Thursday, August 19, 2021

Has The White House Gone Into 'Bunker Mode'?

President Joe Biden and his top Defense and military advisers as the situation in Afghanistan continues to deteriorate  

Daily Mail: White House goes silent after Biden's Afghanistan interview fiasco: President schedules NO public appearances and Jen Psaki's team fail to host daily briefings 

* Joe Biden's interview on Wednesday night with ABC News was widely panned 

* Biden said he did not think the Afghanistan withdrawal could have been better

* He sparked anger by stating: 'The idea that somehow there's a way to have gotten out without chaos ensuing, I don't know how that happens' 

* He said no military advisers suggested keeping the existing 2,500 troops 

* Biden said it was a choice between ramping up or withdrawing the U.S. forces 

* On Thursday the president held no public events and was not seen by the media 

* Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, did not hold a press briefing 

* Her predecessor Kayleigh McEnany criticized the 'bunker' approach 

Joe Biden on Thursday made no public appearances after a widely-panned interview in which he claimed the Afghanistan chaos was inevitable. The president had a closed-door Afghanistan briefing, according to his schedule. 

But no public events were held following Wednesday night's sit-down with ABC News's George Stephanopoulos.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: There appears to be a communications black-out from the White House. Even the Vice-President has gone to ground .... Kamala STILL refuses to address catastrophic withdrawal in Afghanistan as she addresses black journalists in RECORDED comments and majority of voters say she is not fit to be president (Daily Mail).


anon said...

Do not disturb! They will be busy planning the next disaster.

Jac said...

Anon 11:52

You are so right!!!!

Anonymous said...

For those who don't understand what's going on and feel confused about the vaccines and the lockdowns.

Let me tell you something.

It is a marxist global coup.

I know, I know.. Hard to believe... Hear me out.

Don't you find it odd that walls became suddenly racist?

Weird, right?

It's not weird if you understand what globalists want.

Globalists, a mixture of neo-Marxist capitalists, want the great reset. And they want to rule us in a CCP style surveilance and control grid, and become basically neo-feudalists ruling over us all.

Don't believe me?

Here, the official World Economic forum statement from 2016, right when trump - a nationalist - was about to get into office (based on early polling):

Then they proclaimed "you will own nothing and be happy" (or else)

The BLM movement - a terrorist group backed and bailed out and financed by neo-marxist interest groups (Davos, Soros etc) and the Democrats - declared they are "trained marxist" and want to end the nuclear structure of the family (ie they want the state to indocrinate and raise your children)

Why do you think this all goes on?

Why do you think AOC proclaims the World will end in 12 years and we shouldn't have any children?

Why do you think women start bleeding after taking the vaccine?

Why do you think Bill Gates proposed just a couple years ago to use vaccines to reduce the human population?

Why do you think we have been trained through terror in our streets (BLM, Antifa) who killed 30+ people AND been trained like pavlovian dogs to not speak out because of years of cancel culture mobs targeting any nationalists, patriots or people who are not for Marxism/the Democrats?

Why do you think Warren Buffet just a few weeks ago hailed Marxism and the CCP?

Why do you think Trudeau on record hailed the communist system they have in China?

Why do you think Afghanistan happened?

Why do you think people who voice concerns over lockdown measures or the election are now targeted as "terrorists"?

Why do you think they build concentration camps? I mean "covid" camps?

Wake up guys, they are going for it.

Anonymous said...

I hope the military takes over, this Marxist takeover against the will of three population and under the disguise of the lockdowns and pandemic must end