Thursday, August 19, 2021

Is President Biden's Presidency Under More Scrutiny Because Of The Chaos In Afghanistan?

President Joe Biden speaks about Afghanistan from the East Room of the White House on Monday. (Evan Vucci/AP)  

Stephen Collinson, CNN: Biden's presidency is under scrutiny as never before over Afghan chaos 

(CNN)President Joe Biden is struggling against an intensifying examination of his judgment, competence and even his empathy over the chaotic US exit from Afghanistan. And each attempt the administration makes to quell a furor that's tarnishing America's image only provokes more questions about its failures of planning and execution. 

A defiant Biden on Wednesday rejected criticism of his leadership, as he battled the most significant self-inflicted drama of a term that he won by promising proficient government and to level with voters. 

"I don't think it was a failure," the President said in an interview with George Stephanopoulos of ABC News, referring to a US pullout that sparked scenes of desperate Afghans clinging to, and falling to their deaths from, US evacuation planes. 

The President had repeatedly pledged the withdrawal from the country's longest war would be orderly, deliberate and safe and that there were no circumstances that Afghanistan would suddenly fall to the Taliban. 

But in the ABC News interview he changed tack, saying there was no way the US could have left without "chaos ensuing" and that such scenes were always baked into the decision to get all troops out this year.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The above CNN columnist talks about questions being raised over President Biden's empathy over the chaotic US exit from Afghanistan. What empathy? Someone should point out this story to Stephen Collinson .... Biden once said ‘F–k that’ on US obligation to stay in Afghanistan (NYPost). 

As for the rest of the above CNN post. Another white-wash and excuse laden post that is trying to excuse/defend President Biden's Afghanistan decisions, while admitting that it is going to damage his Presidency.


Anonymous said...

Biden had a brain surgery several years back.. and he's always been corrupt and a compulsive liar

To believe this man got into office fair and square is just exposing low intellect and obedience to MSM narratives

Anonymous said...

"Joe Biden once snarled “F–k that” when asked if the US had an obligation to protect Afghans from the Taliban, according to newly resurfaced reports.

The commander-in-chief allegedly made the callous remark back in 2010 when he was vice president, while speaking to US diplomat Richard Holbrooke." - NY Post

I hate to be defending Biden, but ...

Was it a one on one conversation with Holbrooke or were subordinates there as well?

"Fuck The EU," Says America's Top Europe Diplomat

Victoria Nuland said "Fuck" and she still has a job.

Is it professional? Not exactly. In a one on one conversation is using a cussword beyond the pale? It should not be.

The same person, who one day can opine fuck the Afghans, because a buddy died, can say we need to get our interpreter safe at all costs and mean both of them.

At a podium, in public or in a meeting for more than 2 people rules of decorum about cusswords apply.

I have been for leaving Afghanistan and even Syria although it hurts. With changing circumstance and mission creep just what is American policy vis-a-vis women in Afghanistan? Just how do you expect Joe to be on board when Washington and the American public is not onboard.

A criticism of Bush is that building an Afghan army was a gradual idea from 2002 to 2006. True? I have to read more into it. But having an army is part of nation building and it seems that the Beltway has not clearly stated a plan. A corporate CEO talks to rank and file more often and more clearly than Congress or a president do and I am not saying corporate CEOs do a good job.

Fernandez has pointed out that Al Qaeda is in so many countries that if we are in Afghanistan or not really does not affect Al Qaeda anymore. Al Qaeda has adapted. So why are we in Afghanistan. The old reason is not 100% true anymore.

Joe Biden's outlook has been shaped by having to take orders or abide by group decisions as VP and Congress and by looking at current history.

The US needs to debate what we want to do. I am for protecting the Kurds. I also realize being in Syria is corrosive to the American electorate, because not enough people are on board being there. So in some ways a Syrian pullout is vey good and needed. Similar logic applies to Afghanistan.

Joe Biden might not be a great statesman (he is not), but he is a decent enough politician (he lasted this long) and he has his ear to the ground of Washington (main street?). A lot of his views just reflect what many Washingtonians believe or desire.

Why be there and bleed if you are not going to win. No politicians or general before Biden insisted on wining. None.

Joe had skin in the game. Sure his son was in a protective cocoon, but there is always that chance and Joe knew it. It comes across in his statement. Why should we bleed, when we do not desire to win?