Monday, August 9, 2021

How Could President Biden Be So Wrong When He Said Last Month The 'Afghan Military Are Better Trained, Equipped, And More Competent Than The Taliban In Terms Of Conducting War”?


Jim Geraghty, National Review: The Afghan Army That Biden Said Was ‘More Competent’ Keeps Surrendering and Fleeing  

President Joe Biden, July 8: “It’s a silly question. Do I trust the Taliban? No. But I trust the capacity of the Afghan military, who is better trained, better equipped, and more re- — more competent in terms of conducting war.”  

The New York Times, this morning: “In a matter of days, the Taliban have overtaken six provincial capitals in a land offensive that has led many local officials to abandon their posts and flee the cities they administer. . . . The scale of the humanitarian crisis is likely to grow in the coming days and weeks, especially as the Taliban extend their reach over more territory.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Am I the only one who feels that the White House is clueless on what is happening in Afghanistan?


Anonymous said...

Why? how?

The Usurper in Chief cannot read notes cards given to him correctly.

The Cabal behind him are riding the the waves of the news cycle and polls. It is political surfing on anything they cannot control.

Anonymous said...

"How Could President Biden Be So Wrong?"

His staff do not need to know how to read, write or do math.

"Marxist Oregon Governor Signs Law Allowing Students to Graduate Without Proof They Can Read, Write or Do Math"

A Biden staffer, who can count to twenty with their socks and shoes off, is a supra-genius.

Anonymous said...

End this coup, it's embarrassing to watch

Anonymous said...

Biden could hold a presser and in reply to his strategy to pass an increase to the national debt, he could say “green cheese from the moon is delicious”.

The US press wouldn’t care. They wouldn’t report it. They would deny he said it.

Biden can say anything he wants because the US press are praetorian guards hiding Biden’s mental inadequacies.

Jac said...

I agree with all the previous comments. On top of the cake they are funny.

Anonymous said...

"How Could President Biden Be So Wrong When He Said Last Month The 'Afghan Military Are Better Trained, Equipped, And More Competent Than The Taliban In Terms Of Conducting War”?"

How is this a shock?

"Aside from some air strikes, it looks like the Afghan security forces fled when the fighting got intense."

Actually the Afghans fought better than the Iraqi Army defending Mosul in 2014. They actually fought until heavy contact, whereas the IA fled at first sight.

But considering Mosul in 2014, how are current events a surprise? Anyone?

Some of the AA troops are as good as Italians and the rank and file Italians were good in WW2. Higher headquarters were another matter.

Daniel said...

I don't think they're clueless, I think they just needed some quick lies. It's too embarrassing to admit that they let the Taliban win, even if it was the right thing to do for America.

Anonymous said...

Biden is having breakfast cleaned off his face right now.

fazman said...

They are, but none of that matters in a guerilla war ,as Americans well know.

Anonymous said...

why would Trump say we should pull out? because they were known to be incompetent
good for the goose good for the gander

Anonymous said...

Oregon: read the link to see how misleading the title is!
typical: imply some shit and then discover the full story proves the posted link is utter crap

Anonymous said...

moan on my wayward son
there will be peace when you are done
(in about 3 years when you pass)

Anonymous said...

very nice of you
may what you wish for me hit your family next week

Anonymous said...

You afraid of passing on due to natural causes after a long and unfruitful life? Looking to beat Methuselah's record? Given your productivity, you might have to live so long to accomplish a normal person's output. sad

Anonymous said...

Educational Rot does not stop in highs school. It has or eventually will seep into college whereupon you hire idiots like Jake Sullivan and other staffers.
I can't believe that lil' jake threatened the he3ad of state of one of the largest nations on earth. Who does such things other than an idiot? lil' jake failed geography in primary school. I have no doubt about it.

Stephen Davenport said...

It is starting to look like South Vietnam allover again, we didnt properly train the military to handle their own problems. Eerily similar to the ARVN falling apart but quicker.

Anonymous said...

The ARVN stopped the North Vietnamese cold in 1972. In 1975, 3 years later, the commie turds got a do over.

kidd said...


Anonymous said...

boy is back to his sock puppets

Anonymous said...

You are the one losing.

Anonymous said...

You're not as clever as you think you are.

Anonymous said...

The Sioux lost too. Your point?

Anonymous said...

"The Sioux lost too." What is YOUR point?