Monday, August 16, 2021

ISIS Attack Leaves Baghdad Without Water

View of the Tigris as it flows through Baghdad, Iraq. Photo Credit: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Wikipedia Commons  

Eurasia Review: Iraq: ISIS Attack Leaves Baghdad Without Water 

Baghdad is out of water. The western part of the city has been cut off from the overall water network. 

This is because of a terror attack by the Islamic State on an electricity pylon that powered a pumping station according to an AFP report. 

The western part of Baghdad houses several million people and are now without water during scorching summer heat. 

The attack was carried out on Friday with the pylon supplying the Tamiya pumping station. 

Read more ....  

Update: Millions Without Water in West Baghdad After ISIS Attack (  

WNU Editor: Iraq's oil infrastructure is also being targeted .... Islamic State Attacks Iraqi Oil Field (


Anonymous said...

50 years ago exactly, 15 August 1971, Nixon took the US Dollar off the Gold standard, ushering in FIAT currency fully

Since then
-- market manipulations have been running wild
-- personal savings have collapsed
-- you are being enslaved more and more into the capitalist system

NOW, after senseless wars and dubious accounting at the pentagon led to trillions of dollars missing, and with the shipping of your industries to China - massively enriching a communist system purposefully, YOU are ready for the next step.

The great reset
A new global governance system -- NOT led by the USA, but led by China, which enemies within your and my nation made rich over the last few decades

Their purpose:
To have a system like the CCP that makes them untouchables and gives them immunity for decades of plundering your public treasure

Why China?
Because if you rob the American people of their treasure and rights, they will want to kill you
Only a system as draconian as the Chinese system, where dissidents are designated for live(!) organ harvesting, can guarantee such safety for these monsters.

will YOU let them get away with it?

What do YOU think the lockdowns are about?
Do you think it's coincidence that the ghouls who run the USA financed the lab and worked -together- with the Chinese on this gain-of-function virus?

It's to take your rights even more
It's to usher in the end of individual rights and dignity - a key requirement for this neo-marxist system we will be pushed towards by the same people who brought you 9/11, financial crisis after finanicial crisis and then demanding you bail them out

Anonymous said...

The Shia and Iran own this. The US it seems tracked everybody in some areas of Iraq to some extent. The US could have helped a lot, but with Shia assistance or acquiescence the US is leaving or mostly leaving. It is so hard to tell with the liars at State, Pentagon and Congress.

But Shia leaders are too enthralled with the idea of boning Sunni and the Kurds and have done so as much as they can that this is the result.

It started in public with the immaculation of Obama. Bush was on the line with Maliki every day talking him off the ledge. You might say Maliki should need to reassured. so much since he is an adult, but he is a product of his environment. Talking to Maliki once a day instead of letting his demons do the talking is much cheaper then sending 2% of the Air Force or the lives lost military and civilian. Obama did not do what Bush did.