Tuesday, August 17, 2021

China Says If U.S. Senator's Claim There Are 30,000 US Soldiers In Taiwan Are True, Chinese Military Forces Will Immediately Launch A War

Newsweek: China State Media Issues War Warning After GOP Senator Tweets About Troops in Taiwan 

The Global Times, a Chinese state-run media outlet, warned the United States that an "all-out war" would break out if it sent American troops to Taiwan after Senator John Cornyn mistakenly tweeted that there were 30,000 troops stationed on the island. 

On Monday, Cornyn compared how many troops were in Afghanistan in recent months to those stationed elsewhere, including 30,000 he said were in Taiwan. 

People were quick to point out that the number was incorrect and Cornyn deleted the tweet, but Chinese state media accused him of "testing" China with the claim.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: 'US Declaring War on China': Experts Shocked as Senator Reveals 30,000 American Troops Are in Taiwan (Sputnik)  

Update #2: Fact Check: Are There 30,000 U.S. Troops in Taiwan? (Newsweek)  

WNU Editor: China's response has been quick .... If there are US troops present on Taiwan island, China will crush them by force (Global Times editorial). More here .... Senator reveals '30,000 US troops stationed in Taiwan island,' equal to ‘declaring war on China’ if it's true (Global Times).  

Update #3: I am not surprised .... U.S. Senator Cornyn deletes erroneous Taiwan tweet blasted by Chinese media (Reuters).


Anonymous said...

This is just more saber rattling from China. China would most certainly know if there were 30k troops in Taiwan. You can't hide 30k troops and not have Chinese intelligence services become aware.

But China, being China, will most certainly not pass up an opportunity to have a go.

Jeffsmith said...

And our mildly retarded senator tweeted those numbers to begin with.πŸ˜–πŸ˜΅

Anonymous said...

I know many Chinese and know them well

One thing they got down is bullying ..

Never ever be in a weak position with a Chinese who doesn't like you.

There's something about Chinese that very few cultures have...a sense of joy in humiliating the weak or poor.... it's truly sick.. but they do it a lot

One of the reasons the vietnamese hate the Chinese is because of that.. because they do it to them constantly.. not just bullying, but even rubbing it in in a really sinister way, like true psychopaths

Anonymous said...

Public humiliation is what the Chinese go off on, they love doing that to others, bit hate it and fear it the other way around, ESPECIALLY the CCP

When you understand this, you know their Achilles heel: public and persistent humiliation

BUT.. they'll strike back with everything they have if you dare do it