Deaths also rose with 1,456 fatalities recorded on Wednesday and a seven-day rolling average of 1,100, a spike of 391% from the average seen 28 days prior
* More than 100,000 Americans are currently hospitalized with COVID-19 for the first time since January
* The 101,050 figure is a 147 % increase from the 40,791 patients who were hospitalized with the virus four weeks ago
* On Wednesday, the U.S. recorded 148,143 cases of COVID-19 with a seven-day rolling average of 152,480, which is a 138% jump in the last month
* Deaths also rose with 1,456 fatalities recorded on Wednesday and a seven-day rolling average of 1,100, a spike of 391% from the average seen 28 days prior
* In New Mexico, 433 people are hospitalized with Covid, a figure not seen since February, and officials say the state is days away from reaching 'crisis standards of care' meaning doctors will have to decide who gets care
* In Tennessee, 2,984 patients are hospitalized with COVID-19, a 319% jump from 712 one month ago, and hospitals say they have had to divert people to other medical centers
* Oregon has a record-high 1,080 patients hospitalized and Gov Kate Brown announced the state is deploying 'crisis teams' of frontline workers to the hardest hit regions
More than 100,000 Americans are currently hospitalized with COVID-19 for the first time in eight months as the fourth wave of the pandemic continues.
According to data from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 101,050 hospital beds are occupied by people receiving treatment for the virus.
This is a 147 percent increase from the 40,791 patients who were hospitalized with COVID-19 four weeks ago and the first time this number has hit six figures since late January during the deadly winter 2020-21 surge.
Read more ....
Update: US breaks 100K COVID-19 hospitalizations threshold for first time since January (The Hill)
WNU Editor: Looking at the above graphs it is obvious that the U.S. is in the middle of a fourth wave. It is also sobering that 1,456 Covid-19 fatalities were recorded yesterday. The case count is also double from what it was at the same time last year!
Yeah no shit it's the vaccines
Look at the countries with low vaccination rates. How come they are fine?
How come the delta outbreak happened during the vaccination?
How come all these scientists come out shouting at the roof top to stop the vaccines?
It's a neoMarxist takeover
If you don't what Marxism is you shouldn't use the term.
Getting/always has been spooky here wnu?
But he is right
The vaccines have killed at least 25,000 in the US alone, and that's a very very conservative figure. Injuries including life altering are around 30,000. There's a whistle blower claiming the CDC removed 45,000 additional vaccine deaths.
Who/ how many died of covid is actually still not settled, as they keep using the PCR tests still!! This fing money racketeering game in hospitals sucks.. it's long documented now, why do our politicians not stop it?
This is so insane
There's people dying within minutes of taking the vaccine and it's horrible deaths...
The covid deaths, even if you believe the numbers have not increased our stage death rate last year, it remained 77.4 years AND the average covid death age is 77.4 years. AND the flu was completely gone lol
Our media our hospitals our politicians are all appearing as psychopaths.. but my guess is that this is an information warfare attack. They stil believe they can trust Chinese nationals working in governments and corporations. They sit in academia, especially medicine and science, in big tech, everywhere.
Just half a year ago there was this leak of the 2mn strong CCP member database, names, everything
80,000 were identified and found to work in top positions from government to banks to academia to media
And you know that second most papers in Europe are, by ethnicity, produced by Chinese. Harvard MIT Cambridge Oxford are overrun by Chinese. At graduation there's more black hair in Europe than blonde brown and red combined.
And you know about the thousand talents program and how they used the Confucius institutes by the hundreds around the World to coordinate this, right?
But take the vaccine lol
I'm sorry, 300,000 vaccine injuries, not 30,000
The death number is 25,000+
Injuries 300,000+
Numbers from VAERS,usa
And keep in mind those are the short term reported diseases and deaths. And also, please look directly at the Harvard pilgrim study of 2009, do not let the fact checkers fck with you, read it, you can directly go to the results at the bottom of the page
Only 1.3% of vaccine side effects are traditionally reported. Because most prime don't know who the 42nd president was, they won't know what VAERS is
It's the vaccine adverse event reporting system. It's typically self reporting by the patient and only if you die in the first 30min, before they let you go home,will any doctor even bother filling this out. They get money to vaccinate you. They get money to incubate you. They get money to give you ask the drugs you don't need.
Read the paper yourself
Harvard pilgrim study 2009 VAERS
But.. having said that there's a well known doctor who first was responsible for three initial treatment in New York city. He believes the system has improved for the deaths tracking and estimates 20% of death reported
It could be 30%.. who knows.. let's be nice say 50%reported. Ok
That's 50,000 direct deaths from the vaccine where they couldn't attribute it to anything else but the vaccine
For covid it's the other way around. People get tested positive, then negative, then positive again and even if you were just about to die of cancer or someone died in a car crash or was killed, that's covid now
If you can't see it
Virus came when?
Wife hospitalized for a week with COVID comes home from hospital to find her husband dead in their bedroom from the virus after both did not get vaccinated
Look at the pictures and tell me you are shocked.
"Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health. New
surveillance methods for drug and vaccine adverse effects are needed."
Once again Fred's famous dyslexia or poor cognitive ability rear's it ugly head. The guy is noxious, so he is a lot like you Fred. He is like a brother from another mother. You two be twins.
Between him and you, I'll put up with him, since you have been an obnoxious asshole for five years or longer here.
Everyone look at fred's comment @534
I was making a clear reference to the VAERS system which is used for the vaccines - all vaccines
He is not mentally there, people like him take the vaccine because he's just not fully there.
Like Biden
The US is in mental free fall
And your realise another evilness in this -very- sophisticated attack?
You get brain fog after you vaccinate.
That means you can think less
And that means you'll be more and more likely after each shot to be in a haze
That's the spike protein which roams untethered in your body, going throug the BBB( blood brain barrier) and causing blood clotting
Fred has not been fully here for over 5 years. His IQ is below 97.
Thank you for posting 631.. good to see people pick up the slack and turning the ship around
Thank you
What are your thoughts on the FDA stopping study results to be released until 2024/2025 (ie post election)
We see the military giving neoMarxist talks, CRT and BLM stuff and they remove people who speak out for the constitution and against this neoMarxist BS
This tells me the military top leadership, miley etc, are in on it, also how they speak
And they're doing it with the police force too.. they're removing Republicans (people who defend the constitution) ..
This will end extremely badly, no matter how you look at it
And it only makes sense, after all we always suspected that people are put in power by the WEF, and they're desperate to make their "changes" by 2030.. but they operate so ruthlessly... and people already find out about the vaccines and have submitted toxicity notifications to the FDA.. there's no way they can keep a lid on this for so long if they keep vaccinating people
2 guesses, they will either stop the vaccines soon OR change the vaccines..
They cannot keep vaccinating us with this, it equates mass murder, mass injury and treason by rendering much of our service personnel unable to perform physically demanding tasks and our entire air force is at risk to be severely limited
I don't say they all will die, please listen carefully
The cytotoxicity studies haven't been done before the release. They have warned the FDA formally now but because the government and economy is doing so bad they're so desperate ignoring the scientists and perhaps cannot even hear them thanks to big tech silencing so many with algorithms no one can see. It is so dangerous that we're being misled by Chinese influencers and great reset influencers and pharma influencers that's why I only post scientists that are extremely famous like Dr. Malone, Bret Weinstein, Dr. Mullis etc these are all American, all very established, including nobel prize winners
When this is all over we need to have a serious discussion about all of this, but first the vaccines need to be stopped before they cause more and not understood damage.. it might be worse than we already know and suspect
"....double what it was from this time last year!" This time last year former president Trump was being raked over the proverbial coals for this!! Now things are far worse. the virus is far more dangerous to those who get it and it is more contagious yet Biden is getting a pass on this!! This might not be so upsetting if he and his team had not rushed to take credit for an improving situation earlier this year. Logically, if one takes credit for a good situation that turns bad, they own the bad situation too. Biden and his team own this. Things like this will cost him and the Democrats come election time far more than Afghanistan ever will.
Thoughts? I supported you. I called you noxious. I meant to call you obnoxious, but the keyboard is wearing out and I am not going to replace for 2 months.
I supported you?
People in the media are gaslighting us now claiming vaccines don't cause viral strains to mutate
Doh of course they do it's long established
Yet they claim the vaccines cannot cause new mutations
Of course they can
Let me explain
If you defend against attacking virii, some survive, mutate and then become more virulent
Vaccines can also work together and cause two viral vectors to change both the transmission and lethality.
That's WHY you shouldn't conduct such a global experiment, well mostly in the countries that said they want the great reset.. Canada Australia Germany UK France USA...
Something is up
Mutation? You had a point bucko? Maybe it was a bad batch. No process is perfect. Maybe transportation and onsite refrigeration sucked.
So cute, now ad hominem attacks. You've fallen quickly 651, 721
Yaaaaaaaaaaawn :D
Go ahead, take the vaccine. Haha TAKE IT!!!!
now that's obnoxious :}}}
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