Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Has President Biden Broken NATO?

US President Joe Biden gives a press conference after the NATO summit at the alliance's headquarters in Brussels, on June 14, 2021. © Olivier Hoslet, AFP  

WSJ editorial: How Biden Broke NATO 

The chaotic Afghan withdrawal has shocked and angered U.S. allies. Remember when candidate Joe Biden said America “needs a leader the world respects”? Apparently President Biden forgot. Of the many consequences of his misbegotten Afghanistan withdrawal, one of the more serious is the way it has damaged America’s relationships with its allies, especially in Europe. 

Afghanistan was an operation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and America’s NATO allies have invested significant blood and treasure in the conflict. That includes tens of thousands of troops over 20 years, more than 1,100 of whom were killed, and billions of dollars spent on the military operation and reconstruction effort. 

This was a fulfillment of their obligations after the Sept. 11 terror attack led to the first invocation of the mutual self-defense clause in NATO’s founding treaty. European allies also have a stake in preventing a nation of nearly 40 million people from collapsing into a failed state that could trigger more mass migration to Europe, or become a new breeding ground for terrorism.  

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WNU Editor: According to many European pundits, the consensus is that President Biden's actions on Afghanistan and his refusal to consult with allies has undermined NATO to a degree that has never been seen before. Russian and Chinese media is saying the same thing.


Anonymous said...

Biden Build Back Better cannot build back NATO, because he broke it. Par for the course for a Democrat.

Anonymous said...

NATO knew this day was coming for the last two years. Despite the hyperbolic and dishonest coverage, the logistical feat of getting almost 100,000 people in the last 10 days is impressive.

NATO will continue to exist, sorry to disappoint you.

Jac said...

Anon 8:24 PM

In a strategic alliance, commitment has nothing to do with coverage or even the number of airlift, but it is TRUST. The disrespectful of the major ally for the other one's trigger necessarily question about America commitment. If you don't understand that I am very sorry for you.

Anonymous said...

The reality of pullout is not the issue with Europe or the American street. The problem was the piss poor execution.

Anonymous said...

NATO relys way to heavily on America, likewise they rely to heavily on the UK. I honestly believe there will come a time in history where the US and UK will have to decide if they want to support NATO or traditional military allies of Five Eyes. I also tend to think that NATOS obssession with Russia buts alot of allies, more so the US at a bypass, seeing that Russia was an allie in both WW1 and WW2 and the following cold war with Korea and Vietnam may have had Russia support but more to keep a buffer.

Anonymous said...

Biden acted alone without consultations before creating new facts on the ground.
Biden lied about his actions to NATAO.

Biden withdrew in the way to cause the most human suffering and leave the most NATO civilians behind.
Biden arrogantly refused to take calls from key NATO allies for 36 hours once the crisis exploded.

So once that’s done, trust is gone. Thats why Europe, facing another tidal wave of immigrants, is turning to Russia and China for help.

Will NATO recover? China and Russia now can control whether it does or nor. So no.

B.Poster said...

The Europeans are perhaps a bit miffed because we didn't cow tow to them as we typically do. I find it extremely unlikely that other NATO allies weren't consulted with here.

I think they're mad because they didn't get their way. They will throw a temper tantrum which will last awhile but at the end of the day NATO will largely continue as it has been? Unfortunately.

There is the issue of trust and it's a valid one. It works both ways. Many Americans don't trust our NATO allies either. There is concern that alliances of this type will draw us into conflicts that run contrary to our interests. Add to this the general disrespect they seem to have for us and it's very concerning to many people.

B.Poster said...

Some of our NATO allies need us to needlessly provoke Russia for them. In the unlikely event that Biden has "broken" NATO, maybe that's not such a bad thing. Being freed of the NATO burden could open up some intriguing possibilities to pursue policies that better align with our interests than those we have been pursuing.

Anonymous said...

Sooo. Trump pushed NATO leaders to spend 100bn more per year and the media called him the end to NATO. Who's the real culprit, as always? Democrats

Just as they'r the original slave holders

The original sinners

The pedos

The war mongers

The mentally sick

The satanic left

The globalism pushers

The vaccine pushers

The Nazis
The left

Anonymous said...

36 hours with no contact with allies.
Blaming everything and everyone for Afghanistan's fall.
Not letting your own troops leave the airbase to rescue your own citizens. Now Blinken is blaming them.
Headless fucking chickens in charge!!

Anonymous said...

My prediction is for China to become more testy now with Taiwan, and accelerate plans for invading Taiwan before the end of this current administration. They won't risk a Trump election win, and a openly hostile administration that will likely push China back on the Taiwan issue.

Biden administration is the perfect administration for China to expand its ambitions.