proven wrong I will come here and admit it.